Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1036: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (299)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

By the time Feng Ling woke up again, she had returned to the bed in her home, and her head was still a little dizzy, but at least it was only a kind of medicinal sequelae.

She sat up from the bed, looked around, and looked down again to see that the clothes on her body had not changed, or the one she wore when she was fainted and tied away. At that time, she had just taken a bath and casually changed her body. The clothes are this one.

After getting out of bed and leaving the bedroom, each room was empty, and Li Nanheng was not seen.

If it wasn't for her vertigo, including the smell of that medicine still remaining in her nose, otherwise she would just think that what had happened before was just a nightmare, and in fact nothing happened.

But in fact, it was not a dream.

Feng Ling thought for a while, went out, opened the door and looked at the door next door, and saw that the door was closed, and could not see any movement of the people inside. She stood in front of the door and looked at the door for a long time, then blinked Look out at the night.

She should have slept not long after she was sent back. It was still dark. The time now is 2:30 in the morning.

If this abduction happened suddenly, she might be able to cope if it was not because of Feng Ling's sudden fainting, but after all, she was fainted. If it was not because Li Nanheng rushed in time, I do n’t know if she would be here now where.

After all, when I was at the XI base, I have encountered situations that are several times more dangerous than tonight. This kind of trivial matter is obviously not worth mentioning to Li Nanheng.

So she seems to have nothing to thank.

Feng Ling took a step back into the door silently, and was preparing to close the door, but his actions stopped for a moment. In his mind, the deformed car at that time was reflected in his mind. The door was suddenly kicked by the man, and the man rushed. She got into the car and hugged her, turned and went out because she took care of her, so she could only turn around.

Although the steel rod would not be in danger of life as long as it was properly prepared, at that time the stick hit a fragile and fatal place behind his neck. If it was not for Li Nanheng to hide in time, it might be changed to something else Everyone gets stunned.

No matter what the place hit, it won't hurt too much.

Feng Ling's hand on the doorknob paused for a while. After a while, she went straight out, preparing to knock on the door next door, but suddenly heard the door closing behind her.

Feng Ling: "..."

She looked back at the door of her home behind her.

She seemed to have forgotten to bring the key out.

Feng Ling stood alone in the aisle under the automatic induction lamp. After a moment of silence, he walked over and knocked on the door.

After knocking a few times, it was very quiet inside, then she knocked again, about half a minute later, across the door, she heard footsteps from far and near, until the door in front of it was opened.

The man in the door had already taken a bath and changed his clothes. His hair was clean and fluffy, and he seemed to be ready to sleep. He only glanced at her outside the door, did not speak, and put his hand from the door. Drive, turn around and walk in.

Seeing him meant to let her in. Feng Ling couldn't go home anyway now, after all, she didn't bring her keys, so she might have to ask Li Nanheng for his backup key.

When she entered the door, her eyes were just staring at the back of the man. She had no intention to observe the decoration and environment of his room, and whether he rented or bought the house, these were not the focus of her attention.

"Is the injury serious?" She walked in and closed the door, then asked straight in.

Li Nanheng picked up a pack of cigarettes on the coffee table, turned his head to light, and looked at her again, as if nothing had happened: "What hurt?"

Feng Ling walked over until he stood about one meter in front of the man. He looked a little pale even after resting for a while after taking a bath, even if he vomited through his mouth. To hide all the white aversion, she could still see clearly.

"Although I was lost in medicine at the time, my mind was sober after all, and the stick you were hit was not light."

"Really?" Li Nanheng squinted his eyes, took another puff of cigarette, disapprovingly said: "No wounds, no blood, minor injuries, not worth mentioning."

Feng Ling looked at him coldly: "Also treat me as a three-year-old child? It might be better if the skin trauma can only be seen with blood. This kind of hit by a steel rod is all under the skin. If it is The fragile part of the neck, in that case, you are likely to be beaten to a disability! How can you not avoid it directly! I ca n’t fall even if I fall! Have you ever thought that you might be killed directly by that stick? ? "

Li Nanheng glanced at her, his face was unshakable: "Death will not let you fall."

Feng Ling looked at him silently: "I won't be touched."

"Well, I know." The man took another puff of cigarettes, and with a look of deep expression he knew how wolf-hearted she was.

Feng Ling glanced at his home clothes again and whispered, "Take off your clothes, I'll take a look."

Li Nanheng frowned slightly in a white aversion: "Hmm? Would you let me undress?"

Feng Ling's eyes were impatient and he said coolly, "I take a look at your injury."

The man didn't move, just stood there, and tickled his lips lightly: "Don't look at it, if you say a minor injury is a minor injury, there is nothing beautiful."

"Li Nanheng, the big man don't suffer, I just want to take a look at it, and didn't say that I will be responsible for your injury. At least you have to let me know, after all, it's the area behind the neck!" Patience, he will drag his clothes forward.

Li Nanheng was in the moment when the woman suddenly approached, and looked down at her, until she suddenly raised his hand to pull his clothes, the man grabbed her hand directly, and held her hand on his chest.

Feng Ling's meal, the temperature on the man's body can be felt through a layer of clothes under the palm, it is obviously normal body temperature, but her whole hand and the entire arm are like heat, she is busy The hand was pulled out, but the man was pressing her hand heavily, just pressing her with one hand, inserting one hand in his trouser pocket, holding a half cigarette in his mouth, squinting at her like looking through the smoke. .

"It's even harder to see. If you say that you are responsible for me, I'll take off my clothes for you now, and you say frankly that you won't be responsible. What else do I take off? You like being a woman very much Undressing in front of me? "Li Nanheng talked with a smile as he held a cigarette.

Feng Ling's face was ugly, but he pulled his hand out hard, took a step back, and said coldly, "You haven't undressed before me a lot."

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