Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1075: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (338)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng directly raised her hand and pushed her head away, letting her lean on the seat again.

However, after only pushing away for a few minutes, Feng Ling frowned and frowned uncomfortably in his sleep. Suddenly, he reached out his hand and hugged his arm firmly, and then put his head on the pillow again. This time, his hands were all wrapped around him. Until he found a comfortable position, his wrinkled eyebrows were slowly released.

Xiao Xu looked quietly beside him, and then he saw Li Bo, who was always cold, because he was actively holding his arms by Feng Ling, which filled his face with irritability.


Arrive at Haicheng at four in the morning in China.

Xiao Xu said in a word, Feng Ling did not wake up yet. It is estimated that the degree of red wine was not low. She drank so much. It was very good to have no drunkenness, but she had been sleeping all the way and she did not wake up. .

Xiao Xu voluntarily demanded that she be backed off the plane. Of course, this opportunity failed to get him.

First class can get off the plane first, without having to be as crowded as behind, Li Nanheng led Feng Ling and walked out. This scene can see the flight attendant can't help but cover his mouth.

Mom too! She was put on her shoulders all the way, and she did n’t even move a bit, so she let her sleep like this, and now she was holding the person off the plane again. Man!

Xiao Xu barely dragged the suitcases of three people behind, and followed them bitterly.

Boss Li was holding a person in his arms and still had wind under his feet, but Xiao Xu's three suitcases were very heavy.

Out of the airport arrival hall, there are already dispatched personnel of Mohs Group and XI base in China waiting there.

Li Nanheng looked at his watch and said, "Go to the hotel first."

A group of trembling young men in suits, scratching their chin, shouted in unison: "Yes!"

Xiao Xu handed them the luggage, followed the car, and saw Li Nanheng sitting in the back row, and at the same time put Feng Ling next to him in a stable position, he grinned suddenly and said: "Boss, you are still very good what."

Li Nanheng asked him, "What?"

"You know that Feng Ling has had very few men. The group of people who used to be in the base grew up together. They are too familiar. And they all know that Feng Ling is your heart. No one dares to treat her. What kind of crooked thoughts, but if she came to Haicheng alone, it may not be necessary. There are so many bodyguards around Mr. Mo, many are more powerful than her, and many are arranged by the XI base, anyway. There are no fewer men who look like decent, especially the few just now, many of them are Mr. Mo's henchmen. You are afraid that Feng Ling will be abducted by others in Haicheng. Get off the plane, anyway, she didn't know how to resist after drinking too much, so everyone can see that Feng Ling has a bad relationship with the boss ... and no one dares to move her mind, right? "

Xiao Xu Yue said his mouth widened and became complacent because he could understand Li Bo's mind more and more.

The guy who was driving in front said suddenly: "Mr. Li, please rest assured, we are absolutely afraid to speak for you!"

Li Nanheng glanced at the guy who was driving and threw down the sentence: "Concentrate on driving, so much nonsense, this person was asked by Mo Jingshen and Lao Tzu, you have to give it, not bubble."

The young man who drove said very seriously, "Yes! We must provide it!"

Xiao Xu coughed: "Without such seriousness! Feng Ling's temper is like this. If she is always being offered, she is likely to run first. This is not like the United States at home, if she really runs It is estimated that you should not find anyone again. "

Li Nanheng had not spoken yet, and the young man who drove suddenly came out with a very serious sentence: "Report to Mr. Li, the Mo Group is well treated, the food is also good, the meals are balanced, Mrs Mo is very kind, and she will never bully her. The lady in Haicheng will surely work and live a happy life. There will be no intentions to run. Give people to us. You have 120 hearts! "


Li Nanheng said coldly: "Ji Nuan's ability, even if you want to bully, I can't bully her."

In the car, the serious atmosphere was broken in the moment because of his somber complexion. The guy who drove the car laughed with Xiao Xu for a while, and should continue to drive.

Until nearly five o'clock in the morning, when he reached a seven-star hotel in the center of Haicheng, Li Nanheng directly took Feng Ling, who was still full of drunkenness, and awoke, and ignored all the staff in the hotel with curious eyes. , Holding people into the elevator, all the way into the room already arranged.

Xiao Xu originally came to want to send her luggage in, but after exiting the elevator, she suddenly saw the back of Li Bo holding the woman in her arms and heading for the room. Then she was sober, and hurried again. I walked back to the elevator with the suitcase and went to the lower floor. I didn't dare to follow.

Li Nanheng went into the room holding Feng Ling. He couldn't pull out the card to turn on the light. He directly lifted his feet to the door and hugged the person to the bed inside.

Although the lights are not on, this is the bustling downtown area of ​​Haicheng. The neon lights outside the window can dimly see the silhouette of people.

Putting the person down, Li Nanheng turned to turn on the light. The light in the room turned on, and when he looked back, he saw a pair of unconscious people lying in bed sleeping.

I knew I could drink a whole bottle when I knew that the alcohol was bad, and I really didn't want to spend so much time with him on the plane.

If you really do n’t have feelings, you are really calm, why not use this method to escape.

Recalling that nine months ago, when the two were wounded and got away in the jungle, she faced him, and those few words of mouth had never been loved, which made Li Nanheng's body full of barbs.

Now the woman was lying in front of him.

It is even rare to have no resistance.

He really wanted to put her hand on her neck and strangle her alive.

Feng Ling wore sportswear. She was pulled to the top by the zipper. Now she was lying on the bed. The position of the top of the zipper was just under her neck. It should look uncomfortable.

Li Nanheng stood beside the bed and looked at her coldly for a while, leaned down to help her pull down the zipper, and at the same time glanced at the small T-shirt she was wearing. Although it was not exposed, she could still see her clothes at such an angle. The radian of the bulge below.

In the three years since she left the XI base, she hasn't tangled in the breast wrap. In the last development time, she grew better and better, and she couldn't stop her from lying down.

With her body like this, even if she wraps hundreds of layers of chest wraps, she won't be able to cover this contour and curvature.

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