Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1022: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (285)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

But at this moment, looking at the person in charge of the dignified XI base, the well-known distinguished master of Li Family, lived in Boston because of her, because she disregarded his own status and image and entered such a martial arts hall Thinking of the man looking at her gaze just now, the emotion suddenly came so suddenly.

She suddenly felt that people are really animals that are easily dominated by emotions.

People who shouldn't be emotional shouldn't be so burdened.

He was already married, didn't he?

She didn't want to be attached at the beginning. Besides, he has been married for two years now.

The sound of the water under the faucet rang, as if covering the waves of her slightly waved heart, everything was still calm on the surface.

She attended the class for almost two hours calmly, but suddenly those words sounded at this moment.

In all words, drill into the ears verbatim.

"Feng Ling is young, in fact, it is a relationship that has faded away and has no fruit. Even if she knows this, it will be sad for a few days."

"Unknown orphaned children like Feng Ling are compared to the old lady of Feng family, as long as the person who is not stupid knows who to choose."

"Which other man will never die of a woman?"

"It doesn't mean that you have to be responsible, and a silly girl like Feng Ling is not suitable for him."

"People who are not in the world should not be forced into it. When they are young and have a love relationship, when she grows up, she will understand. Don't trust men easily ..."

This is the end of her first love in her life. Han Jin was right.

Li Nanheng just gave her a lesson. She deserved it, she deserved it, and she lost it.

Including the first time he hadn't even remembered in his memory.

"I was so full of alcohol, I could n’t get the training time on time. It was obviously a hangover all night. She said that she adhered to the base system? She said that her character is worth testing?"

"We didn't ask anyone to strip your clothes. It is already polite to us. Do you think you can still stay at the XI base?"

They laughed at her as a woman, ridiculed that she was dressed in men's clothing mixed in the base, mocked her living in a man group without knowing the checkpoint, mocked her as an orphan without parental control, and mocked her for believing that others donated her feelings.

She used to think that Li Nanheng was different.

He thought that the same man who could be indifferent to other people's bones, but spoiled her and hurt him, was not the same to herself. She thought he had enough sincerity, that he could see her well.

Feng Ling's hands propped on the icy pool, tossing and closing her heart two years ago. All the problems that she had never thought about were passed through her mind. She thought he was different.

But the fact is, he is more fierce than each of them.

Not even a single explanation.

The father of Li ’s family made her ugly in front of everyone in the base and drove her away. It is said that Li Nanheng looked for her for two years, but today she can see clearly that this man is actually no different from two years ago. She had a fever this morning. At that time, he really entered her house.

She didn't even know how he copied her key again. She always seemed too immature and stupid to fight this man.

His background has given him enough life to do whatever he wants, even if he knows that she ignores him, he can change his style to sneak into her life. He cannot be a man. Tramping her heart, her self-esteem, whether to help her, protect her, or hurt her, all just treat her as a ants, and she wants to control her life and death easily.

It's been two years, and I have already said goodbye to those past lives.

She is far away.

The farther from him, the better.

Feng Ling's hand firmly supported the cold pool, and his fingertips were pale.

It ’s non-parents, but it ’s just a romantic relationship that has come and gone, and wrote a thick stroke of ink in the young past. What ’s so good to affect your mood?

She closed her eyes, and in the next second, scattered scenes appeared out of thin air.

She fell into a man's bathtub on the steam room in the orphanage, and fought with him ...

When she first entered the base, she and the man took a written test on the training ground. She tried hard to make him aware that something was wrong, but she let her go, and did not delve into it.

He suddenly appeared when she was on a mission, and opened the rush to help her solve the problem behind her. When she crashed into the sea on a cruise ship, he was on the other side of the more dangerous horror zone, the enemy zone, and she was lost on the island. His helicopter suddenly appeared.

At the bar, she was dressed in a woman's outfit, pressed by him to kiss on the wall, he blocked her bullets, he did all the things for her ...

The day and night on Rogers Pass, she kept her behind to help her solve the problem after the military killed the commander. When she nearly buried her bones, he appeared again, leaving a little on her shoulder. Scar of the crossblade ...

He said that she was only seventeen years old and still too young, and asked her to wait for three years, and three years later he married her.

Feng Ling opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. She pulled back some wet hair on her forehead and Liuhai back, and the woman's delicate white face still looked a little young because of this action British gas, but Liu Hai immediately fell down, even with short hair, but the traces of the girl is too heavy.

She can never be a real man.

It's like she can never accept a married man.

This is a problem that will never be solved in the world.

That's it, Feng Ling.

He's not worth you thinking about it again.


For the rest of the time, Feng Ling went back to class casually.

Until the noon break, the male students came forward one by one to help her return to the office to rest, but she was declined.

"Coach Ah Ling, are you Feng Ling? Which Zero?" Someone asked her.

Feng Ling didn't answer, just looked at him coldly, the other party went away in a dingy.

Is preparing to return to the office, but did not expect the head coach is waiting for her in the office.

"After class? Why don't you call me when you're not feeling well? Today are some basic teachings. I'll just look at them for you." The head coach looked at her eyes. ... is still outside. "

Feng Ling made a noise, didn't say much, and obviously didn't want to go out to meet him.

Seeing her sitting calmly back at the desk, the head coach asked again, "Who is this person? Do you have a relationship before?"

She was silent for a moment: "Regardless of who he is, you never care about these gossips, how can you suddenly ask me today?"

"Because the kind of boy Chen Beiqing is not an opponent in my eyes, this one who came today, although he didn't say much, I felt a clear sense of crisis."

Feng Ling didn't understand it at first. After reacting for a moment, she looked at the head coach with a serious door in front of the office, and saw the man approaching behind him at the same time--

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