Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 956: Did someone tamper with her memory?

Chu Yichen has always been unwilling to believe in that car accident. Except for the dead body he had never seen before, all the evidence had been checked.

Surveillance video, autopsy report, all the relics left in the car. There are also the two perpetrators, he has also seen and verified their identities.

Another point is that the most fundamental reason why Chu Yichen has not pursued a deep investigation in recent years is that no one came to him.

Just like in a kidnapping case, the robbers will use hostages to coerce you to do something. If the car accident is a fake, if Gu Xiaoxiao is still alive in this world, what kind of person did the person who took her want to tell Chu Yichen? Requirements?

No one appeared. Three years passed. If it weren't for Gu Xiaoxiao who he discovered first, he didn't know how long he would have to wait before she took the initiative to appear in front of him.

What is the intention of creating a meaningless car accident? Or is it that the other party didn't even think of any benefits, just to get rid of Gu Xiaoxiao?

But Gu Xiaoxiao was not dead, and the other party rescued her from the car accident and arranged a fake corpse to pass through. Could it be that she just wanted to keep her away from her original life, away from his side? Moreover, Gu Xiaoxiao was forced to not leave Japan within a year...

Who on earth is it, who on earth will do such a thing?

Such a method is not something ordinary people can have...Reminiscent of Gu Xiaoxiao’s amnesia, Chu Yichen is even more suspicious that she will forget herself, whether she was stimulated by hitting her head in a car accident, or was someone deliberately doing it. Falsified her memory.

She only remembered that she was an orphan, and she didn't even remember the existence of Shen Qianyun, which was really abnormal.

After Su Zhiying left, Chu Yichen sat in the car for a long time before walking slowly back to his residence. On the other side, Gu Xiaoxiao, who had met him, took a cold shower to calm down, and then lay on the bed tossing, but there was no sleep.

It was really too annoying and too much, Chu Yichen, that **** man, she really shouldn't be soft-hearted to him!

She was still silly because she had forgotten him and felt guilty. Now it seems that she was right to forget him! She glared at her and suspected her indiscriminately. In this case, she simply agreed to Ito Ryet, OK? !

Feeling angry and uncomfortable, Gu Xiaoxiao didn't feel a little sleepy until after three o'clock. When I fell asleep at half past six, I got up to pack my things and prepared to go to the airport with the big team.

China... She no longer remembers when she was last in China. Was it three years ago?

When she opened her eyes, she was in a Japanese hospital. She had no memory of where she came from. Now that he finally set foot on that piece of land again, Gu Xiaoxiao was inexplicably worried.

Her country, her home. What is she afraid of?

This trip was three and a half days, and Gu Xiaoxiao didn't need to bring much. A few changed coats and underwear, and a little bit of wash and skin care products, there is no other luggage. At nine o'clock in the morning, everyone left for the airport on time after breakfast. Gu Xiaoxiao walked behind the crowd, hanging his head silently. As she walked, she heard the people in front of them talking softly.

Listening to them, Gu Xiaoxiao suddenly raised her head and looked around. Then, she saw two little peas, swaying towards her carrying a schoolbag.

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