Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1054: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (317)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Looking at her unwillingness to stare at him, Li Nanheng's eyes narrowed slowly: "Feng Ling, I have never been as frank with people as I am with you in this life."

Feng Ling was still only supported by A K, leaning weakly on A K, looking at the tree trunk not far away, and refused to look at the man.

"You hate or resent what happened two years ago. I can give a reasonable explanation in the same way, even if you don't understand it, at least I don't allow these misunderstandings to be caught in it. I do it again and again. Let me tell you, I have never married any woman. You never believe it. Well, this is because I was too confident at first, thinking that I could take good care of myself inside and out, but ignoring your feelings, so I deserve everything now. "The man's low voice revealed a little bit of sorrow and fatigue, dullness and coldness:" No matter what happened, I have never concealed anything from you, and I'm not afraid. Lao Tzu's heart is at least clean and sincere here, but You deny yourself, while negating everything that happened, are you? "

Li Nanheng's voice was so cold that both Han Jin and Xiao Xu felt the coolness of the boss at the moment, coupled with holding him up, feeling that the temperature of his body was losing little by little, I want to say that I can no longer delay now Go down, otherwise the boss's life is gone.

But now they dare not say a word and can only help him as much as possible.

Under the gaze of a group of XI base brothers, Feng Ling said nothing more, but replied: "No negation is necessary, nothing has happened."

As soon as A heard this, she struck Feng Ling's arm for a moment, reminding her not to challenge the boss's limit any more.

The boss looked for her for two years, and finally found someone, and now both of them were seriously injured, why should they hurt each other at this time.

Obviously, Feng Ling's heart had been closed so that he could not get into anything, even if a little bit of movement returned from the danger to calmness, and was calmly suppressed again.

Some things that should have been clarified two years ago, she should have insisted on them at the beginning, and she would not leave all over the body.

Li Nanheng looked at her as if he could not see all the members of the XI base around him, but only looked at her face, and asked, "Have you never loved me?"

The members of the XI base around the world have heard about the relationship between Feng Ling and Boss Li, and they have always been rumored. Everyone was dubious. Later, they knew that Feng Ling was a woman. Although surprised, at least it was not like Those **** of the three teams have other ideas.

But now suddenly watching this scene and listening to this sentence, all of them suddenly held their breath and didn't dare to snor.

"No." Feng Ling answered simply.

Li Nanheng immediately sneered. The laughter seemed to be a sneer from his chest. The pale face of the man seemed to be warm under the reflection of the firelight behind Feng Ling, but it looked very cold.

"Have you liked it?" He asked again.

Feng Ling's weak hand dangled into a fist: "No."

Li Nanheng suddenly looked at her with a sneer: "It's ridiculous."

Ak felt that his heart was almost terrified by this scene, and he kept thinking about it, my ancestor of Feng Ling, don't stimulate the boss anymore, you have to look at the boss, you can just look at him .

However, Feng Ling obviously couldn't feel A K's worry, but leaned against his side weakly and whispered, "My life in Boston is quiet and peaceful. The kidnapping that you ran into that day was just a coincidence. The source of the incident was not in me. I don't have any other dangers in myself. I am grateful that Li Li saved me once with the old feelings, but today I also saved you once, and we evened out. "

Li Nanheng just looked at her and didn't speak.

Everyone felt that the boss Li should be overstretched, knowing that he should be rushed back, but no one dares to move or say a word, especially Han Jin and Xiao Xu who are beside Li Nanheng. In the face of Li Bo, who was almost injured at this moment, and the hard Feng Ling, like an iron stone that cannot be conquered, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

"Haven't you loved it?" Li Nanheng asked again, as though he was unwilling, but this time his voice calmed down and made him cold.

Feng Ling frowned as if impatient, and replied mutely, "Yes."

Li Nanheng sneered suddenly, suddenly shakes off Han Jin and Xiao Xu's hands, stood there for a moment, and barely stood still, staring directly at the woman who was still reluctant to tilt her head, asking eagerly: "I will Ask you once, have you never loved? "

At this time, Feng Ling finally turned his eyes and faced his gaze directly. He did not analyze the emotions in his eyes, but replied coldly: "Yes, Li Nanheng, but he was talking about a relationship that has no results and does not need results. It just happened to me when I was still young, but I never loved you, never. "

Li Nanheng would be there all by himself, looking at her, so quiet for five seconds.

Feng Ling stared at him like this, his eyes were full of firmness, indifference, indifference, and a relief that he could finally say goodbye to that poor self two years ago.

Just when Han Jin and Xiao Xu couldn't stand it anymore, I felt that I had never seen Li Boss in such a lifetime when he was so embarrassed and frustrated. At the moment when he was busy going to support him, he could hardly stand before him The man ignored their outstretched hands and waved away expressionlessly, and then suddenly walked directly towards Feng Ling.

But it's just a distance of five or six steps. Every time a man walks past, the paleness and lack of blood on his face are even more obvious.

Feng Ling didn't know what he was doing, he just watched him approach, A K didn't know what to do now, was trying to speak, but Feng Ling, who was being steadily supported by himself, was suddenly approached by the man in front of him. After fishing in the past, she also suffered serious injuries and couldn't support her body. The whole person slammed into Li Nanheng's arms.

Feng Ling thought he was crazy, just when he wanted to ask if he was crazy, the man suddenly clasped her chin, bowed his head and kissed fiercely!

When she narrowed her eyes, she tried to push people but couldn't raise her hands. The whole man was severely confined in his arms, holding her around her back by her waist, as if trying to strangle her alive. She only felt that there was a certain **** taste in both populations. The **** taste was mixed together. She was hurt everywhere, and even her lips and tongue were brutally and fiercely bitten by men at this moment. I didn't feel it after I sucked it, but I was stiff and wanted to get rid of it and couldn't get rid of it. The man was crazy and kissed like this!

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