Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1058: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (321)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Dr. Darwin ’s private hospital in Boston. The specifications of a hospital are not small. It looks simple and simple on the outside. After I came in, I saw that the interior is complete. Although it is a private hospital, it does not have less medical treatment than the largest hospital in the United States. The equipment, even the medical staff here, can see that it is very literate and is also many top physicians in the medical field.

After arriving at the hospital, Han Jin only asked Li if the boss had awakened. What he got was not yet awakened. After observing the reply, he directly turned back to others to send Feng Ling to the ward upstairs.

The purpose of sending her to the ward was to get her here to check the internal injuries she had suffered before. Feng Ling came and could n’t resist. She was thinking while walking. The stick underneath is indeed not light. The coma caused by excessive blood loss this time may be somewhat related to the injury behind the neck. I hope that it does not hurt any thinking or nerves, otherwise it will be easy for future physical conditions. Make a big impact.

Although she knows many fragile parts and acupoints of the human body, but she is not a doctor after all, and she is not sure what the injury is. In the impression, when he was in the car, his back was already connected to the seat. Blood flowed into the river, in short, it really hurt.

After entering the ward, a young female nurse came in to help her put on light clothes, that is, a light-colored medical uniform, and then took her to do a few tests, and then sent her back to rest.

The ward they arranged for her had TV, Internet, built-in toilets and bathrooms, sofa and coffee table, and kitchen. It was a ward similar to a high-end luxury suite, and the bed was not as white as in a normal ward. But most of them are light-colored in tone. It seems that there is no discomfort even if you live here temporarily. It is a feeling between the normal suite and the ward. It is very warm and the room is in the hospital. More than a dozen floors, the downstairs of this side window is a residential area, not a downtown area, very quiet.

The boss of the Budokan just called her. After Feng Ling took the phone and said something about herself, she heard the door of the ward was knocked, she hung up the phone, and then she saw Wen Leqing.

Wen Leqing pushed open the door and walked in. When Feng Ling was sitting by the bed, his eyes lit up: "I thought you were resting. Why didn't you sleep?"

Feng Ling was calm: "Instead, it was you, who was suddenly brought forcibly by a group of XI bases. Can you sleep?"

Wen Leqing didn't know much about how Feng Ling was brought before Feng Ling. She smiled after hearing her sentence, and looked into Feng Ling's face carefully after entering: "You are hurt too, right? I know Han Jin brought you back, but I do n’t know how he brought you back. I think he knows your temper and wants to take you to heal well, but you definitely wo n’t agree, maybe Only by using it can you obey? "

Feng Ling didn't say anything about the incident, only looked at her: "You quit your job at the Los Angeles Hospital?"

"Um." Wen Leqing smiled.

Feng Ling is not a gossip, and she is not very curious about other people's affairs, but she does feel a little curious about the matter between Wen Leqing and Dr. Wen, but at least she can hold back this unintended curiosity Heart, just nodded, it was understood, no more questions.

"Listen to them, you didn't hurt too much. Why didn't you take a look at it in the hospital?" Wen Leqing said directly and pulled up Feng Ling's hand. After touching her hand, she tried again. I looked at her: "I just listened to them and it seemed that I was injured by the bomb. Have you gone to make a film?"

"It's okay. The shock will definitely be uncomfortable for a period of time. When I was on a mission at XI base, I didn't rarely encounter the bomb approaching. As long as it didn't fall on my head, it was a trivial matter." Feng Ling was about to close his hands. come back.

After Wen Leqing still held her back, she looked at her like this: "Feng Ling, you two years ..."

"Did you tell him that I was here, or did he find it myself?" Feng Ling whispered.

Wen Leqing first looked at her for a while, then smiled: "I have hidden it for you for two years, how could I suddenly tell him?"

That's it.

Sure enough, she kept hiding so deep that she finally exposed all her whereabouts because she went to a competition.

Wen Leqing talked to her while examining her body, then got up and asked the doctor in this hospital to come in and help her arrange a film, saying that she wanted to check her internal organs and other injuries.

Feng Ling had checked it in the hospital before. I remember that the doctor said it was not too serious. In addition, she did not really want to observe in the hospital, and she finally left. The doctor saw nothing near her. Relatives and friends, let her go and leave her alone.

But Wen Leqing must have no way to perfunctory here, Feng Ling had to cooperate to make a film, and then went back to the ward to wait.

Not long after Wen Leqing took her film back, her face was assured: "Fortunately, it is only the temporary fluctuations of the five internal organs caused by the severe air oscillations, and there may be pain, but the injury is not serious, you Do n’t do strenuous exercise lately, you have to keep quiet, just a few days later. "

Speaking of it, Wen Leqing helped Feng Ling lie down beside the bed, then looked at Feng Ling, as if she wanted to say something, forbeared it, and finally put it back.

Every sentence these people want to say is nothing more than Li Nanheng. Feng Ling knew clearly that she didn't say anything, so she didn't take the initiative to ask.

She also knew why she had been forcibly brought here.

When Feng Ling thought that Wen Leqing could temporarily rest himself after having nothing to say, Wen Leqing suddenly said, "Would you like to accompany Nanheng?"

There was no extra expression on Feng Ling's face, and she only looked at her: "What to accompany?"

"No one is in his ward."


Feng Ling said, "No one has anything to do with me. I was brought here forcibly, not to see him."

"Isn't it clear to you that women can understand women? You are too lonely and strong, and of course you refuse to let people see your most vulnerable side, just like you were kicked out of the XI base two years ago. It's so embarrassing, but when you wake up, you haven't even shed a tear, and you haven't complained. "Wen Leqing said softly," Like now, you clearly remember that, but you refuse to admit it, There is no one else in his ward right now, so you don't have to worry about someone seeing it. "

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