Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1018: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (281)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling's voice when he spoke was a very heavy nasal sound when he caught a cold: "It's too important for you to think about yourself. I don't go to work to avoid you? People like me who never take sick leave, As for what? "

"Because of this, I deliberately asked the coach for your address with the head coach and came over to look at it." Chen Beiqian didn't feel hurt by her direct response, smiled, and held her in her arms again. A **** soup bought from the outside lifted up: "Drink a **** soup when you have a cold. When I was in the country, every time I got a cold, my aunt at home forced me to drink this thing. Although it was difficult to drink, it was cold and cold. The cold does work well. "

Feng Ling glanced and reached out to take over: "Okay, thank you, Jiang Tang I stay, you go back."

Chen Bei had never dared to think about where she could live in, but when she heard that she had a strong sense of pursuing customers, she raised her eyebrows: "What? I can eat you or what? I can't beat you, A thin camel is bigger than a horse. Even if you have a cold, you can't beat you. What are you afraid of? "

"I'm not afraid. I'm a coach. You are a student. You have to keep the etiquette." Feng Ling said calmly, "Is there anything else? I'm closed."

Chen Beiqing glanced at her again: "Have you eaten these two days?"

"Eat." Feng Ling lied.

Now that she is poor in color, she was already ill and could not tell whether she had eaten or not, but seeing her attitude that he did not want him to go in at all, Chen Bei tilted and nodded: "OK, for more than a year, It ’s the first time you've accepted what I gave you. Even if it ’s just a bowl of **** soup bought at a restaurant, it ’s acceptable anyway. I ’ll keep up the hard work, and one day you will like me. ”

Feng Ling: "You think too much ..."

"Have a good rest, I'm gone." Chen Beiqing smiled at her and leaked a good-looking white tooth, waved his hand, and turned to the elevator.

Until he got into the elevator, Feng Ling was about to close the door. Suddenly I heard that the door next door was said to be under renovation two days ago. She hadn't thought about the next door, but the light in the corner of her eyes seemed to see something, suddenly. Footsteps, and then suddenly rolled his eyes.

Seeing that Li Nanheng, who was unlikely to reappear here, stood in the door next door, pushing the door with one hand, and holding the coat in the other hand as if preparing to go out, but her eyes stopped on the bowl of **** soup she held in her arms. : "Has a cold?"

Feng Ling looked at him inconceivably, and then looked at the door next door, remembering that day he said that the next door was under renovation, and as a result, there was a sound of electric drill drilling the wall.

Feng Ling: "..."

So she has never seen what the neighbor next door looks like. She only knows that she is a very old aunt. Wouldn't it be, in just a few days, the house changed hands? Or did Li Nanheng rent this house?

Otherwise, how could he appear next door, and apparently he lived here for the past two days, and he was only separated by a wall from her bedroom and never left!

He invited the renovation work that day?

Li Nanheng came over, Feng Ling turned back to God suddenly, and looked straight at him again: "What are you doing here?"

"What did you say I did? After looking for someone for two years, you can no longer let you say that you are missing." Li Nanheng raised her hand and directly took the **** soup in her hand: "The point that I taught you in the base The investigative methods have been used against me for the past two years. You used your spear to attack your shield so well. What can I do besides guarding you nearest? "

Feng Ling didn't know if she had a cold, and her reaction was a bit slow. When she returned from his words, the man had taken the bowl of **** soup into her kitchen.

She went in and saw Li Nanheng turned on the fire on the natural gas stove: "This **** soup is not hot enough, then drink it after heating, how can you catch a cold? I didn't see you out for two days, I thought you were on vacation, I knew You are sick, and it's impossible for such a stinky kid to bring you **** soup. "

Listening to the injustice and tolerance in the man's tone, Feng Ling suddenly found that Li Nanheng seemed to have changed, but he couldn't tell where it had changed, and it didn't seem to have changed.

It was just that he was overbearing and overbearing, but suddenly he had a measure, and would not force her when she didn't have any thoughts on him, and even kept a distance from his married identity.

Or, in other words, he has something to fear, so in treating her, he no longer goes straight, but treats it carefully, for fear that she really ignites her fire, and she disappears completely again.

I ca n’t say what it ’s like. In short, looking at the man who is helping her to heat up **** soup, Feng Ling raised her hand and touched her forehead, not wanting to speak.

Everyone else had already lived next door, and now she said that if he kicked him away, it would be a joke. The longest distance was just a few meters. The person was still next door.


Would like to curse.

But now she is not physically strong enough to fight with this man. She simply didn't talk. She just sat on the sofa and coughed in a blanket.

After a few minutes, the man took out the hot **** soup and put it on the coffee table in front of her: "Drink."

Feng Ling coughed again and looked up at him: "Did you rent or buy the house next door?"

"What's the difference?"


Yes, if he wants to live on all the time, whether he rents or buys, he can do it.

After all, it's Li family's size, power and money are nothing to worry about. It's like the ants and beings in the world she has seen in the past two years.

She held up the bowl and put it to her mouth, and the man reminded him: "Be careful."

She stopped holding the bowl, lowered her head and blew on the edge of the bowl.

"The boy who gave you **** soup just now, what does it have to do with you?" Li Nanheng stood opposite her, looking at her with a bowl and a blanket, and asked Shen Shen.

Feng Ling answered with a nasal voice while blowing, "It's my student."

She didn't need to explain much about herself at all. Since Li Nanheng found her, she must be the place where she has worked in the past two years, the people she has contacted, everything that can be checked, her current identity and He must be clear at work.

"Student, the boy who came to give you **** soup deliberately?" The man's voice was cold.

Feng Ling took a sip of **** soup and frowned. It was really hard to drink.

It's terrible, hot and spicy, but it's undeniable that this thing does seem to make her feel cold for two days and she can warm up a lot.

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