Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1048: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (311)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling frowned frantically and said solemnly, "I'll let you up!"

"No need to back, let me hug, I can recover a lot of strength." The man murmured softly behind her back, and then, when Feng Ling was about to explode, took a step back in a very timely manner, Let her go.

Feng Ling turned his head sharply and looked at him with incomprehensible eyes: "When is it? You still ..."

"Whenever I am your man, there is no reason for you to carry me on your back. Unless I die, I ca n’t even breathe, and I ca n’t control my actions and thoughts. Otherwise, I ’ll always protect you. No one is walking with your back on my shoulders. "The man said, and went straight from her side with no white expression, and walked straight forward, even if he gradually became weak because of excessive blood loss, even if the pace was slow. Alas, but still still walking.

Feng Ling looked at the black clothes on the man and could hardly see any blood, but the smell of blood spreading in the air still made her frown heavily.

She walked up quickly and raised her hand to help him: "I'll help you go, okay?"

The man's stern face didn't change much, just turned to look at her again. Feng Ling's face was even colder than him, but because of the injuries behind him, he couldn't help it, because he was afraid of something really wrong. , Both hands carefully took his arm: "Under normal circumstances, there will be some shelters such as beasts and animals in the depths of the jungle, hidden hills or trees under certain bushes. There are a lot of holes, and they may not find exactly where we are if they want to find it. "

After speaking, she dragged the man around to find, and finally found a place that looked very hidden, and it was probably impossible to find the group of two people under the old tree. Under the tree hole, she helped him sit down again.

When Li Nanheng sat down, he frowned slightly again because of the wound on the back, but it was fleeting, and he turned his head to look at the tall bushes outside: "There is blood all the way outside, if they want to find someone, just go Borrowing two hounds is enough to find us. "

"Rest assured, I will deal with it, you wait."

Feng Ling said, and went straight out of this small square that could only accommodate two people, and went to the high bushes outside.

Although this jungle is very large and everywhere looks dark and mysterious, it is actually the closest jungle to the city after all. The animals and beasts here have already run out because of too much human disturbance. Only snakes and some harmless small animals can be found.

She went to pick some of the unique Houttuynia cordata in the jungle, squeezed it into mud in her hands, and then along the way, she wiped the Houttuynia Mud that was strong enough to live with all the flavors, and wiped it all around. Separate the road and go to the other side to continue rubbing.

Just ten minutes later, Feng Ling quickly resolved most of the area. Houttuynia is very strong. Don't mention that they ca n’t have hunting dogs, even if they really have hunting dogs. Houttuynia cordata cannot be immediately identified which side is heavier, because Houttuynia cordata has a **** smell, which is easily confused with the taste of human blood.

This is the only person who can grow up in the jungle like Feng Ling. Others, unless they are professional jungle explorers, even various authoritative doctors may not know this kind of thing.

When she got back into the tree hole, she saw Li Nanheng sitting there, her eyes closed, motionless.

Feng Ling jumped in his heart, quickly walked down and crouched in front of him: "Li Nanheng?"

The man with closed eyes opened his eyes because she suddenly squeezed his shoulders vigorously, and looked at the girl in front of her. Although her face was pale and weak, her eyes seemed still bright: "Did you just call me boss now? But also Well, everything sounds better than Mr. Li. "

Feng Ling stared at him, didn't want to tell him such nonsense, took it directly from the dagger he had brought with him just before getting on the car, and severely cut off his clothes. When the man raised his eyebrows and looked at her like this, Leng said, "I saw the injury yesterday, and I don't mind if I watch it again today."

"Don't mind, but your act of cutting your clothes is too rough ..." The man murmured mutely.

Feng Ling froze coldly: "If you like gentleness, look for gentleness, and less bother me."

Li Nanheng smiled inexplicably because of her sentence, and even laughed aloud. At the same time, she could not help but coughed twice because of the injury on her body. The coughed back had never been dry and the wound continued. Bleeding outward.

Originally, he had been unable to let the wound heal easily because he didn't stop, and the movements around his body couldn't make the wound heal easily. Now that he has not fainted, he is really in good physical condition.

Feng Ling looked at the man's pale but still smiling complexion. Somehow he suddenly remembered the night on the Rogers Pass when he was so weak, and he could toss her for a few days without wanting to get out of bed and hide Lying in the bed in the tent next door didn't want to go out to see people. She really was blessed with the man's physical strength, so her physical ability was really a little witch in front of him.

Suddenly, I thought of it unexpectedly. Feng Ling's face sank again, but he didn't speak. He leaned down and turned the man's shoulder firmly, then got behind him and examined his wound. Then said, "Did the bullet shoot through the scapula?"

"Probably not. If bones were shot through, I wouldn't have gone so far." The man replied dumbly: "Only in the flesh, don't you have a knife? Help me remove the bullet."

Feng Ling thought he had heard it wrong, and the hand around his wound suddenly snapped his head up, "What did you say?"

Li Nanheng looked back at her and picked up the dagger she had just dropped on the ground: "Take the bullet."

Feng Ling's hand left directly from his back: "I won't!"

"I don't know when I can leave. You should be very clear. The longer a bullet is left in the body, the more dangerous it is. Do you want me to be dragged alive here?" The man asked in a low voice, "putting the wound near Will the flesh be cut apart? The bullet is now only in the skin, it is not that difficult, it can be obtained directly. "

"I've never done it, I can't." Feng Ling said as he thoughtfully looked at the wound behind his shoulder, remembering the cross he had cut with a knife on his shoulder when he was bitten by a snake. Scar of a knife.

It seems that if you use the method of drawing a cross, you can indeed get a bullet ...

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