Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1035: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (298)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Oh, mom ..." The man who had been smashed in his head screamed in pain, and in a moment his face was covered with blood and he held up the stick in his hand and rushed up.

Feng Ling's eyes were almost awkward, but she tried hard to stay awake, and she could only feel that everything in front of her was turning in circles. Even if Li Nanheng only held her with a single arm, she was still very stable, holding her and blinking. At the same time, he could feel the sharp blow back from his feet.

Even if she is a big burden in his arms, he is just like when he is carrying weight training at the base, but only with a 90-pound sandbag in his arms, which is guaranteed to be in his arms when discussing with others. The sandbag will not be injured, to ensure that the sandbag will not leak sand, and to ensure that the sandbag in his and her arms is intact. All this is obviously quite simple for Li Nanheng, especially the other three people are just ordinary small characters. Except for the iron stick, which is a knife, even if there is a gun, it is obviously not a good gun.

Because of this, Feng Ling didn't worry about the man being injured because of her, but after all, he was hit once by a steel rod just behind him. I do n’t know how the injury was, although I felt that Li Nanheng ’s movement was not too slow. But Feng Ling's eyes still looked at the man who had been holding him firmly in his arms, and said lowly, "Don't get hurt."

Li Nanheng kicked back again, faintly heard the weak call in his arms, took a moment to look down at her, and saw that Feng Ling was lost because of the drug. From time to time, he leaned his head against his chest and closed his eyes. He The corner of the mouth slightly ticked upwards, holding the woman more firmly, and avoiding the person next to him who lifted a knife and rushed over, stabbed with one hand, and knocked the knife in the other's hand to the ground with another hand. The iron rod in his hands struck each other's shoulders, arms and belly several times.

However, for three to five minutes, Feng Ling only felt that Nan Heng didn't need to step back to hold her, just that a car that had been hit by a deformation behind him was enough to be supported by him and hugged her and rolled over the body. Then put Feng Ling, who frowned because of dizziness, on a slightly safe place on the ground, stood up and held one's wrist with his backhand. In the air, I heard only a sound of bone fracture and the scream of the other person's heartbreaking heart, Then the other side was slammed into the abdomen with the elbow of the man. Until he was spit into the mouth and spit blood, he was thrown in front of the other two by the man in disgust, lying on the ground, struggling, and then lying directly on the ground I didn't have the energy to move again, and the wrist that was strangled to the bone was trembling constantly on the ground, and there was a huge painful moan in my mouth.

Seeing this, the other two were trying to pull the gun, but they did not expect that at the same time they were about to pull the gun, the man who was originally alone and obviously should be in a vulnerable position, but already held up a gun and was facing them. Head.

Those two moments looked at the muzzle of the black hole unbelievably, and then glanced at the pain on the ground. The companion, the gun ...

Did he just **** it away from him while beating their partner?

So fast hand speed!

Seeing that even the gun was in his hand, the two looked back at the deformed vehicle behind them, then looked at the people on the ground, and at the same time he hesitated to take two steps back because of minor or severe injuries.

These people only have holidays with the Chen family in Boston, and they have nothing to do with the XI base or the people in Los Angeles. They don't know what powerful role this person is in front of, but they instinctively feel that it should not be played now. Now ...

But escape.

Otherwise, I am afraid that not only the task is not completed, the lives of all three of them will be explained here tonight.

Li Nanheng's eyes looked coldly at the two people who had begun to retreat. The men had begun to pull the trigger on the gun, and the two of them were frightened and took a few steps back directly. Holding the iron rod and knife tightly in his hand, he hesitated to pull out the gun or rush to run, Li Nanheng suddenly hit one of them with a shot.

With the scream of the man, and the sound of a steel clang "clang" falling from the ground, Li Nanheng's eyes shuddered, "Go."

Even if it was just a very faint word, the three injured with different degrees had a chill in their hearts, and the two of them held back the pain of their injuries, dragged their partners on the ground, and looked again. Looking in horror at the gun in Li Nanheng's hand, there were still a few bullets there. They were very clear. If this man wanted their life, no one could escape.

Until the three of them fled along the highway and limped to the distance, Li Nanheng looked coldly at them, lowered his gun, and looked back at the deformed car. The eyes opened and opened. Close the Feng Ling.

Even though Feng Ling couldn't keep her awake all the time, she could feel that she was basically out of danger now. She opened her eyes again and saw the man come back. When she bent down, she hugged her horizontally and hugged her. The man leaned against his arms, leaning his head against his shoulders weakly, closed his eyes, and tried to talk, but couldn't help it.

The man hugged her passing by the deformed car, walked back to the black Hummer who was only slightly damaged when he hit the door, hugged him in, put him in the front passenger seat, and helped her. Fasten your seat belt.

Feng Ling sat there and opened his eyes to see him. The man didn't speak. He helped her fasten her seat belt, took off her jacket, and folded it into a long square cushion behind her neck. When she's almost unsteady, make her comfortable.

Perhaps it was unexpected that Li Nanheng, who had a rough temper, would be so meticulous in taking care of people. Feng Ling's eyes glanced at him, and the man had already closed the door at this time.

It wasn't until the man got around the car and got into the driver's seat that Feng Ling turned to look at him, but at this angle he could only see the man's steadfast jaw. He couldn't feel at all without the stick just hitting his neck.

After all, she was almost kidnapped. After all, she was just rescued by her. She could n’t say anything about face or thank you, just watching him until the man started the engine to take her off the highway and leave the car. Hit a car that has been completely deformed.

The tall black Hummer was galloping on the road, Feng Linghun's body was relaxed at this moment, letting her medicine that had been unable to keep her head up again, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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