Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1046: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (309)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling did not speak all the way, only observing everything in the rearview mirror, and suddenly said: "There are areas inhabited in the front, you ca n’t drive there. I know there is a backing jungle near the east of Boston. The distance is about 50 kilometers in a straight line. These people are chasing after each other and are fully prepared. Would you mind if I drive the car into the jungle? "

The jungle is an extremely dangerous area for others, but it is very simple for Feng Ling. If you want to deal with those who have been chasing you, maybe there is only the best way out for the time being.

But Li Nanheng's injuries could not be delayed.

He didn't speak, just looking in the direction of the car window, and said, "Yes."

When Feng Ling went directly to a fork in the intersection, he turned the car to the northeast and stepped on the accelerator all the way.

The cars chased from behind are also very good and very fast. No matter how fast the car is, you can't throw them away. Now you can only see if you can get rid of them in the jungle, and then you can come back to kill. .

Looking at the direction in the distance, even though the jungle is not visible at all here, Feng Ling's eyes seemed to have light, looking straight ahead.

After about 20 minutes, Feng Ling continued to observe the cars in the rear. Suddenly he turned to Li Nanheng, who had been quiet for a long time and had not spoken for a long time. He suddenly glanced down at the seat of the co-pilot under him, only Seeing that the light brown leather seat has been stained red by the blood flowing from his back, and a lot of blood has flowed down the seat down to the bottom.

Feng Ling frowned, turning the front of the car a bit, shaking the body violently, and Li Nanheng, who had almost fallen into a drowsiness, suddenly opened his eyes because of such a change, even though the eyes were already endlessly tired and bleeding too much. The moment he opened his eyes was also very alert. He looked out of the window, and at that moment, someone suddenly reached out the window and opened a gun and fired at their body.

The glass of this Hummer has bulletproof effects all over the glass. The blocking effect of this bullet is very perfect. It is because they know that every bullet is facing the direction of the tire.

Feng Ling knew their intentions, constantly changing the direction of the car body, avoiding each bullet, and said, "Boss, don't sleep!"

Li Nanheng's face was pale to a certain extent. He only looked at the situation in the rearview mirror, took a quiet breath, and then slowly raised his hand, put some cold hands on Feng Ling's leg, and then directly Taking out the gun in her pocket, she said mutely, "Keep on."

Feng Ling looked at him, but saw that Li Nanheng didn't know where he lifted up a bit of strength, holding the gun in his hand, directly opening the window on the other side, facing the fierce wind due to speed, raised his gun towards After shooting.

Feng Nan knows the accuracy of Li Nanheng's marksmanship. Even if the speed of the car is fast and the wind speed is too high now, even if they are forced to walk in front, even if he is seriously injured, as long as he fires a shot, he can definitely shoot Hit their car tires.

But his injury now ...

His arms and wrists couldn't help it at all.

Now she ca n’t care too much. She drove forward madly and heard the sound of Li Nanheng ’s firing. She instantly raised her eyes and looked into the rearview mirror. Here she could n’t see the direction of the bullet. After a few seconds, I suddenly saw the car that was chasing in front of me suddenly swayed down a bit, and the tire was completely flat!

Feng Ling immediately ticked.

It is indeed Li Nanheng.

Then there was another shot, and the tire of another car was blown out at the same time.

After several consecutive shots, the tires of those cars burst, Li Nanheng pulled the trigger again, and then suddenly closed the body out of the window. Feng Lingyan quickly pressed the central control lock to help him On the front of the window.

Li Nanheng didn't have much strength. He leaned on the seat and threw the gun directly into her arms. "No more bullets. I'll see you in the jungle after a while."

Although those cars were flat tires, they can still continue to chase, but the speed will be slowed down a lot because of the tires.

Taking this opportunity, Feng Ling ran directly in the direction in which a dark, dark green could already be seen.

Seeing that the car behind had been thrown away a lot, Feng Ling took the time to ask for it: "Before I got on the car, I saw a little injury on the door yesterday that was hit yesterday. You haven't had time to send it back to Los Angeles. Go to repair. In the case of high-speed driving yesterday, you just cross the car directly in the middle of the road like this, are you not afraid of the one who died first? "

Li Nanheng was sitting there with little energy because of the injury behind him, and blood was behind him. He closed his eyes and tickled his lips: "What have I been afraid of?"

Such a question asked the man's unruly tamer once again, but Feng Ling didn't talk about it, but the man himself said: "Probably what really scared me was that I rushed back two years ago. When I was at the base, I was really scared when I looked at your empty room, and when I looked at the wine bottles on the ground. It probably really scared me. That day, you were taken away by the coma in that car. Stop you, they don't necessarily do anything to you. "

"What really scares me is that when I am surrounded by these people, you will be implicated because of me ..." Li Nanheng said while closing his eyes, Mei Yu frowned: "So, Feng Ling, you are disgusted with me now Yeah, no matter what, since you have left the XI base, you must learn to cherish your life. Your life is no longer sold to any military. The police, you do n’t need to be responsible to anyone else, you are just yourself. "

Feng Ling did not answer the question, at this moment suddenly looked up to the position above the window.

Li Nanheng also seemed to hear something, and opened his eyes, his pale face slowly raised, looking in that direction.

But looking at the colors and models, it is obviously not a XI base helicopter.

"An enemy or a friend?" Feng Ling asked.

Li Nanheng did not hesitate: "The enemy."

Hearing this word, Feng Ling retracted his gaze and stared straight at the jungle in front: "As far as I know, in these jungles closer to the city, many pits of various sizes have been hidden because of man-made excavations all year round. The car will go to waste when I drive in. I will directly hit the car to the nearest tree stump. Be sure to jump off before hitting it. Otherwise, the performance of your car is as good as it is now, and the two of us will also die. "

Li Nanheng didn't speak, but when her words fell, she unfastened the seat belt directly, her pale face looked at the direction of the jungle with no expression, and said indifferently: "In the jungle, you are the boss, I listen your."

Isn't he untrained in wild camps and jungles? Need to coax her all the time?

Feng Ling gave him a quick glance, but the car was about to reach the position where she was about to hit. She quickly released the steering wheel, unfastened the seat belt, and the doors on both sides were suddenly pushed open one second before the body crashed forward. The two quickly jumped down!

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