Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 998: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (261)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"What to do?" Lin Cheng and Tam looked back at Lei Peng, who was standing behind them, and then the three of them looked at Ah K, who was still frowning.

Almost everyone on the field left, leaving only a few.

These people are all familiar with Feng Ling and can no longer be familiar with, including a few people over there.

Mr. Li is here. If they come to help, it is in the face of Mr. Li. In case there is something good to say to Mr. Li, none of them will get any good results.

But looking at Feng Ling like this, I really can't stand it anymore.

"How do I know what to do? Now Li Bo hasn't returned yet. He's afraid he didn't know that something happened at the base ..."

"How could the boss know? I heard that it would take at least seven days for the boss to come back this time, and I don't know why. It seems that it has been inconvenient to contact recently and the mobile phone has not been turned on."

"Call Li Bo and try?"

"Do you have the boss's phone?"

"I do." A K said while picking up the phone, but after the call was made, he put it down a short time, and said muffled, "Shut down."

"What are you talking about, mother? What a fuck! Feng Ling is actually a woman. She is so powerful that she is usually a woman. This is enough to destroy my three views and break my various cognitions, but The woman is female, and she did nothing wrong. Why was she suddenly kicked out like this, and Feng Ling was so drunk that she didn't even have blood on her face, should she be sick? Right now In this situation, we drove people out of the base. If something happens outside, the boss comes back and asks, we ca n’t even eat and walk around ... ”

"If the boss is in the base, if the boss is, who dares to treat Feng Ling like this?"

"Hehe, the boss is now with his newly married wife. Where can he care about Fengling ..."

"Don't talk nonsense, I always think that the boss has any distress. What he usually thinks about Feng Ling is everyone's attention."

"Feng Ling is so pathetic now, I really can't stand it."

"How can I reach the boss?"

"If you can easily contact him, do you think these old men will come here at such a time? They clearly want to drive Feng Ling out completely. What this says is that all the face is hurt, even if it is Li Li Go to her, she probably won't go back to the base again, what they want is this effect, she wants to go by herself! "

"Too much!"


Feng Ling's legs were a bit unbearable. She was originally leaning down, but in the end she sat on her knees. The dizziness in her mind was too serious. The wine last night had a great influence. She is cold now, but she seems to be hot when she touches her arm with her hands.

Could it be that he drunk and slept all night on the balcony last night and was blown into the cold by the cold wind?

She slowly raised her hand, slowly put the same things on the ground, put sanitary napkins and chest wraps in a suitcase, and put them under the clothes, and then pressed other clothes and supplies. Picking it up all the same, she couldn't stand up and didn't have the strength to stand, so she just stretched her arm on the ground to pick it up.

Until a box was installed, he took his hands on the ground and took a deep breath.

Just as she was about to pick up something else to pack up another box, suddenly a hand stretched over.

She stared for a moment, turned her head, and saw Ah K who didn't know when she came.

"I help you." A K's face was calm, and he didn't say much, and directly picked up those things that had been thrown all over the ground, away from her, and handed them to her.

Feng Ling sat on the ground, looked at A's face, then slowly retracted his eyes and said softly, "Thank you."

When she heard her depressed voice that she still didn't want to show too much emotion, A K frowned slightly. "These bosses don't know these things yet. Would you like to wait for him to come back ..."

Feng Ling took over what he handed over. He didn't have to answer anything because he mentioned Li Nanheng, and turned his head to continue putting things in the suitcase.

Seeing that she didn't want to mention the boss now, A K was very acquainted and didn't say more, just continued to help her pick things up.

Then, more and more people around Feng Ling.

A, K, Tam, Lei Peng, Lin Cheng, and the other four members of the sniper team were helping her pick things up. After a while, the three fat guys who had been tangled in the face not far away also came quickly to help, and Da Hu And many others ...

Many, many people who had dealt with her before, and the people who had been on the mission together returned less than ten minutes after leaving.

Feng Ling looked at them, and didn't speak until A K lifted her from the ground, and frowned at her, "Why are you so hot?"

"It's okay, thank you." The identity of the woman had been revealed, and Feng Ling didn't want to affect them, he just pulled his hand out of his arm.

A K is holding her tightly: "What do you see with me? In my eyes, you are either a man or a woman, all my brothers! It makes no difference! You ca n’t leave now Even if the father of Li's family wants to rush you away, he didn't tell you to leave now! If you have a fever, go to the doctor's office to find a doctor and take some medicine! "

"Don't ..." Feng Ling lowered his head somewhat weakly, and his hands were a little overwhelmed. Now he can't beat them, and can only lower his head and say softly, "Sorry, I have deceived you so long."

The people around her suddenly got red eyes because of her apology. Even if they were all men, they were suddenly sentimental with such an atmosphere.

"What apologies, in our eyes you are the same whether you are a man or a woman, we only know Feng Ling and ourselves." Da Hu of the team sighed: "But I didn't expect Li Li to leave just a few days, Such a thing happened, if Li Li is there ... "

"It doesn't make any difference whether he is here or not, Li Bo is so busy, don't bother him." Feng Ling said quietly, then took the suitcase: "Goodbye."

Seeing that she was about to leave like this, Ak and Tam glanced at each other and pulled her arm directly: "No, if you don't want to be in the base now, we will send you to find a small hotel nearby. What's the matter? You have to wait for Boss to come back! "

Feng Ling went straight without saying a word.

They still stopped in front of her.

Especially A K: "Feng Ling, wait for Li Bo to come back!"

Feng Ling suddenly laughed, raised his red **** eyes and looked at him: "He is married, what am I waiting for?"

A K and others whispered instantly.

Feng Ling's cold lips went up, looking up at the overcast sky, and said quietly, "Get out."

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