Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1047: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (310)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The tall black car suddenly rushed into the jungle due to a speed of more than 250 mph, and slammed into the adjacent boulder and tree building near the jungle. A loud noise and an explosion-like motion erupted instantly.

After Feng Ling jumped out of the car, because she suddenly jumped down, even if she was not injured, she felt pain in her limbs. She quickly got up and looked back at the smoking car that had begun to stop. Go around the car step by step and go to the other side.

Until she saw that Li Nanheng had also got up, she hurriedly walked over, and stepped forward to support his arm.

"It's okay, you don't need to help." Li Nanheng said in a low voice, about to pull his hand out of her hand, but Feng Ling firmly held his arm and glanced into the jungle: "Now They have a car in the back and a pinch of a helicopter in the front. Let's go first. "

Li Nanheng closed his eyes. Obviously several injuries on his body and the severe impact when he jumped on the car had a great impact on him. He didn't say anything, just nodded, his hand still had to be taken out of her hand. However, Feng Ling could already see that he was seriously injured, holding his arm tightly: "Don't move around! Go, go ahead!"

Li Nanheng glanced at her before he had time to speak, and Feng Ling gave a firm hold and walked in the direction of the bushes that he could not see.

When I got there, there were indeed pits dug artificially under each of the grasses. The pits were already covered with high and low grasses of different heights, so it was impossible to easily find the location of the giant pits in such a plane. Avoid, it is easy to accidentally fall into the pit.

Both have received professional field survival training. The XI base has also organized many survival training in tropical rain forests. Men have a natural conquest of places such as the wild and the jungle. Conviction and natural sense of direction are also innate. Ling has lived in the jungle since he was a child, so this is a dangerous place for many people, and for both of them, it is like flat ground.

It would be better if Li Nanheng was not injured because of her.

It is a pity that he was not badly hurt.

Still bleeding all the way.

The man relied on his own strength and walked for a few hundred meters. After being assisted by Feng Ling, he gradually planted it to her side. Feng Ling helped him: "Keep on, find A place that is not easy for them to find. Helicopters will constantly search and patrol on it. At least we ca n’t be blocked by them until our people come to support. Now the two of us do n’t have any advantage at all. We must find it first. A safe place. "

Li Nanheng closed his eyes, nodded, and didn't want to lean on her, but Feng Ling's hand was now leaning tightly around his waist, and at the same time he fully supported him like this: "Go!"

Li Nanheng's eyes with pale lips looked at the little woman who was struggling to support herself, and her arm, which had been lying on one side of the body, was slowly raised. Finally, she let her hands rest on her shoulders. She was escorted by her all the way.

Now those who come to besiege them do not know how many people are, they are prepared, even if they are so powerful, facing such a pinch, and Li Nanheng has been injured, Maybe brave husband.

Feng Ling helped him under all the hidden trees all the way, and after walking a few hundred meters, the man's body fell down suddenly, Feng Ling turned his eyes sharply, and saw that Li Nanheng's face was already pale and ridiculous, but The man never said anything. She was busy holding Li Nanheng leaning to the side of the tree, and then put back the hand that had been around his waist. When she lowered her head, she saw that she had been stained by the blood on the back of his sleeves and Covered with **** palms.

It has been bleeding for so long. If a doctor comes in time to help stop bleeding and get bullets, it is better, but in this case, how can I find a doctor.

"Can it hold it up?" Feng Ling looked at him worriedly, and then lowered his head to check the injuries on his back. He was about to tear his clothes off, and when the hand touched his neckline, he was pressed by the man. Out of hand.

"It's okay." Li Nanheng said quietly: "Minor injuries."

"You were hit by a steel rod and you said it was a minor injury. Now that the bullets are in the meat, do you still say that it is a minor injury?" Feng Ling waved his hand and pulled his collar firmly away. The bullet wound on his shoulder was a red round mark about three centimeters in size, but this place was already blurred and the back was covered with blood.

Li Nanheng originally wanted to push her away. As a result, this woman is very powerful now. He is now so vulnerable that she can't push her hand away, so she is pulled and pulled apart to hold her clothes. On his back, Li Nanheng couldn't push away, and he couldn't help but look at the ground and sigh.

"What's laughing?" Feng Ling folded his clothes together, then turned to look over the jungle again. The leaves are dense here, so that he can block the escalation of the search and search. Those who drive by will not be so fast. Finding it here, she retracted her gaze and looked at the man again: "It's so funny to hurt?"

Li Nanheng smiled, and said lowly, "I'm in a good mood, can't I laugh?"

Feng Ling faced: "... Are you neurotic? Are you happy after getting hurt?"

Li Nanheng still just smiled, then turned around and looked around: "Let's go, keep going, my big man is not so tender and can hold up."

"It's a man and not a fairy. The bullets are all in the flesh. When you hit yourself with iron?" Feng Ling froze with a cold face, and forced him up again.

Then she walked in and watched the man's face from time to time. She had already tried to pull him so that he could rest his body weight on her, but the man was obviously desperate for his face, so he still insisted on walking. At most, after taking dozens of steps, I couldn't hold it. I leaned on her for a few seconds and then continued to move forward.

Feng Ling couldn't stand it anymore, he suddenly held him, walked in front of him again, and turned his back to him: "I carry you."

Although Li Nanheng's face was pale, she raised her eyebrows because of her words, looking at the girl's thin back.

"Li Nanheng, you also know that you are already involved in me now, don't want me to be dragged to death here with you, just hurry up, I will carry you! I can run for thousands of kilograms , You are not even half of the three hundred pounds, and I will not be able to carry you! Come up! "

Li Nanheng hooked her lips, leaned over and stuck it to her back, but did not give her the weight of the body, but extended her hand, behind her, pinched her and held her in her arms. .

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