Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1049: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (312)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng didn't look at the expression on her face that was not very confident about the incident and threw the dagger directly into her arms: "Come."

Seal picks up the dagger, looks at the injuries behind him, and then looks at the man who has lowered his head slightly, revealing the entire smooth and perfect texture of the back in front of her, and her fingers holding the dagger are frozen. Already.

She held a dagger over the wound behind his shoulder for a while, staring at the wound wound by the bullet, cruelly, still holding his shoulder in one hand, and sticking the sharp knife directly on the wound with one hand: "Then you bear it, I don't know how to, if it hurts, you ..."

The man didn't speak, but he gave her a peace of mind in silence.

Until she scratched the tip of the knife directly, she obviously felt that although the man did not snor, but because she had not disinfected the knife, she had never used the experience of healing others, and it may not necessarily be that he was poking behind his shoulder. Which of her nerves, her hand resting on his shoulder, could feel that the muscles of the man's back were a little tight as her knife point got deeper and deeper.

She glanced at him side by side, she couldn't see the expression of the man, and could only feel that the crossbow she had drawn was definitely not as professional as the one he had drawn on her shoulder. At the time, she did feel pain, but it was extra special. Rest assured, now how exactly Li Nanheng is rest assured to hand this over to her ...

Just cut open a cross knife, the tip of the knife seemed to touch the bullet embedded in the flesh at this time, she said suddenly, "I found the bullet."

"Um." The tight muscles at the beginning of the man's back seemed to have become accustomed to the pain for a long time, and gradually relaxed a lot, still facing away from her, his voice was flat as if he was suffering the pain, not him, saying: "It's up to you."

The bullet was not too deep. Feng Ling looked at the blood on the crisscross knife and the blood stain that was still bleeding in front of him. He still tried it with the tip of the knife where it hit the bullet, and then suddenly and accurately shot the bullet. Pick it out.

The blood-stained bullets landed instantly, making a crisp sound of small metal landing.

In just a few minutes, Feng Ling faintly sweated on her forehead. After confirming that the bullet had been taken out, she looked at the injury on his back, was distressed and helpless, and only whispered, "Okay. Now. "

The man facing his back didn't move, didn't speak, Feng Ling glanced at the injury behind him again, and then tentatively extended his head to look at her, but saw that the man seemed to be focusing on something.

She was distracted by the bullet just now, and slammed back because of his silent look, only to hear faintly at least two helicopters hovering above the jungle.

It ’s a long way away. It ’s a long distance above the sky. I can hear them are looking for it, but because the jungle is too dense, if you walk in normally, you have more hope to find them. If you want to come in by car or helicopter, it means that you have entered a blind spot and have no room to play.

Of course, even at this time, who really came in on foot, without the sniper rifle in the distance and their hidden ambush, let alone Feng Ling, even the injured Li Nanheng could casually knock down two.

Feng Ling leaned down and picked up the blood-stained bullet on the ground, put it in his hand for a few seconds, and said, "It's a small silencing AK. What is that woman, this gun is not cheap."

"It's nothing, except that she has more men, and everyone is not short of money. It is not difficult for her to get the best gun." Li Nanheng said, raising his arms to put on the clothes behind him, but Feng Ling Reached and held his hand directly.

"Don't move first. Although the bullet is removed, you still have to deal with the wound. Put the clothes back on like this. Do you want the clothes to stick to the wound after the blood is dry?" She said as she said Take a small pack of wet wipes out of her pocket. This is what she usually brings occasionally. There are only half a pack left, not a few, but fortunately, the blood can be wiped away.

There was no chance for disinfection of the knife just now. After all, this place in the jungle does not look like a stone platform on the mountain wall of the Snake Valley. Now when the fire is sterilized, it is to notify the people outside and tell them where to hide.

Everything was rushed at first, and now she doesn't care if the wipe is disinfected, but she did not try to wipe his wounds and incisions, only wiped the nearby blood, and then wiped the rest on his back. The blood on the position finally lifted up the clothes he had cut off, and simply put it on his back: "In this way, first put on the clothes, I cut a little there on my shoulders, should Does not stick to the flesh. "

As she said, she cleaned up the blood on the rest of her body. It wasn't until he was about to help the man to lean on the side and at the same time he was about to pick up another clean wet to wipe his face. The child suddenly became exceptionally quiet. Seeing that the man's eyes had closed, her hands on his arms and shoulders stiffened, and she leaned down in front of him. say something."

Li Nanheng did not respond.

Feng Ling was in a hurry. When he first took the bullet, he knew that he had just shed a lot of blood, and his physical strength could not support it.

"Li Nanheng, it was my first time to take a bullet. Every first time in my life has something to do with you. If you dare to die, I will throw you into the zombies and throw you into a deeper jungle to feed To those birds and beasts! "

Li Nanheng suddenly issued a low-dumb laugh, and at the same time coughed because of the laughter, and then said dumbly: "I just closed my eyes for a while, didn't speak, and I was saving my strength, I promise, I won't die."

Hearing his answer, Feng Ling realized that he had suddenly panicked, and suddenly pulled his hand back on his shoulders, turned around and sat next to him, or said something like: Block the bullet for me, you block again, I will never see you again in my life. "

Li Nanheng didn't know if he was saving energy or had no energy to speak. He didn't say a word.

Time passed by one minute and one second. Feng Ling calculated the time it took for the rescue team closest to the XI base to reach here. After a while, she felt that the breath of Li Nanheng was quiet and unusual, and she turned her eyes. Seeing Li Nanheng still closed his eyes, because the wound on his shoulder had just taken out the bullet, the new injury was wounded together, the blood was still flowing outward, and the ground was stained with blood.

If he goes on like this, he will lose too much blood, and even if he is not fatal because of a bullet, he will be consumed to bleed to death.

Feng Ling's eyelids jumped, and suddenly raised his hand to pat his face: "Li Nanheng!"


(I received the notification of the explosion today. I may start to save the draft again recently. The specific explosion time, I will tell the relatives when I save the draft ~)

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