Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1031: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (294)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When Chen Beiqing was in pain, he held back, and when he looked up, he heard the man standing high and indifferent: "When Lao Tzu was calm to his own woman, you didn't know which piece of urine he was sitting on to play with mud."

Chen Bei frowned and was about to stand up. The man was holding it on his shoulder by one hand. The pressure exerted caused him to kneel on the ground with one knee and couldn't get up.

However, whether it is a disparity in physical strength, or it can be clearly felt that Li Nanheng and Coach A have known each other for a longer time than him, but even so, Chen Beiqian has no intention to concede or give way. Even though I was pressed to the ground by my shoulders, even though sweat was dripping from my forehead, I still sneered and tickled my lips: "You were chasing her while I was still wet with urine, it seems You ’ve been chasing for a long time and you have n’t caught your hand. It ’s really a senior. The experience of failure must be a lot more than that of my newbie. Why not ask senior Li to wake me up. What does she hate you the most? I will definitely Avoid these nasty points and grab her heart firmly. "

The pressure on the shoulders increased again, making Chen Beiqing doubt that his shoulders would be crushed directly by the man the next moment.

"court death?"

"Li Nanheng." The classroom door was opened at this time, Feng Ling walked in. Seeing this scene, it was already strange to see it. His expression was very weak, and he only stared at Chen Bei, who was still unsuccessful even if he was suppressed on the ground. Leaned, and then looked directly at another man: "What are you doing?"

Li Nanheng expressionlessly removed his hand from Chen Beiqing's body, clapped his hands casually, and gave her a slight glance at her: "Nothing.

Obviously this perfunctory attitude that he wants to cover up, but concealed, made it clear that he just looked at Chen Bei.

Feng Ling doesn't bother to worry about the two of them these days.

These two people are psychic, fighting every day, secretly and secretly. She really didn't want to manage it. Anyway, both of them are big troubles. One of them is dead and one is dead. Maybe her world can be quiet.

"The head coach has something to do with you. Come out for a while." After Feng Ling finished, he turned and left.

Seeing that Feng Ling was really too lazy to even look at them, Li Nanheng shook off the people on the ground, Chen Bei tilted to his knees on the ground, and turned to look at the person who had turned away from the door. Then, the two were so indifferent. Glancing at each other, and then silently closed his face again.

It wasn't until Li Nanheng went out that Chen Beiqian got up on the ground, picked up a bottle of mineral water and poured it directly on his head. After awake, he raised a towel and wiped it on his face. Then he turned around and looked outside. With his hands on his hips, he panted fiercely in the classroom, slowly calmed his breath, and walked back and forth.

He needed to think of a countermeasure, but after thinking about it for a long time, he found that he really didn't even know what role Li Nanheng really played. It seemed that it was not easy to compete fairly.

In the office, the head coach saw Feng Ling coming, smiled directly and was about to talk to her, and suddenly glanced at Li Nanheng who walked into the door. The smile on his face narrowed instantly and looked up at the man in front of the door: "The boss hasn't been here for the past two days. I've temporarily left the matter here to me. Recently, many people have come to apply for coaching in the martial arts hall. Mr. Li came in with a bad name and didn't know what his skills were. I would like to stand here to take up the position of other people. I do n’t think it would be good. Let ’s compare time? ”

Li Nanheng's eyebrows were faint, there was no wave, and he even seemed to want to laugh: "You want to fight me?"

"Since you are speaking so plainly, I don't need to be too euphemistic." The coach sneered: "Find a chance to play a dozen, how?"

Li Nanheng stuck one hand in his pants pocket and said lightly, "You set the time."

Seeing his fearless expression, the head coach looked again at his height and the kind of large meat that was not particularly scary, but his muscles were uniform and perfect, and he couldn't see through the clothes. Nothing, but I can feel it a bit, Li Nanheng's skill will not be too bad.

In recent days, I have also heard complaints from the male students in Fengling's class, saying that the new assistant coach is very good, that is, he is stricter than coach A Ling, and really fierce, it is a group of people crying hard. The action urged by coach Li personally does not hurt everyone until they reach a state of life that is not as good as death.

The head coach suddenly smiled and walked towards him: "You're wearing this dress that fits well, but you don't know when you really practice ..." When he said this, he held it directly across his sleeves. Live on Li Nanheng's wrist.

As a result, before his forces had exerted his strength, Li Nanheng suddenly avoided the force between his fingers at the same time, and suddenly he was held back by him at the same time, even if it seemed that Li Nanheng back gripped, but actually the wrist bone There was a moment of great pain there.

At the same time, the head coach looked at him again. The obvious warning in the eyes of Shang Li Nanheng meant that the head coach did not speak, only looking at the hand that could be avoided so quickly and without traces, and even he could relax easily. Although it was only a small handshake action with a very large range of motion, it was straightforward to see that this Li Nanheng was not simple.

His skill and reaction speed are much better than he thought.

Although he is a head coach here, but only in terms of skill, I am afraid that he is much weaker than him.

The two men each had a strong, very calm smile on their faces, holding hands in this way, but secretly had better than once, until the head coach pulled his hands out of his palm, and then He calmly put his hands that had been pale to almost **** and put them behind his back. Li Nanheng looked at him calmly and calmly: "What do you want to say?"

The head coach did not speak for a while, and then looked at Li Nanheng again. The two men faced each other silently, although they were not in the same confrontation as when Chen Beiqian was present, but this silent confrontation gave way to closure. Ling felt inexplicably chilling his back.

Wouldn't the two really fight because of her?

because of her?

It should not be.

Just when Feng Ling felt that he was thinking too much, and it should not be possible to fight, the pain in the head coach's hand had recovered a lot, and he placed his hand on one side of the body without touching Li Nanheng. He only said: "Tonight, the gymnasium located opposite the Polytechnic University is open every week. Why don't we go there to play a friendly match? It doesn't involve any interest. It's just a simple gesture. How about it?"

Feng Ling: "..."

Li Nanheng coldly hooked his lips: "I'll stay with you."

Feng Ling: "..."

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