Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1044: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (307)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

At this time, the direction of handing his back to the window was clearly sending death.

Feng Ling looked back at him as she walked, but was pushed hard by the man to the door, her gaze looked back to the window, and she pulled back and dragged him: "Li Nanheng!"

"Let's go first!" Li Nanheng seized every opportunity to let her go quickly, without any hesitation: "Go!"

Almost at that moment, Feng Ling, who was too familiar with the sniper rifle, suddenly jumped his eyelids. Even if he was far away, he glanced out the window and shouted, "Be careful--"

When Li Nanheng's sniper bullet broke through the window, he grabbed Feng Ling's arm and took her down to avoid the bullet. The bullet made a loud noise on the wall again, and then another shot, Li Nanheng Seeing that Feng Ling had not been able to get out of this room smoothly, Mei Yu ended. He was worried that if Ruisha and her companions were tied with small explosives, Feng Ling would stay here, it would be really innocent. It's my life.

But now it ’s too late to think and think too much. The man dragged Feng Ling to hide behind the sofa, while pressing her head to hold her in his arms. The bullets outside the window shot in, and the sound was loud. The room was full of smoke of smoke, which completely broke the peace of this community.

Feng Ling raised his head from his arms, Li Nanheng glanced back to the direction of the window, looked down at her again, and whispered, "Their goal is me. Don't get involved, you can run and run."

"I'm running, what do you do?" Feng Ling's hand also dragged his cuff tightly: "Since you can run, go out together."

"I'm going out with you, waiting for their blocking bullets to go out? How many innocent people are outside here, don't forget the mission of the XI base, we are not so heartbroken that we can casually sacrifice to satisfy our own heroism. In the category of other innocent people, we are behind the military and the police! "After that, he suddenly pulled her out of his arms:" Go! "

Feng Ling's hand was still grasping his cuff: "Let's go together!"

Li Nanheng knew her stubbornness in her bones and looked down at her. When the sofa behind her had been hit by bullets and filled with smoke, she just stared at her eyes and suddenly chuckled: "I can't die, even if you want to care about me, think Live and die with me, and I have to change another time, I am afraid I can't move now. "

Feng Ling: "..."

Who wants to touch him? This shameless.

She tugged his sleeve hard: "Come with me!"

It can't be honed anymore, otherwise the only barrier in the hall, the sofa, will soon be completely blasted.

Li Nanheng looked up again, and was about to get up. Suddenly Ruisa's hand that had been unable to fall to the ground slowly moved towards her own calf. There were bullets in the three windows behind her. Li Nanheng even saw it. Unable to do anything, only when Feng Ling pulled up and ran to the door, suddenly pressed Feng Ling firmly in her arms, holding her outward.

The two walked fast and avoided bullets at the same time. However, just before stepping out of the door, Ruisha had successfully taken out the miniature muffler gun hidden in the decorative bag beside her calf and stared directly. Li Nanheng and Feng Ling quickly fired.

The bullet sound of the sniper rifle was too loud, causing Feng Ling to fail to hear the muffled sound of the muffler gun, only to feel that Li Nanheng suddenly hugged her in front of the door and quickly turned her side. The man holding her suddenly froze, but Just after that, when she suddenly raised her eyes and looked at him, she could only see the man's stern chin, and he could not see his instant pale face, and was suddenly rushed out by the man holding him like this.

Finally rushed out of the door, Li Nanheng took her behind the wall and leaned against him. The man gasped a bit sharply at the moment, saying: "There should already be some people lurking in the safe passage and the elevator. You go alone first, they don't know You, if you meet in the elevator, you wo n’t do anything to you. "

Feng Ling turned around at this time to open the door on the side of the escalator in the safe passage. He went in and took a look. After checking, he turned around and called him, but saw that the man's back was rubbing a blush on the wall. Blood, she immediately frowned: "Are you hurt?"

"It's okay, minor injuries." Li Nanheng gasped again, the paleness on his face couldn't be covered, and his eyebrows didn't frown. He smiled at her: "Be obedient, go away!"

Feng Ling had a certain movement in Retha's mind. At that time, in order to avoid the bullets of the sniper rifle outside the window, the situation was urgent. They ignored the Asian man's gun at that time, but the woman named Retha However, she never took out her gun. One person took it, and the other person would certainly take it, but at that time, she never took it out, causing them to ignore the nearest person for a while.

She didn't hear the sound, and she didn't find it on Resha. Then it seemed that only a special miniature silencer could do it.

Feng Ling didn't say more, and went straight to hold the man's arm: "Go!"

Li Nanheng looked at her: "I let you go alone, I don't understand?"

Feng Ling looked at him very deeply and coldly: "Li, old, big, now I am you, you are me, will you go?"

"Why not, don't you hate me, hate me, and disgusted me?" Li Nanheng smiled a little. When he smiled, it was probably yesterday's back pain plus new injuries that implicated the man's eyebrows. Faintly shuddered, but still kept silent.

Looking at him with a pale face when he laughed, Feng Ling kept his face cold, didn't refute or admit it, dragged his arm directly, turned and pushed the door of the escalator again, and dragged him forcibly.

Li Nanheng's pace was a bit daunting. After she was dragged in forcibly, she looked at the escalator room and looked calm, but from their experience, it was estimated that people were surrounded by the up and down, not in the elevator. It's safe, and you can also get pinched back and forth here.

Feng Ling then shot, took the gun out of him, held it in his own hand, and just held him down with one hand like this: "Come on!"

Even if Li Nanheng was new and old, she wouldn't be able to beat her strength, but Feng Ling's hand kept dragging him, and the two of them continued to linger, and no one wanted to escape safely.

The man dragged by her sighed, "Slow down, don't fall."

Feng Ling looked back at him at this moment: "Can you walk?"

Li Nanheng's face was pale, and her lip color gradually looked at her. Seeing her anger and impatience in her eyes, she sighed and said, "OK, I'll go."

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