Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1050: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (313)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

After taking a few shots, he didn't seem to reflect. Feng Ling went directly to him, looked at his face, and called his name while taking a picture.

Until the man's quiet closed eyes moved slightly, the fingers on his legs also moved slightly, as if to give her a response.

Feng Ling saw the movements on his hands and saw his eyes slowly opening at this moment, and suddenly she didn't know why it was sour. She looked at his face and whispered, "How about you To hold on, don't sleep over? "

The man opened her eyes and looked at her. It seemed that he was powerless to laugh, but still slightly touched the corner of his mouth, and said in a very dumb and light voice, "What do you think?"

Feng Ling didn't understand what he meant, just looked at him: "What do I think?"

When it is really time to open it, never open it, and when you should not open it.

Li Nanheng sighed and smiled, slowly raised his hand and nodded his own face: "Kiss me."

Obviously his face was pale and weak, and his eyes were full of crickets, but these three words were still terribly terrible. Feng Ling's heart jumped violently beyond control.

She looked at him coldly, and suddenly got up and took a step back: "Then you sleep!"

Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow and said quietly, "You would rather see me die than have any more trouble with me?"

"Then you die." Feng Ling's eyes were impatient.

Li Nanheng looked at her, ticked his lips, and didn't say more, but closed his eyes slowly again.

At first Feng Ling thought he was intentional, but the man's face was pale and uncomfortable. Although he could not see any emotion between the eyebrows, he could feel that he had no strength now, and saw his eyes closed for a while, even Before he opened it, he suddenly leaned down again: "Li Nanheng! No sleep!"

However, the eyes of the man remained closed quietly, leaning motionlessly in the tree hole, as if there was no reflection.

Feng Ling frowned, wondering if he was really cruel at this time. After all, he was injured because of her.

She raised her hand and patted it twice on the man's shoulder: "Wake up!"

"Li Nanheng, don't sleep, you wake up ..."

The words are not finished yet, because she suddenly bowed her heads to a close distance, the man with closed eyes lifted his hands and hugged her directly. Although he was not strong, Feng Ling squatted in front of him. Without much stability, he just caught it and fell into his arms.

When Feng Ling raised his eyes violently, the man put his face toward her, closed his eyes, and hugged her, but his pale face was full of enjoyment and said, "Just kiss."

Feng Ling pursed his lips and glared at him. With the beautiful expression of the man, Feng Ling pushed him away: "I don't think you can die!"

Then, she got up and walked outside the tree hole. "The helicopter's voice is gone. I don't know where it stopped. I'll go and see."

Looking at the young woman who was rushing out, Li Nanheng leaned there, her pale lips tugging, and sneered: "Don't go too far, pay attention to safety."

"I won't get lost in the jungle ..." Feng Ling whispered a word as he walked out, and was about to continue to say a few words, but suddenly realized that he was too much talk? Immediately closed his mouth again, looking directly in the direction where he heard the sound before.

Feng Ling looked around, whether it was on the tree, among the grass, over the sky, on the ground, or at any place where clues were left, to check that the group of people had not found it, and it was already a jungle In the depths, those who have not lived in the jungle are now estimated to either fall into the pit or go in the other direction. This vast jungle is surrounded by dense tall grass and wants to find her hiding Place, I'm afraid they don't know how hard it is.

After confirming the safety, Feng Ling picked a few grasses on the way back. She was not sure whether there was any anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect. She remembered that this kind of thing could be used, but she did not use it for hemostatic or anti-inflammatory. I have learned deeply that it is definitely not going to be worse.

Walking back into the tree hole, I saw the man's eyes were still closed. However, when he heard the sound of her footsteps, although the man was reluctant, he still opened his eyes slowly and looked at her direction, smiling slightly. Smiled: "Sure enough, Feng Ling will not be lost."

Feng Ling didn't hear it. He walked over and took off the clothes behind him. Then he put the freshly picked grass on the small stone next to it and crushed the blue juice with two stones. It was so applied to the wound on his back.

Li Nanheng was agitated by this sudden tingling sensation. He turned his head and watched the little woman help him to act like a medicine: "What is this?"

"I don't know, it may be poison, something that makes you ulcerate from the wound until the whole body begins to ulcerate." Feng Ling answered with no anger.

Li Nanheng listened, but calmly: "Really? It's not bad to die in your hands."

Feng Ling really didn't want to ignore him. When he helped him apply the green juice to it, the strength of his hands increased a little, until he heard the pain of the man who couldn't help but finally let go. Force.

Finally, help him put on his clothes again, hold him back, and look down at the time on the phone: "Are you sure you don't call the police? Just wait for the XI base to arrive?"

"By your understanding of the police, most of their police forces are for the people. To deal with this kind of siege attack, their people are coming from cannon fodder. Why do you need to involve so many people, and then put the storm of the XI base on the table? Up? Is there anything we can't digest inside our XI base, and we need outsiders to help? Do we need it? "Li Nanheng asked in a low voice.

That's true.

Only the military side and the police turned to the XI base once and again. No XI base has ever encountered anything that requires them to help. The disparity in strength is here after all.

However, what Li Nanheng said was enough to say that no one was in sight. He never paid attention to the US police.

Seeing that his eyelids were not straight and he wanted to close, Feng Ling reached out and held his hand. He pressed his fingers firmly at his tiger's mouth, and the force under his hands also deliberately increased. Such pain can at least ensure that her thinking has been He is awake and active. In this case, if he really falls asleep, it will only get worse.

"Do you feel that the position of the injured shoulder can move now? At that time, I did not control the strength of the knife. I was afraid of hurting the scapula or ..."

Feng Ling took her hand and placed it on his lap, and looked at her lightly, without speaking, he had no strength, and just looked at her like this.

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