Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1010: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (273)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Wen Leqing smiled: "You don't have to justify me, you are all right, I won't tell anyone anyway. In the past two years, only I know your mobile phone number, and only I know how you left that year Yes, although you have been reluctant to tell me where you are now, I will not ask more, but Feng Ling, you really don't bother me, Nanheng has been looking for you like he has been crazy for two years, he ... "

Hearing the name, the smile in Feng Ling's eyes faded away: "I'll hang up if it's okay."

"Feng Ling!" Wen Leqing was helpless: "I wasn't a lobbyist. I know how miserable you were when you were kicked out of the base. I saw you fell on the side of the road with my own eyes, but these two years Nanheng He has been in the base, and several of Li's grandfathers can no longer enter the base. He has not returned to Li's house for two years, and has refused to see the grandfathers. He has been looking for you, although I have not Clearly understand the reason for his marriage, but I can see that he is not false to you, he must have any difficult difficulties to explain, many times the words spoken by a person may not be honest, but a People do n’t explain, and they are not necessarily as uncomfortable as others say. There may be other reasons ... ”

"It's not important, Miss Wen, it's been so long, I've forgotten it." Feng Ling said lightly, "I thank you for keeping me a secret and never asking where I am now, I can only say that I am living very well now, that my life is peaceful, that my work is stable, that everything is fine, and I do n’t want to worry about it anymore. Crowds of people have forgotten each other. "

"How can you forget? If you really forget it, you wo n’t wear a mask in this kind of competition. If you wear a mask, you do n’t want someone to recognize you and you do n’t want to be found, it means you have no relief at all. Too. "

Feng Ling didn't speak any more, only glanced at the TV audiences who were laughing all the time, but she seemed to have no feeling and couldn't find any laugh.

"Miss Wen, I am very grateful for your help to me, but I really want to say goodbye to everything, so stop telling me about those people or that person, I don't really want to hear." Feng Ling said bluntly: "You should know that if it ’s not because I ’m still thinking of your kindness to me, maybe someone like me who is indifferent and indifferent may cut off the way of contact with you. Of course, this is not high-profile. I, I am just expressing my position. "

Wen Leqing sighed: "I understand, but Nanheng has been looking for you for the past two years ..."

"The work in the hospital is so busy, it's rare to be idle. You have to rest early and good night." Feng Ling hung up the phone directly.


The prize money for the championship was released. Feng Ling only used the money received by the head coach ’s card. In recent years, she has never used her real name, and her bank card has been borrowed by others. The head coach treats her well. She won't move her things either. Recently, because of the bonus than the championship, she has been urging her to buy a small house with this money and settle down, lest she always rent a house.

Feng Ling has no concept of these things. She can eat well and live somewhere, but several coaches in the Budokan persuade her. She had to look around. There are no new properties in this area, and most of them are These are some small apartments suitable for renting to international students from all over the world. She fancy a 60-square-meter duplex apartment near the one where she lives now. Her bonus and salary saved in the past two years can be paid as a down payment. .

Money is also kept. It is also good to buy an apartment that you can decorate as you like.

So she bought it.

Because it is not a new building, the original owner of this apartment has a messy decoration style. She asked someone to demolish the entire house and reinstall it, so it is impossible to live in for the time being. Considering that it will be lived at least six months later, and I still want to live That little house you rent.

Anyway, she's used to living there, it's the same everywhere.

However, Feng Ling was the champion this time. Although the people around her were happy with her, they also knew her temper and did not go around because she wore a mask and respected her low-key and confidential thoughts, except herself. Apart from envying each other, they haven't said anything.

The days have been quite quiet.

Except for three lessons a week, before each class Chen Beiqian will be asked to send a bouquet of flowers.

"Coach Ah Ling, where do you put the flowers today? Just put the trash can? Or just put it in Auntie's car?" A coach just happened to help sign the flowers while passing by, and then came in with a smile and holding the flowers. .

Feng Ling was sitting at his desk watching the recent simulation courses in the Budokan. He heard the movements and did not raise his eyelids: "anywhere."

"Well, whatever you want, then come back, that student Chen really treats you as always, knowing that you have never looked straight at him, but he has never given up. He spends three times a week. , Today is the champagne rose delivered by air in France, it smells so sweet! "

Feng Ling still didn't raise her eyelids, and continued to watch the simulation class in the computer.

Seeing her high indifference as usual, a coach gave a snorting voice, turned around with interest, and threw the bouquet in his hand to the passing cleaning aunt.

After class, Chen Beiqing said that his friend had a birthday today, and he had a little female companion. Would you like to go with him? Feng Ling refused directly. Chen Beiqing said with regret, if you do n’t go with me today, I will Follow you until you promise to go.

Feng Ling was too lazy to deal with him, and packed up and went straight home.

I drove back to where I lived. I just stopped the car and was going to go in. Suddenly she stopped and realized that someone was following her. She turned suddenly, but nobody saw it, and looked around. After the car, picked up the phone with a cold face and called Chen Beiqing over.

After the call was connected, he was going to ask him if he really dared to follow her. As a result, the other person answered the phone, but she heard the hustle and bustle in the box over there, not like the sound of trailing around.

"Where are you?" Feng Ling asked frowning.

Chen Beiqing laughed on the phone and said, "What? I regret that I didn't come out with me? I drank all this wine, and now I can't drive to pick you up, otherwise I'll send someone to pick you up?"

"No, I won't go." Feng Ling suddenly hung up the phone, lowered his eyes and walked in, watching the movement behind him while walking.

Someone was following her.

And this person could not be found by her all the way when she was driving. Obviously, the number of routes in all aspects was stronger than her.

Who will it be


(Qing Qing will go to Shanghai to participate in the reading super IP event in recent days. The event schedule is a bit too much, and it may be necessary to code on the plane. I try to keep it stable and updated ~)

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