Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1011: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (274)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feeling the presence of the person behind him, Feng Ling did not go home directly, but turned around and turned into a nearby supermarket downstairs, bought something in the supermarket, and pushed the shopping cart while paying attention to behind him and shopping nearby. People behind the shelf.

After strolling back and forth in the supermarket for a full half hour, it was already dark outside, and it seemed that the person did n’t seem to follow him before checking out.

After leaving the supermarket, she didn't go back immediately, walked around the parking lot again, and looked at all the vehicles parked there one by one.

She lived here for a year and a half, and was impressed by every car parked often downstairs. Her natural keen observation made her instinctively notice once she found a car she had never seen before, but I haven't seen any strangers or cars in the last few days, including just now. There are no strangers or strange movements.

After returning to the car and sitting still for another hour, it was determined that the person seemed to have left. She quietly threw the door and quickly stepped on the building where she lived. When she reached the floor where she lived, she He looked around again, raised his eyes to the normally-lit corridor safety monitoring device in the corner of the corridor, thought about it, and entered the door.

The suspected follow-up situation lasted about three days. Each time Feng Ling returned home from the outside, I felt someone downstairs seemed to look at her behind, but I couldn't find any car or suspicious person. .

On the third day, she simply turned around and walked to all nearby places where one could hide, whether it was behind a tree, a corner between buildings, or a shade, or a cafe dessert shop downstairs. In the small restaurant, all kinds of people are in it, but they are shopping, eating, drinking and drinking, which are different from the trailing eyes she feels.

Since she came to Boston, she has never provoked anyone, and no one knows who she used to be, and she has no enemies. If you really offend anyone, it is probably the same group of underworld people who helped Chen Beiqing to block it, but It's been so long, if they have the ability to retaliate, it is absolutely impossible to wait a year and a half later.

The head coach also told her a few days ago that she should pay attention to safety recently. After all, the black dress she was wearing on the fighting field was really too sexual. I felt not only made a lot of money, but she was so beautiful Well, it was still on TV at the time, and many people could see it. Once someone recognized her, it might be disguised as that color. 眯. 眯 The tram idiot tried to misbehave her, of course, the general Lust. The wolf can't beat her.

But the people following her now are obviously not ordinary people.

She was able to stand outside all her defenses and caution, and couldn't find a trace.

No matter the skill or sharpness, it is above her.

Inexplicably, an idea suddenly came to mind, and she suddenly froze, stopped looking, and turned and walked back quickly.

After returning to the door of the house, she threw down her bag and walked out to the window to look out. The downstairs was still calm and quiet. There was no hidden place to drive away. It seemed as if she had only been worried in the past three days. Already.


Just as Feng Ling took off her coat and prepared to prepare dinner for herself, she suddenly heard the door knocking, and heard the rhythmic knocking of the door. Her sweaty hair instantly stood up, and she suddenly turned to look at the knock. The moving door turned and walked directly.

Beyond the door panel, I wasn't sure who was standing outside. I just stared at the door panel in cold eyes, thinking about all the possibilities, and then thinking of the other person's skill above herself. Except for that person, she could not imagine Someone would be bored to come and follow her, suddenly open the door directly, look coldly.

As a result, I saw a middle-aged man in work clothes, holding a cardboard box in his hand and standing outside: "Hello, Miss A Ling, are you? Your courier."

Feng Ling looked at the box in his hand, and then looked at the man in front of him: "When did you come up? I don't remember if I have anything to courier."

"My courier habit is to deliver from the upper floor, one floor down, and there are just two courier deliveries upstairs in your upstairs, and then I just walk down the escalator." The courier told her She smiled politely and handed her a pen again: "Trouble signing."

Feng Ling was puzzled. He reached for the box and saw that the sender had written the address of the hand-to-hand combat organizer. Then he put down his line of defense, signed it, and closed the door.

Opening the box, I saw the trophies and commemorative dolls sent by the organizer, and a black combat suit printed with the organizer's name. It was made entirely according to her figure.

After checking the contents of the box, Feng Ling sat on the sofa and looked at the golden trophy.

Suddenly sighed.

It seemed she was more attentive.

How could I ever find her if she had been carefully avoiding for so long.


There are full-day classes on weekends. Feng Ling takes over three classes, not just those of Chen Beiqing. The Budokan is divided into three classes of junior high school, and she teaches all three classes. These students have an average of only three lessons per week, but all of her adds up to almost six hours of class time each day.

The busier her work is, the more fulfilling and practical she is.

The reason why the head coach and the boss of the Budokan particularly like her is because she is not afraid of hard work. As long as there is a need, as long as she can do it, she will not quit. The other coaches are okay and always want to take a weekend off I can accompany my family and my girlfriend. Only Feng Ling is very busy with her daily work. She has not taken a day off. Even when there is a vacation, she is sitting in the coach's office to watch the basic martial arts. Breaking down the action is a whole day at a glance.

In the mouths of those colleagues and students ...

She doesn't live like a woman at all.

But it was long and beautiful without knowing it.

Has a different charm.

There was one last class on Sunday afternoon. All the other coaches went home. Only Feng Ling waited for the students in the Budokan.

Until the students arrived one after another, she glanced at the time, and started class in ten minutes, so she continued to sit in the office. After a while, she got up with a cup and was going to pour a glass of water. When I walked around the desk, I saw Chen Beiqing coming in with a big bunch of red roses.

Looking at that familiar with a large bunch of roses, and also looking at Chen Beiqing, who actually came to hold the roses today, Feng Ling looked at him lightly, walked directly next to him holding the cup, and didn't see much A glance.

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