Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1004: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (267)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The man's hand gripped the empty wine bottle in his hand tightly, and it almost broke into his palm.

The cell phone rang at this moment, Li Nanheng picked up.

"Boss, didn't you find Feng Ling when you just returned to the base from the outside? A few of us finally came out after talking to you on the phone, but after searching all the way, we never found Feng Ling. Today ’s situation, she ca n’t go that far. It ’s at least 20 kilometers from the base to the place where the car can be reached. She has a high fever, and it ’s so heavy snow and rain that she ca n’t go there at all. ... "

Li Nanheng took the wine bottle and went into the window, watching the mess in the room after being turned around, and looked coldly: "Continue to find, contact the Los Angeles Transportation Bureau, and will monitor all sections along the way to the urban area. The video is called up. "

"Okay." With the words of the boss, A K was relieved, and hurry up to the contact after hanging up.

Li Nanheng put down his mobile phone, went into the bathroom, and saw that the bottle inside had been broken.

Everything is either thrown away or soiled or smashed by people, leaving nothing behind.

It was as if he had been careful to put Xiaofengling in his hand, and he was suddenly dropped into **** from a height within a day.

He didn't even get back in time to rescue her.


The time went from dark until dawn, Li Nanheng stepped out of the room and saw Li Junyan, his grandfather, standing in the hallway waiting for the crutch without knowing when.

Looking at the green stubble around Li Nanheng's chin, and apparently sitting in the room all night, without sleep all night, Li Jun provoked anger from him, raised his cane on his back when he walked expressionless. He slammed it fiercely: "Isn't it that you should keep Miss Feng Er's coat of arms in the shrine? Who allowed you to come out? You are an injustice and filial piety! For the sake of a woman, I really do not put Lao Tzu's words Is it in your eyes ?! "

Li Nanheng didn't seem to feel the pain, so he was beaten stiffly on his back, his face remained the same, his brow didn't frown, and he looked at him coldly: "If there is something wrong in the base, you think I will not stay in the shrine for three days? Even if I am unkind, I never deny anything that has been promised, including the clothes and grave that promised to marry Miss Feng Er, even if I was reluctant, but I still married. If it weren't for the changes in the base, I'm still in the shrine, not here. "

"You, his mother, dare to force me away! I know that Feng Ling is a woman, but she keeps a secret and doesn't tell anyone. This is kindness, and she puts a base member who has been by your side for years. I even fell in love with her. This is unrighteous, knowing what Li's always hated, knowing that I can't let you and Fengling get results, but you carry your family behind and hide such a woman in the base every day It ’s not filial to hold it in my hands! I did n’t go straight to blame you, but I just kicked the woman out. It ’s good that you, the little daughter-in-law in the shrine do n’t care anymore, and ran directly to Feng Ling ?! Will I give you a chance to see her again? I tell you, Nan Heng, do n’t think about it in your life! Feng Ling cannot get through our door, even after three years! You Give up early! "

"Also, let me tell you, I intend to give A Feng full responsibility over the XI base. You still go back to take over Li's sisters. No matter how clever Li Jinse and Li Lin are, you are still half as good as you. It's still in the base, but it can still make Li's rise steadily. If you can rest assured and put it on Li's family business, then Li's ... "

"I won't go back, please give up." Li Nanheng dropped his face in frost and left.

Li Laozi's expression was iron-blue instantly, and suddenly he looked at the indifferent back of Li Nanheng.

Although Li Nan Heng usually did not fully listen to their old arrangements at home, at least he was just unbridled and skinny, and he never used such a heartless and indifferent tone when he refused.

But it's a tomboy who hasn't even arrived at the age of eighteen.

Li Laozi angrily put his cane on the ground, "Nan Heng, stop me!"

However, the man who has gone away has no intention to stay at all.

"Li Nanheng, are you going to sever the relationship with our Li family because of the tomboy named Feng Ling?"

Li Nanheng's footsteps slowed down a bit, then stopped, and then only two seconds, without any response, went straight out.

Mr. Li was so irritated that he was shaking on his crutches.

This **** thing!


Now it ’s just the day light has just turned on. A few people have rushed back outside and saw Boss Li driving out. He stopped the car and dropped into the window. There was no monitoring on the road section. We checked all night and found no signs of closure. "

"Have you found another way?"

"It's very dark, and I've probably searched by car, but no one was found." A K frowned.

Li Nanheng didn't speak anymore, stepped on the accelerator and drove the black Hummer out of the base.

Outside the base, Li Nanheng pressed Feng Ling's mobile phone number in the car and drove the car to all the roads she could pass.

The car drove to the left to the urban area. No sign of Feng Ling was seen. Her number had been dialed out numerous times, and it was always turned off.

Besides going to the city to find a place to settle temporarily by car, where else can she go?

There is no jungle nearby. She has lived outside for so many years. Even if she grew up in the jungle, she will not be able to go back to the jungle, and she will not be able to adapt to that life.

Li Nanheng turned his head around and drove towards the city with a calm face—


Li family.

Qin Qiu and the old lady got off in front of Li's house. Feng Mingzhu was not happy when he got out of the car and said, "Since I have married my sister's coat of arms, what else do you remember? This is in name. On the third day of marriage, you have to come and take a look, but it ’s just two little babies ’clothes. They are at most in the shrine. What else can you do?

Qin Qiu did not speak, only glanced at the old lady.

The old lady didn't say anything. The other day, she found that the round jade ring she had been around for a long time was gone, and she felt uncomfortable for a while. After marrying her second child, she was even more unreliable and just wanted to see it.

Li Jinse came out at this moment, saw them, and stepped forward politely and said, "Mrs. Feng, old lady, Miss Feng? Are you ... here to find an old man?"

"Is Nanheng here?" Qin Qiu asked.

"He should be going to the base."

The old lady frowned: "Go to the base as soon as you get married? Didn't you say you have to stay in the shrine for a few days?"

Feng Mingzhu sneered sneerly beside him: "It is estimated that the person named Feng Ling in their base was actually a woman. The fact that women dressed as men's clothes in the base for too long caused a sensation, and he must go back to solve it."

Li Jinse didn't know much about the situation, but was surprised at hearing it.

The expressions of the old lady and Qin Qiu trembled instantly.

The two of them suddenly looked at Feng Mingzhu.

Feng Ling is a woman? !!

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