Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1076: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (339)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Looking at the little woman lying on the bed, and then looking at the scenery in her zipper, Li Nanheng's throat knot rolled slightly, and her hand hung on her face. She was going to help her take off her outerwear jacket. But suddenly I found myself facing such a seal, it is very difficult to control my own restraint.

He paused, and just pulled the quilt directly over her, took the cigarette out of his trouser bag with one hand, turned to the window, lit a cigarette, and let it disappear between his fingers.

It is said that smoking can be distracting and can make people sober, but there are many scenes in his mind that Feng Ling has appeared in front of him from the age of thirteen to the present.

Including those ruthless words she said coldly nine months ago.

He really didn't think about having any more relationship with her.

But as long as this woman appeared in the XI base, he found that he had been standing in a pit full of her name, and how he crawled all over him. Mom couldn't get out.


Feng Ling seemed to have smelled the smoke, but it was not very strong, but he opened his eyes subconsciously, but he still had a dizziness over his head when he opened his eyes.

She couldn't see the European-style lamp stand on the ceiling, she could only see clearly that the lights were on, and she didn't know whether it was morning or evening, and where was she now, even she had flown to Haicheng before It's almost not clear enough, just looked at the bright and dazzling lights a little bit, and for a while, I struggled to get up from bed because I wanted to go to the toilet.

Feng Ling propped herself up beside the bed, stood up staggeringly, and didn't know where the restroom was, but still walked a few steps in the room by instinct, looking at a non-lighting door next to him, and holding on directly When I walked over, I fumbled with my hand on the wall, as if it was a light switch. When I pressed it, it turned on. The toilet and bathroom were separated by two translucent glass doors. She opened the toilet and the door. He went straight in.

When Li Nanheng heard the movement, he turned around and saw that the woman was awake. It was because she had drunk too much alcohol, and until now she knew she was going to the toilet.

However, Feng Ling went into the toilet and unfastened her pants while standing next to the toilet. There was a strap in front of this kind of sports pants. She clearly remembered that it was not tight every time. open.

The bathroom and toilet of this hotel are translucent glass, and there is a door that can be pulled at any time. Now this door has not been pulled, so all the actions she stands in it are clearly visible in the sight of the man.

Seeing her standing on the side of the toilet with her hand in her belly for a long time, she could not go to the toilet smoothly, Li Nanheng walked over.

Feng Ling was still struggling with the belt that was loosening and tightening around his waist. Suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps, and suddenly felt as if there was an invisible feeling of oppression behind him. He suddenly turned around, and some drunk and confused eyes directly It was against the tall man standing in front of the door.

Upon seeing Li Nanheng's face, Feng Ling subconsciously thought that she was still wearing men's clothing in the XI base. She was a little stunned while she was pulling a band that seemed to be a knot, and said, "Boss, I ca n’t solve the problem. opened."

Hearing her words, and then looking at her completely unconscious eyes, Li Nanheng's cold eyebrows rose up calmly: "So?"

"You, please help me." Feng Ling said as he turned around and turned out of the toilet, stood in front of Li Nanheng, came together with a look of stunned and unknown condition, two white hands raised up The two ends of the strap were handed to him directly: "It seems, like ... hit ... dead knot ... I can't untie it, my pants can't be taken off ... I ... I need to go to the toilet ... panic ... "

She had a stiff tongue when she spoke.

Not not drunk.

But this time she really drank too much to be able to fly safely on the plane. The stamina of that kind of red wine is not ordinary, and she was really drunk to a certain degree this time.

Li Nanheng looked at the woman who was completely drunk to the unknown, and then looked at the two straps that were stuck in his hands.

Let him help her untie the trousers and pants?

Is he puzzled or puzzled? Off or not off?

Feng Ling saw that he didn't move, and immediately hesitated to pull down the tight waist tightly: "No, I really can't hold it, boss, is there a scissors? If not, I'll cut it Come on! "

Li Nanheng kept his lips silent and looked at her expression of eager to go to the toilet. In the end, she still raised her hand to press her shoulder, and said indifferently, "Stand firmly, don't move."

"Oh." Feng Ling stood firm with a stubborn look on her face, then lowered her head with a pair of drunk eyes, and saw the man's slender and sharp-knit fingers loosen the straps of her knotted track pants.

Originally, the bag didn't tie into a knot at all, but she just tossed it a few times, instead she pulled the knot into a knot, plus she was anxious and pulled too hard. Now that the knot is solid, it is really difficult turn on.

Li Nanheng patiently helped her untie it, and at the same time she looked at her unconscious expression.

"Thank you." The pants were untied, and Feng Ling's tongue was still knotted. She staggered and decisively and turned directly into the bathroom again. She closed the door and was sitting on the toilet, but suddenly she paused. , Subconsciously feel that the boss Li is still there, if you sit down and go to the toilet, then you don't have to show the stuffing? So he stood directly in front of the toilet like this, standing in a toilet-like posture, and stood there for a long time.

Li Nanheng didn't even have to watch her when she went to the toilet. She turned around and was about to leave, but she noticed that something was wrong. The reflection outside the door looked like she was standing.

He suddenly blinked, and saw Feng Ling's standing standing in the toilet, his eyelids jumped, looked at her for a long time, and saw that she had no other action, and opened the translucent glass door behind her, and saw her there. With his pants still on, he frowned and asked, "Don't you want to go to the bathroom? What are you doing?"

Feng Ling dragged the edges of his pants with both hands, and looked back at him with a little embarrassment: "Boss, do you know why I have to hide from you every time I go to the toilet ..."

Li Nanheng frowned: "Why?"

Feng Ling took a nap and said, "Because I am inferior, after all, my one is not as big as yours, so every time I go to the bathroom, I go in alone, so the boss, I go now Toilet, can you go out and stop standing by? "

Li Nanheng frowned, looking at this time after drinking too much, and even messed up the time, thinking she was the state of Feng when she was dressed as a man in the XI base.

After watching her tightly twisted fingers on her waist because of her uncomfortable discomfort, the man suddenly sneered and leaned to the bathroom door to the side: "How small? Take it out and see?"

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