Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 955: She committed suicide

"Xiao Xiao said you are a doctor? How did you meet?" Chu Yichen asked straightforwardly after sitting in his seat.

"I met through friends." Su Zhiying replied in a low voice, and then asked back, "Can I ask you some questions?"

"Listen to it, and answer you if you want to answer."

"Why did you come to her after so long?" Su Zhiying tilted her head and looked at Chu Yichen's profile. "Why are you looking for her to take her back? Do you still love her?"

"Why do you care about this?" Chu Yichen asked instead.

"Because I treat Xiaoxiao as a friend." Su Zhiying looked out of the car after she retracted her gaze. "I know what you want to ask me, Xiao Xiao has had a bad experience these years, not good at all."

Although Chu Yichen had thought about this before, he still felt very distressed when he heard Su Zhiying said.

"She is a little girl. When she first came to Japan, she couldn't understand anything. When I first met her, she was still working at the restaurant serving dishes and washing dishes. During that time she only slept for three hours a day in order to make money. In order to integrate herself into this country, she really desperately."

Gu Xiaoxiao has always been serious about everything, and Chu Yichen knew this. Listening to Su Zhiying's words, she described in her mind what kind of hard life Gu Xiaoxiao had at that time, and Chu Yichen remained silent.

"Xiao Xiao committed suicide. On New Year's Day in the first year of coming to Japan." Su Zhiying spoke and turned to look at Chu Yichen. "Sliced ​​her wrists and committed suicide, and almost never came back. She..."

"She has depression, I know." Chu Yichen's throat was a little tight, and he swallowed his saliva.

"Yes, it's depression. She once told me at the height of the 20th floor that she felt like she was standing on the ground. I didn't think so much at the time. When I found out, it seemed to be too late."

Su Zhiying couldn't forget that she saw Gu Xiaoxiao lying in the bathtub, covered in blood. If it were not really desperate, no one would choose to commit suicide.

"I'm telling you this, I just want you to know that it is really not easy for Xiaoxiao to get back to the way she is now. If you can't make her better, just let her go, let her stay the way she is, and live her current life. I think she will be grateful to you too."

Su Zhiying had the courage to say these words, and she could feel the chills radiating from Chu Yichen.

This man is not a simple character, so Su Zhiying feels a little distressed for Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Why didn't she return to China?" Chu Yichen clenched his fists and asked again.

"I don't want to go back, and I can't go back. She rarely tells me about herself, but I know that she is an orphan and has no family. And there is also a problem with her ID. In the first year of coming to Japan, she even She couldn't leave the country, but Mr. Ito helped her solve it later."

There is a problem with the certificate...

Chu Yichen's eyes flashed, and after a few more conversations with Su Zhiying, he let her leave.

What happened to the car accident that year. Chu Yichen must find out who directed and acted a scene, and who sent Gu Xiaoxiao to Japan.

He has been immersed in the joy of finding Gu Xiaoxiao these days, and the company does have some problems that he needs to deal with personally, so he did not contact the domestic side and set out to investigate this matter.

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