Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1017: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (280)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Lingdan looked at him: "It doesn't matter who you marry, it has nothing to do with me."

She leaned down and picked up the pillow on the ground, then she looked disgusted as if she could not continue to put it in her house if she did not wash it once, then turned and threw it directly into the dirty laundry basket.

Looking at the little woman's actions that were so obvious that they could no longer be noticed, each time showed that she was impatient and disgusted with him.

Li Nanheng suddenly remembered that year, the day he was not in the base, the 700 days and nights he was after, and the day he could n’t sleep as long as he remembered, she drank the entire bottle of brandy by herself. Two days later, she was thrown to the ground in public, and the day when all her secrets and truths were revealed, the day when all her face, all her dignity, and everything she insisted on were completely destroyed.

Thinking of all this, all his unwillingness seemed to deserve it.

The man threw down his jacket again: "It doesn't matter to you? It doesn't matter or care. Since you insist on looking at things that have happened in this way in the past, well, I don't force you to go and have a meal together?"

Feng Ling looked at him with a neuropathic look and refused: "I don't want to eat."

Li Nanheng was still reluctant, and simply sat back on the sofa: "Then take a take-out, I will eat before I go."

Prior to this, Feng Ling did not quite believe that Li Nanheng would have shame to such an extent.

She stared coldly at the man on the sofa: "Are you trying to rogue with me?"

The man crossed his legs calmly, and responded lightly, "Yes."


"Have you beat me?"


"Can you push me?"


"All U.S. military and police are related to the XI base. Do you think you can get me out of the police now?"


"Take a takeaway." The man's tone was irritating and unrequited laziness and indifference, just sitting on her sofa and not leaving.

Feng Ling took a deep breath, turned suddenly into the kitchen, threw the remaining slices of bread in front of him, and put a bottle of jam in front of her: "Eat! Leave immediately after eating!"

Li Nanheng looked at the two things on the tea table, but he didn't mean to be picky. He reached for it and looked at it: "I'll eat this at noon, I didn't eat it, and let me eat it at night?"

"If you like to eat or not, just roll if you don't eat." Feng Ling's patience has reached the limit. Looking at this man who is more shameless than two years ago, all the calmness and indifference instantly turned into a kind of violent emotion, and I really wanted to turn He walked down from the fifteenth floor.

Li Nanheng didn't look at her, picked up the bottle of jam again, and looked at his lips with a tick: "Hobby hasn't changed, blueberry."

Feng Ling didn't have so many emotions in his heart, but when he heard such a sentence, he suddenly remembered the blueberry cake he had brought himself to eat.

It seemed that once she had a slight preference for blueberry flavors, but somehow it became a obsession. The taste of everything seemed to be fixed on the only choice of blueberries.

She didn't speak, just glanced at the time: "Can you finish eating in ten minutes?"

The man smeared the blueberry jam on the bread slices. In fact, the bread slices were kept in the refrigerator for a whole day without being roasted or heated. Even if it was not hard, it was absolutely cold and uncomfortable to eat.

The man took a few bites directly, and then ate two slices of bread with a bit of jam, and then continued to apply, not too much, but in three or four minutes, she took the rest of her I ate all the slices of bread.

After eating, the man slowly covered the jam jar and set it aside, then he looked at her: "A very hearty meal, good."

Feng Ling: "..."

She just wanted to say that the man had a brain problem. The man had stood up, picked up his coat, and threw down a sentence: "Excuse me."

Then went straight.

Until the door opened and closed, everything around was quiet, and finally she was alone again.

Feng Ling silently looked at the jam jar on the coffee table without moving for a long time.


Feng Ling is sick.

It was learned that coach A Ling, who had not been invited for a single leave since working in the Budokan, was sick, and had taken two days of sick leave. All the students were surprised and wondered if something had happened.

The real reason is that after Li Nanheng left that night, Feng Ling always felt that the man in this room smelled like that of the man. The kitchen, bathroom, sofa, and living room seemed to feel the presence of that man everywhere Traces of him, even if in fact he left nothing.

So, on that nine-cold cold night, she opened the windows of all the rooms, and wanted to release the unique smell and faint tobacco fragrance that belonged to the man.

It turned out that the window had been open for too long and it was too cold outside. Later, there was a place in the bedroom window where the edge of the window was frozen.

Feng Ling's bed was facing the window again, very unfortunately, the cold wind leaked into the cold that night.

The next morning, she couldn't get up and got up and turned around. She barely made a phone call to the head coach and boss to ask for leave, and then slept all day long, waking up until the next morning, waking up. After coming here, I didn't want to eat anything. I boiled water myself, wrapped in a blanket, and held a glass of hot water on the sofa. I just drank it with a sip, and barely passed the second day of leave.

She had only taken a day off, but the next day she was still ill and could not catch up.

The snot wiped paper was full in the paper basket, coughing and then coughing, and he hadn't been so sick from a cold to a cold.

After half asleep and waking up on the sofa, I had another day. That night, Feng Ling was about to go to the bathroom to take a hot bath to get sick. Suddenly the door was knocked.

She now cared for those who would knock on her door suddenly, and frowned when she heard the knock. She didn't want to open the door subconsciously, she just wanted to die in the room.

Outsiders knocked for a while and didn't hear anything inside. They calmed down. Just as Feng Ling was preparing to return to the bedroom, the cell phone on the bed suddenly rang.

She walked over while sniffing the snot in her nose. She glanced at the call from Chen Beiting, and answered the phone in doubt: "Hey?"

"Why not open the door? Aren't you sick and rest at home?"

Class knocker is Chen?

Feng Ling paused, then turned and walked outwards. When she opened the door, she saw Chen Beiqing standing outside the door. The cell phone in her hand was the one that was talking to her.

The moment she opened the door, when she saw Feng Ling's red nose wiped with paper, Chen Bei tilted her eyebrows: "I'm really sick, I thought you were hiding from me."

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