Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1057: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (320)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling was about to turn around and Chen Beiti suddenly raised her hand and held her wrist, staring straight at her.

At this moment, silence is better than sound, Feng Ling knows what he wants to say.

"Sorry." Feng Ling said as he pushed his hand slightly away, then turned his eyes to the others in the Budokan, finally fell on the coach's face, nodded graciously to him, and then turned directly. Follow Han Jin outwards.

After leaving the Budokan, Feng Ling saw the high-end XI base cars parked outside. For a moment, I felt as if everything I had lived outside in the past two years was just a passing sight, everything in front of me was familiar. Even after two years, there was no strangeness at all.

"Go to the car in front." Han Jin had no good face at all. After walking with Feng Ling, he opened the door and looked at her: "Get in the car, Miss Feng."

As if after this reunion, Han Jin would have a cool tone every time she called Miss Feng once.

Feng Ling turned to look at him: "His bullet didn't hurt him, but he lost too much blood. Why didn't he wake up for so long?"

"A long time, just after two days." Han Jindan said: "I know you don't want to see him. Coincidentally, if the boss wakes up now, I don't really want you to appear in front of him to stimulate him. He, he did not wake up, Dr. Wen, Miss Wen, and Dr. Qin who happened to come to Boston to work, but he did not wake up, we could not find the reason, maybe the boss has been looking too tired for you in the past two years Then suddenly he couldn't find anything. He wanted to sleep for a few more days. "

Feng Ling's fingers slowly held up: "So what do you mean by me?"

"Get in the car first."

Feng Ling turned around and got into the car. Just sitting in, Han Jin closed the door without expression, then bypassed the car and opened the door to sit in the driver's seat. Feng Ling noticed that everyone else was coming. Among the few training cars behind, the one headed by the front is only her and Han Jin.

When Han Jin started the engine, he seemed to say something casually: "If boss Li really has any shortcomings, do you think I will let you go?"

Feng Ling heard him without any surprise.

How loyal Han Jin and Xiao Xu are to the XI base and Li Nanheng, she knows that at the beginning Han Jin and Xiao Xu took care of her. One is the feelings in the base, and the other is because Li Nanheng is different to her, so They will pay more attention to her. Otherwise, how could she have such a great honor, and said to Han Jin to take wine.

She glanced at the sight of a rapid passing window and put her hand lightly on the window: "So you're taking me to the XI base now, or where?"

"Dr. Wen and his friends opened a private hospital in Boston. Gunshot wounds are not suitable for publicly going to public hospitals. Either go home for treatment or find a very private place. Dr. Wen's place is fine because the boss is seriously injured. So we stayed in Boston for the time being. "Han Jin said as he pressed the rear lights of the car, gave a signal to the car that followed, then drove the car into a road in the side road and drove straight ahead.

Feng Ling can see the martial arts hall that is getting farther and farther until she disappears through the rearview mirror. She has a strong hunch. She should not be able to return to this martial arts hall. Even if she returns, I am afraid she cannot work normally again.

If you think about the head coach and Chen Beiqing just now, they obviously can see it.

She may not meet again this time.

Feng Ling leaned on the seat. Even if Han Jin just said she would not let go of her, she still sat there with her whole body relaxed because she was very familiar with her and knew her well. She didn't need any vigilance.

She was just thinking that for two years, she had finally lived a normal life outside, and finally learned a little humanity, but after all, none of it seemed to belong to her.

"Sleep when tired, drive from here to the private hospital in the name of Dr. Wen, at least half an hour away."

"It's okay, not tired."

"Your face is so bad, why don't you observe in the hospital for a few more days?"

"Nothing is too much." Feng Ling said as he asked, "Why did Miss Wen come to Boston?"

"The contract between Dr. Wen and the XI base has expired and may not be renewed. There are private hospitals in his name throughout the United States. He intends to integrate a large chain hospital institution and find a place to settle down. Ms. Wen directly He quit his job at the Los Angeles Hospital, and chased him around. Wherever Dr. Wen went, she went. You probably do n’t understand the grudges and vengeance between the brother and sister, and I did n’t even understand it. ”Han Jin said, taking a thin blanket from behind and throwing it on her: "Cover, sleep for a while."

Mingming also said that she would not let go of her, and looked cold as if she was looking for her revenge, but after all, she was still indifferent.

Feng Ling looked at the thin blanket that was suddenly thrown into his arms, slightly hooked his lips, covered his legs and body with affection, sat there, and looked at those who followed in the rearview mirror. Che: "A large part of these people who came here looked familiar, but they seemed to be our newcomers. It seems that these people are now qualified to join the elite team."

"They are far worse than you." Han Jin still drove seriously.

Feng Ling turned to look at him: "Are the four men in the sniper team?"


Feng Ling paused: "Yes, there have always been five places. I have occupied other people's places. When I leave, there must always be one person to substitute for it, so as not to affect the entire team's training."

"There are no substitutes. They have been waiting for you to return. Every time there is any sniper activity, they will prepare a set of weapons and uniforms for you. In the past two years, your things have been stacked in your original room. They and Lin Cheng both helped you organize properly. You have never left the XI base. "

Feng Ling was silent for a moment.

Han Jin continued to drive as he said, "When you were kicked out of the XI base at first, it was just a few old men who were angry at the time. In fact, such a place under the supervision of the United Nations under the supervision of the XI base must be retired from any mature member. At that time, there was nothing at all, but it was verbally letting you go, which is equivalent to the person in your name or the XI base, but just left temporarily, and the words Feng Ling still belong to the XI base. "

Feng Ling couldn't tell if it was a surprise or something, but there was something in her heart that seemed to have died, and it was beating again little by little.

Does she still belong to the XI base?

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