Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1012: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (275)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Coach Ah Ling, it will be Christmas in two days, so let's meet for a while." Chen Beiqian was accustomed to her indifference to her, seeing that she just went to the water dispenser near the wall to pick up water, turned and looked at him, warm voice Say.

Feng Ling patiently followed the water and said coldly, "No appointment, you give up, I'm not interested in you."

Chen Beiqing raised Qing Jun's eyebrows, put the rose on her desk, turned around and came over: "I chased you for so long, you can't tell that I really like you?"

Feng Ling picked up the full glass and turned to see him standing next to him, frowning directly: "Jean."

Chen Beiqing refused to let it go. The young man's height was over one thousand and eighty-five, standing tall in front of her about one meter seven.

It seems that only when she looks at her condescendingly, can she feel that she is actually a little woman, not the cold noodle coach who usually stands in front of her.

Seeing that he would not let him go, Feng Ling stared at him coldly: "Don't go to class? I'll wait for a while to see you will be treated as absent from class for a minute late."

"I'll go with you."

Feng Ling looked at him silently: "What on earth do you want?"

"I like you and want to be your boyfriend." Chen Beiqian calmly, then glanced at her shoulder again: "I'm sorry about the last shoulder fall, I just stand on a man's desire to conquer, I want to try to feel like you can successfully resist, I didn't want to hurt you, I apologize if it hurts you. "

Feng Ling pursed her lips: "No pain, you think too much, you have learned well, and you don't need to apologize to me, so get ready to go to class."

As she was about to turn around and walk away from the other side, Chen Bei leaned out and held her wrist directly: "A zero, I'm curious about you, what kind of experience a young girl can have, how can it be? Good skill and can have such a calm and calm personality. If you do n’t want to say your past, I do n’t mind, but if you can have such a temperament, it means that your past is not happy. From now on I will give you happiness And happiness, give me a chance, okay? "

Feng Ling suddenly felt a little funny.

These men, one and two, are of this nature. They like it. If they want to confess, confess it. If they don't like it, or they must leave, they won't give the woman any explanation.

Isn't the most credible thing like emotion?

After two seconds of silence, she pulled her hand out of his hand: "Go to class, don't talk nonsense."

"You are nothing more than a 20-year-old girl. As long as you pretend to be so mature every day? Really think I believe your old words have believed the age you lied to? The coach ’s information says your age, and you have only now Twenty years old, that is to say, the time you helped me last year was just nineteen. "

Feng Ling was a little impatient, and looked back at him coldly: "Is there anything wrong with my age? Even if I am fifteen, I can still lay you on the ground. This is the Budokan, not a blind date meeting. What do you have? Qualification is judged against others? Here, force speaks. "

Chen Beiqian smiled: "Sometimes you are obviously unhappy but you just want to look upright and mature. It's really weird."

Feng Ling: "..."

She suddenly turned around and put the water cup on the desk. The water stopped drinking, and the flowers on the table were too lazy to see. She tied the clothes on her body and the belt around her waist. When she turned, she would leave the office and prepare to go to the classroom.

Chen Beiqian was silent for a while. The man stood at the door and suddenly reached out to stop her. When Feng Ling turned around and looked at him in surprise, her long arms held her like this, and then she put people in her arms. Feng Ling, however, raised his legs quickly and slammed directly on the thighs of his thighs. When Chen Beiqing turned his face down and stared at her, he pushed him forward easily, avoiding He embraced and walked out in front of the door.


Can't beat it.

It's impossible to get a gentle offensive.

After she left, Chen Beiqian put her hand on her thigh and rubbed it twice. His mouth sizzled, and then she looked back at the back of the woman who was walking towards the classroom, and raised her hand helplessly. A pair of short, clean hair, turned a bit frustrated and walked in.

After entering the classroom, a group of male students saw her and Chen Beiqing coming in front and back, and suddenly sighed whistlingly, "Coach Ah Ling, Christmas Eve tomorrow, Christmas the day after tomorrow, how do you plan to live?" No date or something? "

Feng Ling's face was expressionless: "There will be classes in the next two days."

"Oh, what class, even if there is a class, it is estimated that students will take leave for the next two days. I think you should take a rest for two days. If you have no activity in these two days, we will invite you to dinner! "

"Class." Feng Ling stared at them coldly.

As soon as a group of male students received her sight, they didn't dare to say a word, and quickly moved, but they still looked at her from time to time, and then they looked at Chen with no emotion from time to time. Classmate.

I do n’t know if Chen chased it after so long, it ’s Christmas, and it ’s almost Christmas.


The so-called Christmas is an exciting holiday for these international students. According to them, it is even more exciting than when they celebrate the New Year in China.

It is a festival for young people, but Feng Ling, who is younger than them, does not feel any festival atmosphere at all.

She has never had any festivals.

Two days after Christmas, it was true that all the students had taken a vacation today, and after rejecting the invitation of several coaches to eat together, they drove back to their residence alone.

I don't seem to feel that someone is following me anymore in the past few days, and I feel relaxed on the way back. There are many men and women walking side by side wearing thick clothes, and occasionally I can see couples from different countries under a huge Christmas tree Hugs and kisses, all over the street are red Santa Claus traveling at night.

I watched the crowds of neon scenery all the way, until I drove back to the apartment.

Even the apartment downstairs has various colored lights and beautiful Christmas trees. Feng Ling after getting off the car looks at the Christmas tree over there. It seems that every time there is such a lively festival, she can feel that she is incompatible with this world. .

Under the Christmas tree with various colored lights, looking up at a big star light on the top, there is a little girl next to Snow White wearing a skirt of Snow White, holding a big red apple-like lamp running around I ran, and ran back, in English, and told my parents behind me my wish for this year.

It seems that they are all happy.

It seems that whether they are lovers, friends, family, colleagues, classmates, they will have a variety of people to accompany.

Feng Ling raised his hand and touched the snow hanging on the Christmas tree, and it was cold.

Just about to turn around, suddenly Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes saw a figure.

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