Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1016: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (279)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

At the moment when his eyes returned to light, a man was lying on the empty little sofa.

The house is small, with a total of more than 50 square meters, and the living room is not large, so the sofa is only one meter six in length. The men's legs are stretched out and they are sleeping with their eyes closed.

At the moment when the light was on, it was obviously too bright. The man frowned, grabbed the white pillow on the white carpet, pressed it directly to his own face, and then continued to sleep.

Feng Ling saw that he hadn't left yet, and stared at the person on the sofa with a cold face, without speaking, but raised his hand on the wall, and then suddenly turned off the light, turned it on again after five seconds, and then turned it off. And open it again.

After blinking like this for a dozen times, the man lying on his back on the sofa couldn't stand it anymore. He grabbed the unusable pillow on his face and turned to look at her: "What are you doing? Are you afraid of flashing the lamp?"

"I didn't tell you, I will be back after 6:30 pm, so that you can leave before I return? It is not enough for you to sleep with me all day?" Feng Ling turned on the light again this time, and his hand was off the wall. Moving up, his face was obviously not good.

Li Nanheng sat up on the sofa, raised his hand, and pulled a bit of hair that seemed to have been asleep for a long time. He opened a pair of really squinting eyes and said, "I slept for a while when I came in the morning. Someone next to you is renovating and did n’t sleep well. After researching your bread machine for a long time at noon, I did n’t eat anything. I went to bed hungry until now. It is estimated that I am physically exhausted. come."

Feng Ling: "..."

It's a wonderful reason.

If she didn't know that Li Nanheng was so overbearing and shameless in her bones, I guess she really wanted to believe it.

Seeing her expression of standing cold in front of the door without intending to walk in, Li Nanheng didn't sleep very well and leaned on the sofa. A man close to one meter nine was sitting on such a small sofa and felt like he stretched his legs casually. He could stretch out the edge of the carpet. He leaned his head lazily on the back of the sofa and said dumbly, "Someone really decorated it."

Feng Linggang said that he has lived here for so long. He has never heard of any recent renovations. As a result, he hasn't said anything. Suddenly, he heard the huge movement from the next door.

When she got to her lips, she stunned back, and restrained for a few seconds before saying, "Anyway, you have rested here, it's time to go."

Li Nanheng stood up, Feng Ling saw his black sportswear jacket thrown beside him, and saw that the iron gray T-shirt on his body looked a bit wrinkled at the neckline because of sleeping, but wrinkled inexplicably sexually. Man Almost half of the strong clavicle was exposed.

Feng Ling calmly looked away.

"I'll wash my face." Li Nanheng didn't say much, turned and was about to enter the bathroom.

Feng Ling originally didn't speak. When the man was about to enter her bedroom, his eyes suddenly changed, and he suddenly raised his eyes and looked at him. He saw that the man had already entered, and quickly followed.

By the time she ran to the bedroom door, the man had already entered the bathroom with long legs and was about to open the faucet on the sink in front of the door. The light in the corner of his eye suddenly saw something and turned to look directly.

Feng Ling was about to shout "Don't watch," but when you reached the mouth, you felt that these two words were strange, and you could not help but stiffen your footsteps. Sure enough, when you saw the back of the man, all of them were stagnating for a moment.

She is no longer dressed as a man. Although she wears sportswear every day, at least the inner clothes are also normally worn.

The underwear she washed every day would be hung on a small drying rack above the bathroom. Now there are two sets of underwear on it, one white and one flesh-colored ...

There is also a set of black sports-style underclothes.

Li Nanheng just stunned for a moment, it seems that she has already been used to the place where Feng Ling is there, there are no taboos, after all, she never had these things in her room.

He turned his eyes again, looking at Feng Ling with awkward eyes.

Feng Ling was only embarrassed for a moment, and glanced at the faucet at his hand again: "After washing your face, hurry up."

Li Nanheng said nothing, and rushed for a while in the slightly cold water, then lowered his head to wash his face.

Feng Ling was too lazy to look at him, turned around and went out.

The man washes his face very quickly, and he washed it a few times. It is estimated that she knows she has no patience with him and does not use her towel. He just walks out with water on his face, and pulls it with his hands. Go to the side of the coffee table and pull out a few sheets of paper, and then wipe them twice.

The man wiped the water dripping around his chin and said, "There is something wrong with your bread machine. I haven't eaten all day, and now I have no energy to leave."

Reasons are lame than one.

Feng Ling had expected that he would not be so easy to leave, but he lost his patience, walked directly to the sofa, picked up his coat, and threw it on him: "You have to go out even if you are crawling."

Li Nanheng took the clothes, put them in his arms, and looked at her again: "So ruthless?"

Feng Ling sneered: "Peerlessness is also something related to love. Don't look at yourself too much. I don't even mention the word" relentlessness "between you and me, but there is no need to keep the distance To keep it up, Mr. Li, because you were my boss at the beginning and you took care of me. I allowed you to come in and sleep for a day today, but I'm sorry, I have exceeded my tolerance now. "

Li Nanheng smiled, and suddenly threw the coat in his hand back to the sofa. The smile in his eyes disappeared, so he looked directly at her, and his voice was cold and angry: "Your tolerance? You thought you were missing What do these two years mean to me? The base rushed you out, and you ran without a word, even thinking about looking for me? "

"What to do for you? To find you to abandon your newlyweds, put down your honeymoon period, and return to the base to save me?" Feng Ling looked at him coldly: "My Feng Ling is a wolf-raised child who doesn't understand human affairs. , But at least I still know myself. "

New wife?


Li Nanheng suddenly wanted to curse.

But it seems that they can only scold themselves.

At first, he refused to seal Mingzhu, and because the relationship between the two couldn't be too rigid, how could he think of what kind of child to wear?

He has always had no concept of women. How could he never have thought that he would really fall in love with a girl in his life!

The man raised his hand on his forehead and knocked himself twice: "Mum ...."

Feng Ling said coldly: "I remember Feng Mingzhu was very annoying to me, presumably because she could see the thing between you and me. You are now her husband after all. Some things should not be reminded by me. Come on, please go out. "

Li Nanheng gritted his teeth: "I didn't marry Feng Mingzhu!"

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