Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1021: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (284)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling pulled the seat beside him, and then sat down in a slightly more comfortable seat from the side: "Boss, head coach, please invite irrelevant people out, what do other people do? Continue to practice —— "

The voice didn't fall, his wrists clenched.

The man strode in from outside the door, grabbed her firmly, and did not step back: "Coach Ah Ling, I have something to tell you."

He didn't call her name anymore, but gave her respect and called her now.

Even his energy was so great that she couldn't withdraw her hand at all.

Feng Ling finally looked up, looked at him, and said impatiently: "You can't see that I'm in class? Mr. Li, are you always like this, your things are always the most important, you must get what you want, The feelings you want must also be obtained. If you want others to wait for you for three years, you must wait for you. No matter what the reluctance or grievances of others are, you must first listen to your wishes and act around them. You, you are the youngest of the Li family, I am an orphan without father, mother, or backing, so I will be completely bullied by you inside and out, and finally get out of your place, and I will Continue tortured by you? "

Li Nanheng gave a break and let go.

When her black and white eyes were fixed in the bottom of his eyes, he could see the indifference and precautions in her eyes, and some red bloodstains because of a cold and a fever that did not return.

She had never seen him like this except for the time she had been forced to point at him because she had kissed her and bullied her.

But that's the look I used to have, which made Li Nanheng feel hurt for two years, and it seemed as if even the last drop of blood was drained.

The man wanted to say something, but looked at her sitting indifferently in the seat, and finally said only one sentence: "I'm waiting for you outside."

He turned away and walked out directly in the doubtful eyes of the boss and head coach of the Budokan, and also brought the classroom door by the way.

Under the cold voice of Feng Ling again, those students who just thought they were watching a TV show about love and hate hurried to continue practicing, so as not to provoke the cold female coach who does not seem to be in a good mood now, but still Can not help but occasionally set his eyes in the direction of Feng Ling.

So her name is Feng Ling ...

Which zero? Still number zero? Or which zero? The bell of the bell? Or the spirit of the water spirit? It doesn't seem to match her style ...

In the curious eyes of a group of people, the water glass in Feng Ling's hand suddenly spilled on the ground, and a full glass of water fell under her feet and splashed to the edge of her trouser legs, but apparently she didn't notice it, and still sitting there with no expression. His eyes were faint.

"Look what?" Feng Ling looked at them blankly.

A group of male students thought absently. The water in the glass seemed to be hot. Didn't she feel hot?

Who was that man just now?

For so long, they have often discussed in private what kind of man can take over a woman like Coach A Ling. It seems that Chen Beiqing's rich and wealthy master can't hold her back and can't conquer her at all.

But the one who just entered the door just now, apparently, in all aspects and momentum, it is rare for them to find that coach A Ling will be short.

Lift your eyes and look at the short-haired woman sitting in front of her. She picked up the water glass on the ground lightly and set it aside: "Look again and go straight to class. Any action you take when you are on stage is not standard. Do n’t come to me to cry when there are jokes in front of fellow students around the world. "


Li Nanheng looked at the time.

After a minute and a second, Feng Ling still did not leave class.

He knows how seriously she treats everything, and she is just like she was, but she has a different nature of work.

But she had a high fever of thirty-nine degrees in the early hours of this morning. He stood by her bed for several hours and gave her antipyretics, but obviously the effect was not great. When she went out to buy her some breakfast in the morning, she came back and found that the woman went out. Go to work.

Thinking of the high temperature still felt when she just held her wrist, the man stayed in the room, suffering every minute and every second, and he opened the outside door, ignoring the owner of the Budokan nearby. And the head coach, intending to go out and breathe, the door closing sounded loud.

After Feng Ling heard the closing sound in it, he finally stepped out from the state of indifference and expressionlessness, and said to the male students who were practicing the movement: "I will rest for another half an hour, I will check again at 1 pm Once, you can finish when you are sure that you are tidy. You go ahead. I go to the bathroom. "

She got up and walked out of the classroom. She saw the empty reception room and a curious look at her head coach and boss in front of the office. She paused, said nothing, and walked towards the bathroom without squinting.

Feng Ling didn't go to the toilet. She unscrewed the faucet and washed her face.

The weather is cold and the water is very cold, and most of the martial arts halls are air-conditioned for heating, so the water in the water pipes is not warm at all, and the ice is as biting as when the frost and snow were incipient. She took some water to her face. There was a splash on it, and the bitter chill shook everyone.

Looking up at the mirror, she saw her soaking wet.

In the small space with abundant light, her pale face was nowhere to look, because she was having a fever, and there was a very light blush on her cheeks, which was not considered to be a normal blush, but she could not see it without looking closely, but it was so close Looking in the mirror, you can still find it.

She raised her hand and touched her forehead, and then saw her hand, Bai Nen's finger that belonged to a woman, but there was a thin cocoon in her palm that had been worn out by holding a gun all year round. Although it was not obvious, it had been Stay in her palm.

Just like her, after she stopped dressing as a man, everyone who saw her said she was very beautiful and asked her why she cut her hair so short and cut off the last bit of femininity.

She never smiled slightly, and did not answer.

Her hair, her life, is like her hands, others look good, but no one knows that she gave birth to a thin cocoon that can never be wiped off.

Looking at it, there were drops of water on her palm. She thought she was crying. She raised her face and looked at the woman in the mirror. Her eyes were dry, except for a little red blood, she was not wet at all. .

She didn't cry when she was kicked out of the XI base so embarrassingly at first. She didn't cry when she learned that Li Nanheng was married. Now, of course, it is impossible to cry.

In fact, she was a little surprised by her indifferent temperament, why she couldn't bear the pain, but she didn't even drop a tear.

Feng Ling never considers himself a strong person.

She just felt that she was a child who grew up drinking wolf milk, and was born with a hard heart.

She shouldn't have feelings.

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