Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1030: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (293)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

On the way back, Li Nanheng didn't say anything at all, but she sat behind and closed her eyes to rest until she was sent home, watched her enter the door with her own eyes, and closed the door with a bang. Meaning of coming in.

After closing the door, Feng Ling locked the door inside and locked a hidden lock in the door. Even if he had the key, he couldn't open the last hidden lock inside, and turned back. Up the bedroom.

It was also at this point that I took the time to take a thermometer to measure myself. Although my body temperature had been taken during the day, it is still more than thirty-eight degrees. No wonder it has been uncomfortable.

She went to take a bath, and after drying her hair, she stared inadvertently.

The light next door never turned on.

Feng Ling retracted her gaze, turned and went to boil water for herself.

It doesn't matter that Ai Liang is not bright.


Early in the morning the next day, after getting up, today I really have no strength to go for a morning run and I do n’t want to get anything to eat. I sat on the sofa and closed my eyes for another hour until it was almost time to go to work. "Ding", there was the sound of news entering.

Pick up the phone and see the message from Li Nanheng: [Do n’t eat bread and salad jam during your illness, and bought you a Chinese breakfast porridge. ]

She pushed open the door and went out, and she saw a small shelf outside the door, where breakfast was delivered, and some round boxes were neatly arranged in plastic bags.

Suddenly remembered that when he was at the XI base, Xiao Xu once said.

Boss Li is a typical character with no one in his eyes. Nothing can easily get into his eyes. He can be treated with such patience and cherishment. There are really few, even if he can get the care and protection from him. It was definitely on his apex.

Feng Ling glanced at those things, but did n’t take it. He directly closed the door again, picked up his coat, put on his shoes, and pushed the door out, but he did n’t even take a look at the breakfast served. Elevator, go out to work.

She arrived at the Budokan forty minutes earlier than usual at work. The head coach met her early and asked if she had eaten breakfast. She learned that she had n’t eaten yet and went directly to buy her hot milk and some breakfast cookies. Come back and let her pad her belly first.

At ten o'clock, Feng Ling was sitting behind his desk eating breakfast cookies. The office door was pushed open at this time, and new assistant Li Nanheng came to report on time.

He only glanced at what she was eating and said calmly, "when do you have class?"

Feng Ling glanced at him.

I didn't expect that he really planned to come here to work.

She glanced at the time, picked up another biscuit, and said coldly, "immediately."

She was in a business-like tone, and Li Nanheng was also in a business-like attitude. Only when preparing to change clothes, Yu Guang in the corner of her eyes glanced at the breakfast cookies on her table, and at the same time, she was on the desk of the coach next door. A bag of the same biscuit, eyes slightly cool, turned and left.

For the whole ten days, during the ten days Li Nanheng was accepted by the boss of the martial arts hall "good (smashing) heart (money)", Chen Beiqing, who was tortured by my muscles every time when he came to class, suffered the most.

In particular, Chen Beiqing used to ask people to send flowers to Feng Ling before class. Every time before, they were picked up by cleaning aunts and placed in vases as decorations. Now they are even connected to the Martial Arts Museum. No one can enter. The staff in the entire Budokan, except Feng Ling and the head coach, all said in unison that the weather has been cold recently, the nose is uncomfortable, and all have rhinitis. They cannot stand the smell of flowers or pollen. , Especially roses.

In the past ten days, Feng Ling still saw the warm breakfast outside the door every morning, and walked expressionlessly without eating, but still saw the breakfast outside the door on time every morning.

I come back every night to avoid being forced into the car again, so she drove to and from work by herself. Li Nanheng was always behind her, and followed closely, but said nothing.

When returning home, the man was not too far away from her, as if the two of them were really just colleague colleagues who came down the road, but when they got out of the elevator, they did not say hello, she went back to her house and he looked outside She didn't come in or speak.

Then every time she closed the door the louder the night, the more tortured Chen Beiqian the next day.

There were two times when he couldn't get up directly on the ground. He obviously felt that he was about to be tortured and disabled by the new coach Li, but he actually went to the hospital for examination, but found that he had no injuries.

However, those actions that the coach made him do are obviously exhausting actions, which seem to be very ups and downs, but actually very tired! The tiredness that can kill you in a long time!

After ten days of peace and quiet, after Chen Beiqian heard another crisp sound from his arm, the whole person suddenly felt pain and became pale. When he wanted to pull his hand back, Li Nanheng looked coldly. He: "The bones and bones on the arm are so fragile? There is no twisting force or balance. I am afraid that even if you study here for another ten years, it is still a waste."

Chen Bei was sore and sweating on his forehead. He resisted the pain, raised his eyes and looked at the head of Li Li, who had been holding his arm to an extreme action. He just sweated and smiled at him: "I really thought I do n’t see why you are targeting me? Everyone is a man, and it ’s fair to want to compete. With this status against me, are you sure Coach Ah Ling ca n’t see you?

Li Nanheng looked at him faintly, but didn't hide it, just smiled, with a voice that only he could hear: "My real means, you're afraid that you haven't had a chance to see in this life. When you see , It's dead. "

Chen Bei smiled, sweat on his forehead still dripping: "But just like a woman at the same time, I accept fair competition."

Li Nanheng's cold hooked lips, at the moment when the opponent threw out the phrase of fair competition, he kicked his knees that could not support him directly, and hummed at Chen Bei, and suddenly the whole person fell to the ground. Suddenly, his eyes were dim and his voice was cold as if he couldn't stop the glacier: "Want to compete with me fairly? You're afraid you have to practice for a few more years."

Chen Beiqing really hurts. It is false to say that it doesn't hurt.

He gritted his teeth and stood up, raised his eyes to Li Nanheng, and sneered: "Frankly confess to like a woman, playing these useless means here, even I look down on you, let alone her, I see her right You don't have a good face at all, you're afraid you have been rejected countless times already ... "

However, it was another kick, and Chen Beiqian fell on his back again, kneeling on the ground.

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