Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1000: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (263)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

A cold wind was blowing in the snow and rain. Feng Ling didn't notice his trembling, but her body was trembling all the time.

The legs, which had no strength at all, were about to lose consciousness, but the sleet was getting worse, and the lightning flashed as if it were summer, but it was clearly winter.

It was just that the snow was okay. With the rain, soaked in the clothes, and brought the coldness of the snow together, Feng Ling was exhausted. He looked at the cloudy sky and raised his head, letting the cold snow and rain slap on his face.

The pale face was getting paler, and after walking for so long, there were no passing vehicles here, as if this road could go to the end of life.

But what fears death?

She has no concerns.

The pace is gradually faltering, and the eyes are gradually blurred ...

Until both legs completely lost consciousness, just in a downhill area in front of the suburban highway, the two suitcases on their hands suddenly rolled down, Feng Ling's eyes narrowed, and he wanted to bend down and drag the suitcases back But the whole person fell to the ground, fell heavily into the cold ground, rolled down a few times, and finally fell to the side of the road, motionless.


XI base.

AK, they stood in front of the door for a long time. When they saw the weather change, they were even more worried about Feng Ling's situation. They wanted to drive out to take her to at least a safe place.

But when they were about to drive out, the gate was blocked by several people.

"Li Lao made a statement. Except for Feng Ling leaving the base alone, the rest of the base members are not allowed to leave, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk."

Ak holds the steering wheel in his hands, anxious to drive the people directly out of the door.

But the root of the problem lies in Mr. Li, who would have the courage to stop here if he did not speak.

"It's too much!" San Fat was sitting in the back of the car, his eyes were flushed: "This weather, let Feng Ling walk alone?"

Several people sitting in the car were silent. After a few minutes, a few people simply got out of the car and rushed back to the base hall door in the snow and rain. Looking at the closed door of the hall, they brushed together. Standing in a row, staring in the direction of the door.

Base hall.

A few old men are watching the surveillance video of the sniper team on the training ground recently, watching the state of Feng Ling and the other team members. They haven't watched much, and suddenly someone came in and said, "Li old, four of the sniper team Members, members of a team, and those in the base who usually have a good relationship with Feng Ling, they stand outside against the rain and don't know what they want to do. "

The old men suddenly looked out of the window, and sure enough, they saw the iron-bone base members standing outside, a whole row, standing still in the cold snow and rain.

Li Junyan's gaze was cold: "What is this? Are more than a dozen people standing outside threatening us? Can a young girl who violates the rules of the base have such great charm?"

A Feng, who was sent to the base by the Li family for a long time, was the management in the base lobby. When he heard this sentence, he went to the window and looked at it, then silently turned back to a few people who had been angry because of this incident. Old man.

"Actually." A Feng said: "If you ignore Feng Ling's gender, she is indeed a very good member at the base. The style in weekdays is indeed not like what I saw today. She does not drink a lot, so she rarely drinks, even if It is an occasional gathering with friends in the base, and I will not drink more than two glasses at most, and I have a good sense of consciousness ... Unfortunately, it is a girl ... "

After speaking a few words, A Feng suddenly saw the old man's face was not good, and he changed his mouth in the second half of the sentence, and then sighed and laughed: "This is also no way, after all, she violated the most basic principles in the base. Especially between her and Li Bo ... "

Father Li suddenly smashed his cane on the ground, and looked at Ah Feng with a cold eye: "So you have seen it for a long time, Nan Heng is not clear with this woman in the base, why don't you tell me earlier? If it wasn't for Mingzhu's fault, we would probably have been caught in the drum, or if Nan Heng's ancestral hall, which is now guarded by Li Heng, would not be able to come out, I am afraid that this woman named Feng Ling would not even be able to drive me out!

A Feng paused: "Before that, we didn't really think she was a woman. We just thought that she was a long and slightly elegant guy. In addition, she has always been excellent in various assessments, agile, and a lot of upright Tough guys ca n’t beat her, which makes it even more difficult to doubt, and she is closer to Li Boss in the sniper team. At first, everyone really did n’t think about it, only later did he feel that Li Bo really did to her. I took care too much, combined with knowing the truth today, that ’s why I said this, but I did n’t really find it before ... ”

"Okay, don't make irresponsible remarks, everyone has already left, and you can only push away the responsibilities." Li Junyan turned to look at those people outside, and said coldly, "If you want to stand, let them stand outside. Which of these members in the base did not receive training in rainy or snowy days, and it was okay to stand for a few hours. Do you want to threaten us in this way or to demonstrate? The regulations and norms in the base are that ten of them are standing there. Can snow and rain change in a few hours? It's whimsical! "

A Feng was silent for a while, but didn't say much, just turned back to the people at the door and said, "Advise them and let them go back. How long will it be useless to stand, why bother some old men here to continue to breathe because of Feng Ling?" It ’s not good for either side. Hurry up and let them go back first. "

"Feng Brother, we just talked about it, but they didn't leave, and their requirements were not excessive. I just hope they can be allowed to drive out now. If I'm not mistaken, they should just send Feng Ling away. Now in this weather, do you think about Feng Ling's situation just now, can he go that far? It may be fatal if he goes on like this. "

A Feng frowned and turned to speak. As a result, Li Junyan approached and stood next to him to hear their conversation. He said blankly: "Specially drove a car in the base to send a kidnapper in the base. Five-year woman? Who dares to go ?! "

"Really old ..."

Mr. Li immediately glanced at the person who was about to talk coldly, and the other party shut his mouth immediately, and he dared not say a word.

A Feng sighed. He has been in Li for so long, and he knows how hard those perseverances in the concepts of several old masters Li are hard to persuade. He also knows that the old masters do n’t mind because Feng Ling is a woman but because When Feng Mingzhu went to report to them about Feng Ling's problems, they found that Feng Ling had lived in Li Nanheng's apartment for a long time, especially when they went in and out together at night, which seemed very ambiguous.

This is why they really want Feng Ling to leave the base.

It's just a pity that Feng Ling is such a good seed. He is obviously the best member of the sniper team ...

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