Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1045: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (308)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling then glared at him again, helping him straight down.

Whether it was the cooperation between the long-term training and mission at the XI base, or the instinct of the two now, when they saw the ambush in the corridor, Feng Ling raised his gun and smashed them with a butt. Fortunately, although they have an ambush, they are scattered in various places, because they do n’t know that Li Nanheng will suddenly have a helper like Feng Ling. There are not many people in the ambush. Can solve.

Along the way, the two went straight out of the apartment building without wasting a bullet. When they came out, they saw a lot of people who lived there because of the movement and the terrible bullets. They thought they were scared. Many people have fled. When it came out, there were a lot of people in the parking lot. Everyone was running frantically, holding their children or rushing into the car with the old man, and then fled around in the car.

Such a scene is very common in the United States. Once anything similar to the terrorist attack, the people here will immediately flee the scene to avoid being implicated as cannon fodder.

Just because there were many people outside, Feng Ling could just pull Li Nanheng by chance and rush into the parking lot in a chaotic direction to find Li Nanheng's car, because he was wearing black clothes with injuries on the back but The others didn't notice if they didn't notice, and ran to the car all the way, she touched the man's body for a long time, finally touched the electronic car key, quickly pulled the car door to help him into the co-driver's seat.

He was helped by this little woman all the way, Li Nanheng looked at the direction of the driver's seat and was about to pass, but Feng Ling pressed him firmly on the seat, and then pulled up his seat belt in front of him: "Do n’t Move! I drive! "

Li Nanheng glanced at her: "Are you driving? Do you want to die?"

Of course, she knew that if those people were still ambush outside and they must be targeted at him, they would definitely be the first to find a way to blast the head of the person sitting in the driver's seat, no matter who the person is.

Feng Ling didn't say anything. After buckling his seat belt, he quickly flashed over and sat directly in the driver's seat. With Li Nanheng staring at her like this, he started the engine without changing the color and drove the car quickly. Go out and rush straight out around those ambush.

There are too many people and cars around, which can be used as a covert for the time being. After rushing out of the community, because she was accustomed to her duties and mission at the XI base, she did not drive the car to the road, but turned to the road and sparsely crowded. The other roads of the road go towards the suburbs and unmanned roads, so as not to injure innocent people in normal living areas.

Li Nanheng sat there without moving, only looking at the cloudy sky outside, and said, "Be careful, there are pinches in front and back."

Feng Ling didn't speak, but she was already mentally prepared to observe the road conditions and situation from the rearview mirror from time to time. After the car drove out about one kilometer, a car was chased up.

"Who are these people?" Feng Ling asked coldly.

"Some of the traffickers, drug gangs, and gangs who were besieged not long ago were very implicated in the forces behind them." Li Nanheng whispered, while raising his hand to get something, but because of the gunshot behind him and being stabbed yesterday. The old wound from that stick frowned, no snoring, and put his hand down again.

Feng Ling noticed his movement: "What do you want?"

"Mobile phone."

She controlled the steering wheel with one hand, ran a hand over him, and found it and handed it to him.

Li Nanheng glanced at what she handed over, took it, opened it quickly and sent her tracking signal permission to the base lobby, and then glanced at the car that had been chasing behind, because she still gave Feng Ling after all Involved and closed his eyes annoyedly, leaning on the seat, exhaling a long breath: "Feng Ling."

Feng Ling started attentively, stepping on the accelerator under his feet, and only glanced at him with the light in the corner of his eye: "Say."

Li Nanheng closed his eyes and said, "I really have never married another woman."

Feng Ling was silent for a moment: "There is no need to talk about this."

"If something really happens here today, if you can leave safely, at least you should be thinking about me, and do n’t let me die with regrets. Is there some question of principle, what I promised, there is one The three-year agreement cannot be said for the time being, but you must trust me. I am sincere and sincere to you. I have never meant to play with your feelings. "

The man was severely injured, and the location of the gunshot wound behind him was not as simple as a small injury outside the flesh. His voice was a little dumb and he bleed for so long.

Feng Ling's hand clenched on the steering wheel.

Three years?

What three-year agreement?

At that time, she did not intend to ask, and did not want to ask, plus the ** I base was kicked out, she left, and never wanted to ask what happened.

She always thought it was like Han Jin said.

But I just talked about a fruitless love.

No one has to worry about it.

Miss Ke Wen said that Li Nanheng refused to return to Li's family for her, and refused to meet Li's old men. He sought her for two years.

She looked ahead and continued to drive. The voice of her mouth was a little bit awkward: "I want to explain something, wait till I get out of the danger, don't say anything immortal, I can survive the bomb zone of terror. Why is it that this little character is bound to die? I don't remember Li Li is such a negative person. "

Li Nanheng ticked his lips: "Have you forgotten, in the XI base, the same way as the military, every time there is something or a task, you must write a last word. I only have you next to me, and the last word is only Can explain to you. "

Feng Ling was silent for a moment: "What last words."

Li Nanheng leaned on the co-pilot's seat so weakly, and looked at the cars that could not be thrown away behind him. After ten seconds, he quietly said, "I only have you as a woman I only like a woman like you. "

"Is there nothing else to say?" Feng Ling's hand on the steering wheel became tighter and tighter.

"No, my life is very simple, except Li Family, the base, there is only one you." The man said with a sigh, and then suddenly sighed again and turned to look out the window.

Feng Ling opened quickly, and this Hummer could indeed drive to the limit speed. In a short time, it has been driven close to the suburbs. Outside the window are endless Hirano and American farms. There are yellow autumn colors everywhere in Hirano, lonely and quiet, no end can be seen, only the car is driving forward non-stop.

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