Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1052: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (315)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling weighed the gun in his hand, and it is estimated that there are still six or seven rounds of bullets in the gun.

She looked at the person under the tree again, and suddenly her gaze was fixed. She made a target directly for the man in front of a tree, took out two stones from her pocket, and threw them in the opposite direction again, because the stones It was thrown out too fast, and everyone didn't know what it was, but suddenly heard a female voice from the tree: "Be careful with explosives!"

A few people heard these four words, and for a while they could not immediately discern the true and false, while holding a gun at the tree, they quickly backed away.

Feng Ling took the opportunity to glance at them in the direction of "dynamite" and directly raised their guns at the heads of the two men. "Bang" is two shots, but then the gap between them after the two fell quickly Fleeing to the opposite tree, while their encirclement was forced to open in this way, they quickly ran on to the other trees.

However, a few of them had already noticed her slyness beforehand, and caught up directly. When Feng Ling wanted to reapply her skills, she fired one step and intercepted her successfully.

Feng Ling's feet suddenly lost momentum, and he fell directly to the ground in the middle of the road, and then glanced at the opening of his arm that was scratched by the bullet and the red marks on the arm skin that were instantly rubbed by the bullet. He noticed that those people had approached As soon as he looked away, he turned and fled.

However, leaving the care of the tree, the siege of more than a dozen people and the guns in their hands are all difficult. It is the truth that good tigers are hard to defeat the pack of wolves.

The tree above can no longer jump up, it can only be done by the grass underneath.

After all, the ground didn't have much advantage. In the two minutes of being chased at this moment, she had almost no room to fight back. She could only run away and avoid being hit by bullets. A group of people were chasing after her, and they took it all. With spare magazines, there is no shortage of bullets, which is even more disadvantageous to her.

But just in the blink of an eye, two people fell again into the pit that Feng Ling had deliberately bypassed. When two people fell, the gun in their hands fell between the grass and Feng Ling's arm suddenly hit him. With a gun, she leaned over the grass and fled to the other side, but found that no matter how she escaped, she seemed to be trapped in this encirclement. The point was that she had already gone to the opposite of the tree hole that Li Nanheng had avoided. This group of people seemed to notice something, and now forced her to run away in the opposite direction. As a result, when she looked up, she could see the tall tree not far away. There was no need to guess that Li Nanheng was still there.

Can't go!

Don't let these people find him!

Feng Ling could not take care of those with guns behind for a while, and suddenly and decisively turned and ran to the other side. There is no pit on this side, and there is only a nearby mountain wall forward, which is a dead end, but for Li Nanheng It is a way of life.

She rushed straight to the end, and eventually was about to be surrounded. There were still bullets fired in her direction, and her shoulder was almost shot. Fortunately, she ducked to avoid, and the bullet still just rubbed on the shoulder flesh. , But still came the hot pain.

Suddenly, she seemed to notice the movement of the helicopter above. Although the jungle is dense, although it is deep in the jungle, she just found out that her cell phone signal with Li Nanheng is still there, which means that these people's cell phone signals are also, Where they chase and where they need support, they can always find the person flying the helicopter above.

At the moment Feng Ling suddenly reflected this, there was a sudden boom in the sky, then she looked up and felt like something had fallen, and a fire passed through the dense jungle and bombed down. Falling at her feet, a great sense of shock was launched.

Feng Ling's eyes trembled, and it was too late. The person had been bombed by the bomb that was suddenly released by the helicopter. The whole body was in pain. All I felt was that the internal organs suddenly fell apart. It was blown up high and finally fell to the ground ten meters away.

Suddenly she felt as if there was blood in her throat, and she spouted it.

Just now, the bomb was only one meter away and it would fall directly on her head, which is the pain of powder and broken bones, but even if there is no powder and broken bones at such a short distance, the force of the bombing is enough to cause Feng Ling to have internal injuries instantly.

She barely wanted to get up from the ground. The smell of burning was all around. The bombard caused a flare, and she coughed, and there was a mouthful of blood in her mouth and she spit it out. However, why couldn't get up, in a blink of an eye, I saw a group of people who had also been bombarded by the bomb and were hiding behind, one of them had raised a gun to her head, in a fire, apparently trying to kill her Go again later.

Feng Ling frowned, pushing his fingers firmly on the ground.

It seemed as if there were any voices approaching. It was n’t sure whether it was the enemy or the XI base. She did n’t have the energy to discern those movements. She just looked at the muzzle of that person and tried to avoid it. Can't move.

"Someone came! We were surrounded by people!" Suddenly someone shouted behind the man, and then a group of people rushed away and dispersed.

The man who raised his gun at Feng Ling was planning to kill her before leaving, but at the moment of triggering the trigger, he suddenly heard a gunshot, and then Feng Ling saw the man who pointed at him with his muzzle. Suddenly it fell straight.

When he fell down, she raised her eyes and saw the pale Li Nanheng in the direction not far away. The gun in her hand was the one that fell to the ground before the two who fell into the pit.

He came out from the inside, and he was so injured that he could come out ...

Feng Ling looked at him in disbelief, just as she was struggling on the ground trying to get up from this fire, she suddenly saw the people rushing out in the surroundings, and saw that those people were wearing XI bases. In the uniform, she mentioned that the heart of her throat had finally fallen a bit, and she let herself lie on the ground without moving, and the feeling of being exploded in her chest as if her own inner body had fallen away, hurt her. It felt as if blood was still gushing out, but the blood came to her throat and she swallowed it hard.

"Boss--" Han Jin and Xiao Xu hadn't seen the people lying there under a fire, not far away, and only rushed over to see Li Nanheng's injury, helping him.

Later, A K, who was walking forward with a sniper rifle behind, turned his gaze in that direction. He had not expected that he would meet someone who had not been seen for two years. When he saw it clearly, he suddenly made an incredible sound. : "Feng Ling? !!!"

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