Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1053: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (316)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Ak's scream in astonishment drew everyone's attention to the person lying on the ground over there.

Feng Ling slowly raised her head on the ground, pale and **** face directly facing them, not seen for two years, once met again, at this moment what kind of mood she was not clear, just remembering when she left alone In the scene, the hand is deeply digging into the ground.

Ak saw that she was seriously injured, and immediately gave the sniper rifle in hand to the brother behind him, rushed up, leaned down and quickly lifted Feng Ling from the ground, and saw the blood near her mouth and her With a look of almost instability, he frowned, "You ..."

Feng Ling gasped, and said dumbly, "The bomb above just landed at my feet."

Ah K couldn't believe it for a moment and even helped her steady, and her voice suddenly became serious: "Then go to the hospital! Hurry!"

Feng Ling didn't have much strength to speak, only when two more brothers who looked at XI base came forward to help hold her behind her, and heard Han Jin and Xiao Xu talking there: " Boss, why didn't you tell us when you found Feng Ling? "

Li Nanheng didn't answer, he was also supported by them.

Both of them were seriously injured at this moment, and there were many things that should and should not be said that seemed to understand each other.

Li Nanheng just looked at Feng Ling and said indifferently: "Get on the helicopter and go directly to the base. Did Dr. Wen follow up? Call over and show her first."

Han Jin and Xiao Xu looked at the injury on Li Nanheng ’s back. He wanted to say that he did n’t seem to be hurt, but after all, the boss said so, and even after two years, they all knew Li ’s boss in the past two years. Feng Ling is looking for a madman. If Dr. Wen is not allowed to show Feng Ling first, it is estimated that the boss will not let the doctor touch him first.

"Okay, let's go first." Han Jin said as he winked at the people around him. Some people were already chasing the scattered groups. At this moment, the sound of several helicopter propellers is approaching, but this Not only the enemy's aircraft, but also the XI base's aircraft were controlled from above, which resulted in the enemy being unable to find an accurate position to throw explosives for the time being.

The area behind Feng Ling was already on fire. In this kind of jungle, any fire is very dangerous. It hurts in her chest as if the whole person would crack at any time. Holding her out, she said quietly, "I won't go back to the XI base, just send me to the hospital."

Although her voice was very low and very low, almost everyone around her could hear it.

Ak suddenly looked at her with an unbelievable look: "Feng Ling, do you know that Li boss has been looking for you for two years, the boss has been trying to find you back in the past two years. You ca n’t live without XI base. The actions of Mr. Li did not have any common sense at all. The boss is the person in charge of the base. As long as the boss says that you can return to the sniper team, you are still the person at our XI base. Shouldn't it be logical to go back now? "

Feng Ling didn't have any extra emotions. He only swallowed the blood in his throat when he was walking outwards, and it was difficult to support his energy at the moment, but he whispered and said, "I won't go back . "

When Li Nanheng just said this, she stopped walking and was turned around to look at her.

Feng Ling also raised his head and looked directly at him, facing the pale face of the man and his quiet gaze.

"Feng Ling." Han Jin and Xiao Xu's hands always supported Li Nanheng, and always kept an eye on the injuries behind him, and frowned, "The boss didn't find you easily. The original thing was misunderstood. At that time, we were early. I know your gender, but I have n’t revealed you. Most people in the XI base still accept you. Do n’t feel dignified or sad because of what the junkies of the three teams said. Can understand you, now that you are injured, let's go back together. "

"I'll say it again." Feng Ling listened to their words, stared directly into Li Nanheng's eyes, and said clearly, "I vowed to Feng Ling two years ago, in this life, never again The XI base trainees stepped into the XI base, even if I die here, I will not go back. "

"Feng Ling, knowing that you are not happy, but now is not the time to stop, don't stop ..." A K whispered beside her.

Feng Ling's eyes were very light: "I didn't make trouble, let go of me, I'll go by myself."

"What's your joke? It's hurt, can you make it?" A K said, looking at the blood near her mouth: "It's vomiting blood, who are you? Now you can come out like this I can call you grandma in the jungle! "

Seeing Feng Ling's pale face was always expressionless, and when he was supported by Ak, he tried to stand upright, without relying on the thoughts and plans of anyone at their XI base.

In her bones, there was already some kind of hatred and shadow of the place where XI base was affected.

Xiao Xu's hand on Li Nanheng's arm felt that Li's body temperature was being lost little by little. The boss was not hurt lightly, but apparently hurt him even more, as if he had abandoned love in a heartless way.

In the face of someone who hasn't been seen for two years, Xiao Xu looked at Feng Ling and said: "Feng Ling, we know that you have hate in your heart, but hate is also due to love, just like your hatred of XI base That's because you've loved that place deeply, just like you hated Li Li, but also because you've loved ... "

"I have never loved!" Feng Ling frowned.

Li Nanheng's eyes were almost unfocused because of her serious injuries. Because of her words, she suddenly condensed together. The dark and deep pupils looked straight at her like this.

Xiao Xu was agitated for the decisive five words of Feng Ling. Looking at this girl who had been ruthlessly driven out of the base at the beginning, she is now obviously more ruthless than all of them. For a while, she found that even if she knew she was ruthless, I couldn't find a word to blame her.


Whenever she saw her lying on the ground outside the XI base lobby, she was humiliated and vilified by several old masters, and she could understand her feelings when she was kicked out of the base.

In the case of anyone, I'm afraid I won't step into that place again.

"Haven't loved, have you?" At this moment, Li Nanheng's low-dumb voice sounded, even though it was weak due to excessive blood loss, it was still clear and cold under the flaming jungle silent because of the atmosphere.

Feng Ling's eyes did not look at him, but he turned aside.

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