Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 999: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (262)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

As long as he is married.

Who can stop her.

Who can have any reason to stop her?

Not to mention that Feng Ling was unacceptable to Li Nanheng's silent marriage, which was unacceptable to everyone else, so no one could tell her to look away.

I used to think that it was just a little bit weary between men and men beyond the scope of friendship.

But now, Feng Ling is a woman.

Li boss can't possibly not know.

But he got married.

A K looked at Feng Lingming with no strength but carried the suitcase like this. She grabbed her suitcase and said, "There are still a lot of things in your room that you haven't packed. Now, go back and pack yourself. "

Feng Ling's mouth moved slightly, but it was obviously not a trace of laughter: "It's just the most embarrassing, how can it be embarrassing?"

Ak couldn't speak, but even knowing that there was no suitable reason to persuade her, he still pulled her suitcase hard: "Feng Ling, don't leave ..."

Feng Ling's gaze paused, but he didn't look back, compiling the levers on the trunk.

"I said that when Li Bo's return came back, the rules in the base for not allowing women to step in are old rules, and they should have been changed long ago. You absolutely meet the standards in all aspects. There can be female soldiers in the army, why can't our XI base be? We will definitely not look at you with color. We grow up together in the base and train together in the base. This kind of feeling is not just the detection of gender. Eliminated, we can help you with any difficulties, but if you leave now, we ... "

Feng Ling first glanced down at the shoes under his feet. They were all dirt and dirty, and the pants were all mud that had just fallen off the ground. There was a mess all over her body, and there was a burning pain in her arm, and she had scratched the skin. Of various **** colors.

She has always been out of touch with this place.

Including Li Nanheng.

No matter how hard A-K exerts his strength, he can still feel that Feng Ling is forcibly dragging his suitcase to leave.

She really wanted to leave and had no intention of hesitation and compromise.

"Feng Ling ..."

"Feng Ling."


Until A finally let go with her insistence, she put the suitcase on both sides of her body, even though she was embarrassed but still standing upright. Several people around her looked at her and saw her resolutely. There is distress and perseverance in it, but everyone knows that today, Mr. Li's approach is to let her have no way back.

Not to mention these members, even the instructors Han Jin and Xiao Xu usually do business. At this time, they can't even say a word. Father Li is very angry because she has been a woman in the base for so many years. Someone keeps on being a lobbyist, and it is estimated that many people will suffer.

And Li Bo is not here right now, a few old men are here, and no one can compete.

Feng Ling is gone.

When she was about to step out of the XI base, she would no longer be a person in this place. The people here would have no right to use any transportation here.

So she can't drive.

The only thing she could take away was her own broken luggage. As for the ones left in the room, they were just some toiletries and uniforms.

After leaving the XI base, she will no longer be able to wear the uniform here. It doesn't matter if you take it or not. Other things will definitely be thrown away and destroyed as soon as possible. From now on, things related to her will probably be in the XI base Be shameful of them.

She walked in and out in front of the XI base numerous times.

But never before, when I came to the door, I looked at a speed bar under the main door, stepped forward, and walked straight out.

A few minutes later, Feng Ling's figure drifted away in front of the main entrance of the base. She stopped and did not look back. She just stayed there for two seconds before continuing to move forward without expression.

A.K. They stood in the door of the base and looked at her back, with red eyes but couldn't say a word.

"How could this be……"

"Why is it like this ..."

"Who can find a way to get the boss?"

"The boss doesn't come back, Feng Ling really left ..."

"Is there any room for the boss to turn around when he comes back? Several old masters in Li's family knew that the boss had been protecting Feng Ling, so he deliberately rushed away Feng Ling when the boss was away. So many meetings have been called today. The people here are watching. Even if the boss can bring Feng Ling back, Feng Ling can no longer stay here as a man. How can she continue to survive here? Be rational! "

"But what's wrong with Feng Ling? She's not as coquettish as a woman at all. You said, when did she cheat during the training assessment? Which one wasn't the best one?"

"There is a P to use these ..."


There are not many sleet scenes in Los Angeles.

However, today it snowed, and the temperature was not low enough, so it became sleet.

There are not many vehicles around the XI base, and there are no cars daring to approach this area. Generally, to leave the XI base, you have to drive out of the base, or other vehicles sent from the base.

Now, Feng Ling admits that he should not drink last night. As long as he didn't drink and didn't lie outside for so long, he wouldn't change himself like he is now.

Even if it is found to be a woman, at least it will not be the insult of lying on the ground as a sublime person.

But it's too late to say anything now.

The last thing she should do is to be so easily taken away by Li Nanheng that she should not give her all her bottom lines.

What she did wrong most was falling in love with Li Nanheng.

Just like it, she doesn't understand what love is.

But what is the pain in my heart that has spread to my limbs since yesterday?

Just just like it?

If you just like it, how could you hurt it?

It turned out that she could learn to love someday.

It turns out that the word love really hurts like others say.

After walking out of the base less than a mile away, Feng Ling already felt the terrible feeling of collapse during the fifteen-hour continuous training of the devil.

With a thunder across the sky, she looked up at the overcast sky and the falling snow, as if there was rain in the snow ...

The heavier the snow, the heavier the rain, Feng Ling pushed the suitcase at hand forward, and then stepped on the long unmanned highway in the front, leaving Yu Xue to slap on his face, as if without feeling .

It's rare to have thunder this season.

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