Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 997: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (260)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"You're really sorry to say that women are never accepted at the XI base. How long have you been pretending to be a man in order to mix in the base?"

"I've lived this way since I was a kid, I didn't dress up deliberately. I was like this before I entered the base." Feng Lingjian could not hide it, and honestly said, "For me, there is no difference between men and women!"

"No difference? You're a woman fooling around in a man's pile, and you say it makes no difference? But as long as anyone knows that you are a woman, you don't think this group of kids in the base can't even see a woman. Will you be in your heart? I think you are shameless in your own bones. If we find out later, I think you can open a kiln in that room! "

Upon hearing this sentence from Mr. Li, A and K's brows suddenly twisted, especially A, who couldn't help coming out and said, "No! Li, if you know Feng Ling's character, you will know her It's impossible to do that kind of thing. She usually keeps a distance from many people in the base, even those of our sniper team don't often mix together! She treats others very coldly, definitely not what you think! She Her character is definitely worth testing! And she always adheres to the system in the base! "

Tam hurriedly pulled Ah K back, lowering his voice and saying, "Don't talk to you. Didn't you see Li Lao getting angry?"

A K certainly knows, but it's too much to say Feng Ling!

Mr. Li first set his eyes on A ’s face, then looked coldly at Feng Ling lying on the ground: "I was so full of alcohol, I could n’t arrive on time in training, obviously a hangover. The whole night said that she adhered to the base system? She said that her character was worth testing? "

Ak suddenly felt a little faint.


It was no surprise that Feng Ling was drinking last night.

But such things cannot be explained here.

If Li Lao knows that the relationship between Feng Ling and Li Boss has already gone beyond the ambiguous scope, perhaps he will only do more.

Full of alcohol?

Suddenly, Feng Ling wanted to laugh, raised his eyes to the ruthlessness in Master Li's eyes, wanted to find dignity, wanted to get up, but found that he couldn't do it at this moment.

All her private things were thrown around and watched by everyone, and became the talk of other people. She lay on the ground and looked up to the real master behind this XI base, even if Li Nanheng was the boss behind the XI base. The grandfather of the family is his grandfather, his elder, and still beats him.

and so.

So her dignity was stomped under her feet.

So she really laughed, slowly let go of the mud that had been crushed by herself, and whispered, "I'm sorry to let Li Lao see me so embarrassed. One thing is wrong, everything that has been done will be denied, so I have already denied it at the ** I base, right? "

"Really? Do you dare to ask me? Are you qualified to ask me any question?" Li Junyan replied coldly: "Just this way to determine that you are a woman, not to ask someone to strip your clothes, It's already polite to us. Do you think you can still stay at the XI base? "

Hearing such a sentence, Feng Ling's only hope in the heart was instantly dashed to nothing.

She once thought that if her secret could not be kept, maybe she would find an appropriate time to leave, or maybe she might have died directly when she was on a mission, so that no one would know all of this. , Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil.

However, it seemed that nothing had gone in the direction she had acted.

She would get out of the XI base in such a humiliated way.

About to be kicked out of this, she has lived for several years, and she thinks she is home.

She lowered her head and continued to laugh, and digged her fingers into the dirt again.

"So, does Li Lao come here today to drive me away?" She asked in a low voice.

When several other old gentlemen saw her lying on the ground, apparently weak and yet proud, she walked over and said coldly, "A little girl, who gave you the courage to live in the XI base? For a long time, what the base teaches you is how powerful you are as a woman here? What is all that you have now, which is not what the XI base gives you? Presumably, you have earned money from tasks over the years. Money is enough to make you a little orphan without a father and mother have a good life outside. We did not confiscate all your things, but just let you leave the base. Why? You have to come back and bite us ? "

"Little orphan without father and mother ..." Feng Ling gritted her teeth and finally sat up reluctantly, sitting on the ground with no one around to help her. Most people didn't want more, and a few people didn't. Dare to help, she strove to stand up with great effort, but stood there with a full body of wine shaking, and finally managed to stand still, but her soft legs could fall at any time.

She smiled and raised her eyes to look at them: "So you have investigated me, thoroughly investigated, and then came to the base to throw my things on the ground, just to make everyone see clearly, I Feng Ling is a woman, Then in this case, kicked me away, so that I would never be able to return to the XI base after that, would I? "

"Do you want to come back?" The old gentlemen swept her coldly, eyes full of disdain.

Feng Ling smiled coldly: "Since I was kicked out without face and dignity, how could I come back?"

"Just know it, and it won't be possible to collect you at the base."

Having said that, a few old masters turned around directly, and with the help of a few base members who would look at it, they turned around and turned into the base hall behind, apparently they would not bother her anymore.

The people around did not dare to look around because a few old men had gone, and gradually dispersed, but some people still pointed and commented on her in the direction of not far away, and then looked at her T-shirt clothes again Xia Pingping's chest arrived very strange, and talked about the wraps in the box.

Whatever the topic.

No one mentioned, why can't Feng Ling stay? Why can't women stay?

Until those people have gone far, they walk to the training ground where only they are eligible to step on again to do daily training. Feng Ling is standing on the open ground, behind which is a cold base with its doors closed. At her feet were things that belonged to her that were thrown all over the floor and two suitcases.

She silently looked at the land under her feet, looked at the things next to her feet, and then stooped back a little, slowly leaning down to pick up the things on the ground.

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