Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1070: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (333)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling felt a rush of tide in her heart and looked at the closed door in front of her again.

But the door was still closed, as if the words she had said and the sentence he had said were confirmed.

Nothing happened, no love, no existence.

Even if she had been prepared for a long time, Feng Ling looked down at the documents in his hands and thought that he had been waiting for him for so many days, still came forward and knocked on the door.

After knocking a few times, she let go of her hand and waited for a while, there was a quiet inside, and no one came to open the door.

After waiting another two minutes, she raised her hand and knocked a few more times.

This was repeated for a few minutes, and the door finally opened.

The man stood in the door and had taken off the jacket he had just worn. He was only wearing a black short-sleeved T-shirt and stood inside. He still looked at her like that, unlike the one with a warm and fiery look. The person she was, but the unsmiling devil Li Bo in the next group, didn't have a slight smile, and her eyes were pale, so that she couldn't find any extra emotional traces.

A man with one hand in his trouser pocket, even in a relaxed state, the lines of his arms faintly outline the muscles.

Under his eyes, Feng Ling felt that he was a duckweed on the sea. He couldn't help himself, and a calm heart suddenly felt some ups and downs.

She told herself, just sign a word and leave, and go far away to Haicheng.

Either he loves her or hates her now. The old grudges and hatreds are all set aside for now. The most important thing right now is to let him sign and let him leave smoothly.

But a heart sank unavoidably under his apathy.

Feng Ling directly lifted the document in his hand and held it in front of his eyes: "Boss, I want to go to Haicheng and sign for me."

The documents in front of him blocked his face, and also successfully blocked her face.

However, the man did not respond. After Feng Ling held up for a while, he lowered the file and raised his eyes to meet his eyes.

Then she speculated suddenly. Was it the serious injury that happened nine months ago, or what happened to him in recent months? Caused facial paralysis?

Is love, hate, anger, or resentment? Just say it, what does it mean to be so cold?

Feng Ling held the document in his hand and stared at him: "Li ..."

"Senior military officials will arrive at the base in another half an hour. I'm going to take a bath now. You have to wait outside and don't knock on the door." Li Nanheng stood there as steady as Taishan, his voice cold and his eyes were on her His face moved away and he closed the door directly.

Feng Ling, who was almost patted on the nose by the door panel: "..."

She retracted her gaze, took a few steps straight back, and continued to stand back to where she was before.

Since the military person will arrive in half an hour, his bath will not take too long, and it will be the same when he comes out. No matter how cold his attitude is, she can get the signature.

Not long after, Li Nanheng changed his clothes and came out. The man's hair was short and dried quickly, but when he came out, he carried the clear fragrance of the shower gel. Feng Ling took a step forward and passed the document to him again.

Li Nanheng looked at what she handed over and her hand that suddenly came across as if to stop his way, his eyes were not sharp and cold, when Feng Ling looked at him, the heart that had just settled again.

She didn't quite understand why she felt so ups and downs in the end?

"I just want you to sign." Feng Ling looked at him and said.

"Sign a letter?" Li Nanheng asked blankly in the next second, glancing across her two hands at the same time: "Did you bring a pen?"

Feng Ling froze for a while, she seemed to always just come out with the document, she really didn't bring her pen.

"Are there no pens in your room?"

"I'm in a hurry to meet the senior officials of the army. There are important things to talk about. People have arrived. Do you think I will waste time signing with you here? Or will I waste time going back to the door and going to help you find a pen?

"It's just a minute or two ..."

Instead of looking at her, the man went directly to the stairway.

Feng Ling looked at the man's indifferent back and quickly followed up: "Li Nanheng, let's talk."

The man kept walking and had no plans to talk.

She followed his steps and walked out, saying, "I didn't plan to return here after I left the XI base. I know I can still come back now, and I have already lost my face. Of course, you must have helped me a lot, but I have already left, and there is no need to come back again, so it will be difficult for all parties to arrange me in, but I would like to go to work with Mr. Mo, and Mrs. Mo is missing someone to protect herself now, I ... "

The man's feet stopped, and she stopped in time to avoid hitting his back.

Li Nanheng looked back, looked at her lightly, looking coldly: "It is my business to do or not to do it, and it is yours to fail or not, no one will force you, go or stay, you are free."

The words "go and leave" are spoken from his mouth. It sounds bland, but it seems like a thousand equal weights. A heart called Feng Ling rises and falls instantly, and it is difficult to calm down.

Feng Ling stood and looked at him, but the man didn't stop anymore and left.

After standing for a while, she looked at his back, and saw that he was indeed walking in the direction of the conference room of the base. After another glance at the time, he could not delay anymore.

Feng Ling bowed his head, looking at the document that he had not been able to get in his hand, and then looked at the man's indifferent and arrogant back, remembering the gaze that fell straight on his face when he just said he was going to stay or stay at random.

Feng Ling didn't know why he actually felt the hotness in his throat, and a certain corner of his heart burst into tears.

The strange situation in the past nine months made her almost forget that Li Nanheng had no plans to see her at the time.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to the XI base to meet again, he really did not want to see her.

That expression, that tone, that look.

With aversion in indifference.

Han Jin saw this scene a long time ago. He didn't come until Li Nanheng walked away. He looked at the things in Feng Ling's hands, and looked at Feng Ling, who seemed to be in a somewhat uncomfortable situation standing there: " Boss is really something today, or else you will find him tomorrow? "

Feng Ling was silent for a moment, and twitched his lips: "It's okay, when can he finish talking to the military people? I'll wait for him here."

"You are so anxious to go to Haicheng? Is it uncomfortable to stay in the base for another day?"

"No, I think it's necessary to talk to him."

"What to talk about?" Han Jin gave her a cold, cold look. "Did you say everything in the jungle of Boston nine months ago? Do you think he will talk to you?"

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