Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1015: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (278)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"A man at home can't let me see?" The man stared at her.

Feng Ling cold face: "No."

"Is there anything I can't see at home?"


"Then why can't I go in and sleep?"

"Where can't you sleep, but you want to sleep in my house?"

"I stood outside all night. Do you want me to sit back and sleep in the car again?"

"That's your business. I can't control it."

Li Nanheng looked at her for a while and coughed softly: "Okay, I'll get back in the car."

Seeing that the man is indeed thinner than two years ago. It is not that he is thin. Li Nanheng's body has always been perfect. He has not been able to say, but the whole person feels thin. Obviously, the past two years have really not been too thin OK, and it shouldn't be a good rest in recent days.

Feng Ling looked at his back, but he didn't feel soft-hearted, just looked at so many cigarette butts there, and looked at the man's slightly messy, shaggy hair, and looked at his slightly frowning face. .

There is indeed nothing in her home that cannot be seen by others, and the rules are not disorderly, and nothing is invisible to people.

Even if there is no love relationship, even if she had let go of the original thing, he was once her boss.

"Did you really stand here all night last night?" She asked softly.

The man who had reached the elevator door turned his back on her, and he himself looked at the soots over there, and then looked back at her with the light of the corner of his eyes: "What do you think?"

I've already been trapped in this virtue.

Feng Ling stared blankly at his back, pushed the door at hand, and took a step outward: "Go in and go to bed by yourself. I get home before 6:30 pm. You leave before I go home, don't Let me see you again when I return. "

Li Nanheng looked at her and Feng Ling said, "I took the key, and you just closed the door when you left. In addition, you are only allowed to sleep on the sofa. No other things should be moved. Don't make my home dirty. Mess. "

Li Nanheng turned around completely this time, looking down at the woman who was approaching him: "I am a clean-skinned man, to what extent do you think I will get dirty and messed up?"

Feng Ling didn't speak any more, only looked at him again: "Isn't you sleepy and need to sleep? If I don't go in, I will lock the door directly now."

Li Nanheng looked at her female sportswear and the bag in her hand again: "It's not a man anymore, how can you say so politely?"

Feng Ling didn't bother him, and pressed the elevator directly without talking.

When I saw her, she was really anxious to go out, and she obviously didn't want to talk. Li Nanheng didn't rush to say more. She glanced at her impatient and indifferent expression again, turned around and walked directly into the door. "Do you have breakfast at home?"

"No." Feng Ling stood in front of the elevator door and responded coldly.

"Then you didn't eat it?"


"Just leave nothing?"

"I don't have cats or dogs in my house. How much can I eat and what should I keep?" Watching the number rising slowly in the elevator, she said, "I have bread in the refrigerator and I want to eat it myself."

"Well, I went to bed first, and woke up to eat." The man then closed and closed the door.

Feng Ling: "..."

Looking silently at the elevator in front of me, what was in my heart is not a taste.

I don't feel like I should let him in.

Although it is true that he was very disciplined last night. He was not as aggressive as before, and was really polite outside all night. There was no grief in front of him for forgiveness. No explanation. What's more, there was no overbearing forcing on her.

But now this shameful act, until now the door was closed by him, Feng Ling only reflected it, what was he thinking? How could he let him in?

She would definitely refuse if he was too strong, but he seemed to do the opposite.

The elevator door opened, and I had no time to think about it. I walked into the elevator and glanced at the closed door again. If I frowned, I closed the door.

Until she left the apartment building, she also lost her interest in running in the morning. She went directly to the parking lot, got into the car, and felt that the car had been left outside for a very low temperature overnight. I have been sleeping in the car in recent days.

What is he trying to do?

If he knows her enough, no, it should be said that he absolutely knows her enough.

It should be clear that no matter what, she and him could not return to two years ago.

It is also impossible for her to have any ambiguity with a man who is already married, or feelings beyond reason.

He deserves to know that there is no need to be here, because nothing will happen.


Six p.m.

"It's time to get off work, why haven't you left today?" The head coach just finished his last class today. After entering the office, he saw Feng Ling sitting in front of the computer holding a cup.

Feng Ling raised his eyes and looked at him: "Nothing, sit in the office for a while."

"It's so cold. It's okay to sit here and do something warm." The head coach smiled. "Did you drive? Do I need to take you back?"

"It's open, I can go back by myself." Feng Ling lowered the cup and glanced at the time again: "I'll leave at half past six."

The head coach looked at her again: "Where is it uncomfortable?"


"I usually see that you come home on time after work hours. Why don't you seem to want to go back today?"

Feng Ling didn't answer, only smiled slightly, still didn't speak.

She wasn't sure if Li Nanheng had gone, nor did he know if he was awake. I felt that if I would go back later, I might be able to stagger the time with him, but I was not quite sure.

As long as it can be dragged for as long as possible, she had some regrets about putting him in the door. Now, if it wasn't for the cold weather, she would have been able to walk outside all night.

Time ran until 6.40. The lights inside and outside the Budokan were turned off, leaving only the office.

There are school districts around the Polytechnic University. They have very strict management systems. These martial arts halls and other such establishments have to rest strictly in accordance with the prescribed time. If they continue to keep the lights, they may be suspected to add class hours. Will be investigated.

Seeing that he could no longer drag, Feng Ling got up to pack his things and drove home.

The car drove downstairs to the apartment. Looking up, the lights in the room were dim.

Does this mean that Li Nanheng has left?

Staring at it again for a while, Feng Ling hesitated and got out of the car to go home.

When I got to the front of the house, I took the key to open the door, walked in, looked at the dark room, raised my hand and groped on the wall. With a click, the light in the small living room suddenly turned on.

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