Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1003: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (266)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling didn't reply to her, just looked at the back of her hand again.

Wen Leqing didn't see that she just didn't want to mention Li Nanheng's things, and she patted her hand gently on the back of her hand: "This is because you burned too badly before, I'm afraid it's too late to give you medicine, So I gave you an injection directly. Actually, in the United States, if it is not a very serious illness, you are not encouraged to give an injection. You can see how much you have burned before. "

Speaking of it, Wen Leqing said: "The body temperature I measured just now is still a little hot, but at least it will not be burned out. You can take care of it here. If you have anything to say to the XI base, Yes, I can help you pass a word. "

"There is nothing to explain. I no longer belong to the XI base." Feng Ling whispered.

Wen Leqing first didn't understand what she meant, and then thought of Feng Ling's suitcase, and she was lying on the side of the road in a embarrassing manner, and then looked at her in surprise: "You ..."

"Xi base does not accept women, my secret has been discovered." Feng Ling replied concisely.

"What about finding it out? Is there any difference between a man and a woman? It ’s a good base member who can charge in the event of an accident. Many men are not as good as you. Why are they?" Wen Leqing's face suddenly filled with discomfort. Yue: "I will call my brother to ask back, what is the situation, even if someone wants to let you go, will Li Nanheng agree with you?"

Feng Ling closed her eyes and did not answer.

Seeing that she was not talking, she saw that her face was so bad, Wen Leqing didn't ask any more, raised her hand to help her drag the quilt upwards: "Okay, what will happen when you're better? The sleet is very snowy, and now the weather is cold again. It is estimated that the road back to the XI base is deserted and the road will freeze. Even if I take you back now, I ca n’t drive back. The road is too dangerous, then you have to sleep well. I said that there are no outsiders here. You don't have to be stressed, just rest. "

Feng Ling nodded slightly with her eyes closed, "Yes."

Wen Leqing got up beside the bed, closed the window again, and turned out of the room.

The room was quiet, Feng Ling opened her eyes and looked at the room where the woman's elegant atmosphere was everywhere. So she silently looked at the crystal lamp on the beautiful roof for a long time, and finally closed her eyes slowly.


With a bang, the door of the base lobby was suddenly kicked open.

When A Feng heard the movement, he suddenly walked out from behind. When he came out, he saw that Li Nanheng, who was supposed to be in the Li Family Temple, walked in coldly.

"Nanheng." Seeing his expression, I knew he should know everything: "Calm down."

"Where's the Fengling?" Li Nanheng drove all the way in. He fell into the car door and went directly to the base lobby. He looked around here without seeing the old men, and his face was much colder: "I'm not here, you Drive someone away? "

"Things are not what you think. Several old men did not know where the report was received, and then they suspected that Feng Ling was a woman. Today, she only came to the base to verify it, but she did not expect that Feng Ling was in a bad state last night. Well, I did n’t have much strength to fight with us this morning, so I was taken straight away, and everything was thrown out. When forced to ask, she herself admitted it. "

"Where is the old man?" Li Nanheng could hardly imagine the scene where Feng Ling was taken out and thrown to the ground to be criticized by the crowd. His fingers were clenched into fists, and the knuckles were already pale.

"On the sniper side, it was said that everything in the room where Feng Ling had lived was thrown away, and that door was completely locked ..."

Li Nanheng turned around and walked out, A Feng followed directly: "Nanheng, a few old men are angry, I know you are very upset now, but now this time, the point is not what the old men think, but Feng Lingyao How to get along, even if you can bring someone back to the base, she probably won't want to come back again. "

Li Nanheng's steps followed.

AK said that Feng Ling already knew the news of his marriage.

Feng Ling drank a lot of wine the night before.

Feng Ling was driven out of the base by the Li family's authority.

Feng Ling is gone.

Feng Ling, Feng Ling, Feng Ling.

Li Nanheng has never been entangled in his heart because of a person's name like he is now, and it has been painful to be pulled so hard, and it has been pained to tear open like this.

He was well aware of Feng Ling's temper. If he knew about her marriage, no matter what the reason, she would probably not forgive her.

Her temperament was never easily controlled by him. Once she was injured and out of his control, he could no longer have her.

Li Nanheng walked out of the base lobby with a calm face, headed straight for the sniper team, and rushed to the sniper team. When the new instructor saw him, he was astonished to come forward to talk, but Li Nanheng walked straight inward without any expression. After walking to the building where he lived, he quickly walked to the floor where he and Feng Ling lived. Sure enough, I saw several members holding a few wooden boards outside Feng Ling's room. Sealed with wooden boards.

what is this?

Treat Feng Ling as the Plague God who was driven out? When people leave, they have to ban everything related to her?

"What are you doing?" The man's voice was so cold that he continued to drop the dregs. Two people who were about to nail a wooden board on the door turned back to see him. They immediately put the wooden board on the ground and turned to him again Nodding and stooping: "Boss, it's Li Lao who made us do this, it's none of my business ..."

Li Nanheng kicked the wooden boards on the ground with one foot, and then he lifted his feet and stabbed them to the side: "Go!"

Li Lao left just after he was instructed. He is not here. Li Bo is standing here now. The two dared not say anything. The scared fart rolled straight out, and he dared not return.

Li Nanheng stepped forward to open the door, but found that the door was indeed locked. He either could n’t break into the door, but just opened the door to himself, but when he thought of Feng Ling, he would come back sooner or later. To meet her, she turned into her room with a cold face, opened the window, and jumped directly from the balcony. As soon as she passed, she saw an empty bottle of wine stacked on the balcony.

Looking at the bottle of wine, Li Nanheng's action was slowed down, and he leaned down to pick up the bottle of wine, only to see that it was a whole bottle of brandy of 58 degrees.

Brandy of this degree is already regarded as spirits.

She doesn't drink well and doesn't even drink.

But she was sitting alone on the balcony drinking a whole bottle.

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