Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1069: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (332)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"That's her own business. Do you think I asked Mr. Ritterde to ask her to be a bodyguard, and it would be useful if she went to the city hall?" Li Nanheng said coldly.

A Feng laughed directly: "Others can't understand this matter, we can understand it. You knew early on that Mr. Ritterde's family was thinking of Feng Ling's kindness to save them, and gave them this matter. After a bait, she successfully turned Feng Ling from Boston back to Los Angeles. It seemed that there was nothing, but the actual abacus was savvy. By guiding the relationship between the Ritede and his wife, they helped paving the way. Help her pave the way back to the base, and wait for the time for the election to come back to the base-"

"Yes, boss, you are clearly still thinking about her, why you have to be so cold now as if nothing had happened."

"You think more." Li Nanheng stood there calmly, glanced at Ah Feng at last: "Don't mention this name in front of me again, and talk to me again, try to see if I can tell Li family that you are here Negligence here, let you go back to Li's house. "

"..." A Feng just wanted to swear, but before he scolded, he saw the back of Li Nanheng leaving.

Obviously he had already paved the way for Feng Ling himself, and now he turned back and did not admit it.

Really fucking.

Li Nanheng walked quickly and walked out of the base hall a few steps. Under the scorching sun in the morning, his face was frozen. He walked back with only one thought in his mind--

When Feng Ling left the base, what she lost, after all, had to be brought back by herself.

She did it too.

She is proud of her character and must be extremely strong in her bones. Someone else has hurt her. Even if others pay back thousands of times, there is no use. What she wants to deny is tantamount to non-existence.

She just wanted to rely on herself for everything she did, and didn't want to turn to anyone for help, not even to the XI base.

Obviously he can come back by paving the way for her, but until now, she still refused.

Really stupid.

Li Nanheng sneered, but here he laughed at himself.

Do not.

In fact, there is one more stubborn and stupid than her.

Otherwise, she won't be planted in her pit at all, and she won't be able to climb after breaking her blood.


Feng Ling waited outside the door of his room for a long time, and did not know when he would return. She wanted to wait in the room where she had lived next door, but found that the door was locked.

It seemed that the door was locked when it came that day. Unless she promised to live in it, the door was always locked, and no one else could enter.

There is no place to sit in this corridor. She has been standing for a long time, even if she is physically able to hold it, it is not the case that she has been standing all the time. She just squatted by the wall for a while, squatting until her legs were numb. To stand up, suddenly I heard footsteps coming from the corridor, and I glanced towards the entrance of the stairs for a moment. The next second, her legs softened and she almost knelt down.

The light in the hallway was a little dark, but it was quite spacious. Li Nanheng stood there, and cast her eyes coldly.

Feng Ling took a look at him, raised his hand, and propped it up on the wall. He secretly hated that he was doing nothing squatting, his legs were numb, and his position was unstable for a while. This posture was awkward.

Taking another look at him, it felt like he could be frozen into ice under his eyes.

The person who had nearly died with her in the Boston jungle nine months ago stood there, expressionless, faint, looking at her.

Only at the moment when they finally met, Feng Ling never realized that she and Li Nanheng had passed each other occasionally in the past nine months, which is basically equivalent to never seeing each other, and even the accidental sight was relatively strange. Alienated.

In her mind, when Li Nanheng wanted to bully her, she just dragged her out in the middle of the night, gave her devil training, exhausted her physical strength, and watched her tired lying on the ground and couldn't get up. Then he waited for her to beg for mercy.

Or his frankness, his indifference to others, his spirit, and his patience for her, at that time he only had her in her eyes, and as long as she passed by, he must follow his eyes.

However, at this moment, the man standing blankly at the entrance of the staircase, wearing a black uniform, exploiting sharp short hair, tough and handsome features, seems to be the same as he was, and it seems that he is not the same as he used to be.

His hair was short before, but now it seems to be much shorter and clean.

Compared to the nine months ago when he looked too thin and he was seriously injured when he was seriously injured, now he looks the same as before, just standing there stiffly, and seems to have a hidden sense of strength.

Temperament seems to be different.

Nor can it be said of temperament.

It can only be said that the eyes and whole body attitude when standing in front of her were indifferent and indifferent.

He stood there expressionlessly, his eyes met her in the air, without sorrow and joy, as if looking at a stranger.

This look reminded Feng Ling of the dinner that she followed the Ritters couple a few months ago. At that time, her eyes were so staggered, but he had no emotion in his eyes, and made her wonder whether there would be any more in this world. The second person was exactly like him, otherwise how could it be so cold.

Now seeing him standing here, Feng Ling's numbness just disappeared, she stood upright.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through my mind, but time was only a few seconds.

She looked at him and said directly: "I heard that Mr. Mo is going to pick a capable man in the XI base to protect Mrs. Mo's safety. Mrs. Mo is a woman after all, and it is more convenient if there is a female bodyguard around me You are going to take over the job of the bodyguard in Haicheng. Please sign me. "

After speaking, Feng Ling retracted his eyes, tried to keep his mind steady, and continued to stand there and said, "As long as you sign me, I can leave immediately."

Li Nanheng looked at her distantly, then looked away from her, then walked straight away, but walked straight up, but did not stand in front of her, but passed by and reached the door of his own room. Opened the door, entered the door without looking back, and then closed the door directly without saying a word.

Feng Ling stood outside the door and looked at the closed door. After stunning for more than ten seconds, her heartbeat was stagnant, and the calmness that had just been maintained on her face suddenly collapsed.

"Remember what you said today."

Before the man was seriously injured in a coma, the mute said in her ear, echoed in her ear again.

Passing by briefly, the attitude of a stranger separates the Chu and Han circles from the past and today.

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