Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1055: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (318)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Everyone was shocked, but no one dared to step forward to stop.

Just kidding, this is the first time a boss has gone to kiss a girl in public. The key person is Feng Ling!

Even if the two of them are covered with blood now, one by one, but this visual excitement is still exciting!

Yes, just like this, love will love, how can there be any hate or hate, refuse to admit love, just kiss! How can there be so much nonsense!

Of course, Feng Ling couldn't hear the applause in the hearts of these people, but frowned and tried to push away the man in front of him, but Li Nanheng seemed to use all the strength in his body to hold her, and the force on his lips was fierce. She couldn't parry her, and she couldn't hold her body. At this moment, there was a burst of Venus in front of her, and she wanted to push away, but she could not help but rely on his arms.

She didn't know what the man was going crazy, just the fierce kiss, the fierce kiss, when she was almost choking, he suddenly let go of her, mutely, only the voice that she could hear alone Say, "Remember what you said today."

Feng Ling's eyes were a bit stiff. Looking at the man in front of him, he hadn't seen the emotions and gaze in his eyes, and suddenly felt only heavy in front of him. The man suddenly overwhelmed her weight, and she immediately reflected Come here, this is the time when Li Nanheng finally can't hold it.

Han Jin and Xiao Xu also hurried forward to help Li Nanheng who fainted in front of Feng Ling in this way and supported him: "Li Boss!"


Feng Ling was held by Ak, standing still, his eyes stared at Li Nanheng, who had been lifted up by him with bloodless eyes, looking at his closed eyes, as if there were countless knives in his heart. Grinding and hurting.

Seeing the old and new injuries on Li Nanheng's back, Xiao Xu suddenly reddened her eyes and looked at Feng Ling, staring at her pale face, biting each word clearly and saying, "Ak, Miss Fengfeng Go to the hospital. "

Ak suddenly frowned. "Isn't it back to base?"

"Take her to the hospital." Han Jin also said, but instead of going to see Feng Ling, he quickly asked someone to come over and send Li Nanheng out quickly. He lost too much blood, and then he continued to suffer. live.

Ak didn't speak anymore, Feng Ling stood there, wondering if the fire behind her had been burned, and her back was sore and uncomfortable, and even her whole body was as uncomfortable as a burn.


AK sent her to the hospital as Feng Ling wished.

Although it was a blow injury, fortunately there were no burns outside the body. The pain of the internal organs was also affected by the huge shocks at the time. It required a long period of rest to recover, because there were no trauma, internal injuries, no congestion, and no surgery was allowed. .

So Feng Ling only stayed in the hospital for two days, and after being forced to stay there for two days, he went straight home.

However, because of what happened at that time, the police had already pulled the cordon because of what happened at that time. Because the police wanted to investigate the scene, no one could enter.

So she simply went to live in the Budokan. There are a few temporary rest rooms and dormitories in the Budokan for these coaches. Although it is only a simple half-bed and a small room with only six or seven square meters, it is enough to live. Nothing is missing.

After sending Feng Ling to the hospital, Ak was originally guarding her, but later he was not known because of what was called.

Feng Ling didn't tell anyone, just when she came back on the weekend night, there was no one in the Budokan. She opened the door and went in to find a rest room. She lay down without turning on the lights.

There was still severe pain all over her, and she was completely exhausted. In the two days in the hospital, she hardly slept. Even if she fell asleep, she had been having messy nightmares. Her mental state was in herself. Incomprehensible tension.

When it was dawning, she managed to fall asleep.

Vaguely, I heard something moving outside, I heard the voice of the head coach and the boss talking, and the voice of other people who are familiar here talking while working.

The door to her room was closed, and no one knew she was here. She closed her eyes to sleep and had no plans to get up.

Until the afternoon, Feng Ling got up a bit in bed, and the pain in her body hadn't disappeared. She sat in the room for a while, then glanced at the time.

Today is Monday. She still has two lessons to go in the afternoon. Although she may not be suitable for class now, after all, everyone is here, even if she only attends the class by verbal means, she does not do much herself. It's the same, anyway, they are also students for a long time, you don't need to teach everything in place.

Thinking of this, Feng Ling got up and walked out, shaking a little when he stood up, but fortunately he was able to stand still.

When he walked out of the rest room, the head coach came right here to pick up things, and suddenly saw Feng Ling coming out of the door. He looked at her in amazement immediately: "When did you come? In the past two days, you all disappeared I couldn't find you on the phone. I heard that something happened in your place. My boss and I are going to the police station to report the case. What are you doing ... "

"It's okay, I'm worried about you. I slept here last night." Feng Ling only explained one sentence and went straight out.

The head coach looked at her pale and sloppy complexion, turned around and followed her to ask her a few more words. Feng Ling didn't answer and went directly to the direction of the classroom.

In the afternoon, during the class, Feng Ling was sitting in the front position and watching them in class. This class had Chen Beiqian, and Chen Beiqian had been paying attention to her. She felt that her face was not so good. Time seems to be a lot thinner, and the whole person's condition is not right.

I was going to ask her what happened after the class, but the class was only halfway through, but was broken in by a group of people wearing black uniforms, breaking the peace in the Budokan.

Feng Ling was invited out.

All the people in the Budokan looked at those people who were wearing black uniforms, standing in two rows from the door to the inside, watching their majestic looks, and for a while they could not guess what was happening.

Feng Ling was called out by name, and she came out, watching these people wearing XI base uniforms, standing inside and looking in the direction of the doorway, saying nothing.

Until the door came in, a man also wearing a black uniform, but his armbands and chest tags had more than others, and it was not a simple identity.

It's Han Jin.

Feng Ling's eyes looked at him.

Han walked in facelessly and walked directly in front of Feng Ling in public: "Miss Feng, come with us."

Feng Ling raised his eyes: "I have already said everything I should have said. Where do I want to go?"

Han Jin's tone was indifferent: "The boss has not yet woken up. You must follow us. After he wakes up safely, I will let you go without you speaking."

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