Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1082: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (345)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

After two or three days of tossing, this group of talents found some dilapidated bottles with blood samples in the abandoned warehouse of the orphanage, compared them one by one, and finally confirmed the one of Feng Ling.

After receiving the blood sample belonging to Feng Ling, Li Nanheng saw the words “Feng Ling” written under the yellowed and peeled white sticker, and the old color piled up somewhere was very obvious.

Even if this book is too old, it can be used if it is used to check DNA.

If you really want to seal Ling's DNA, just pluck her a hair.

At this moment, Li Nanheng stood here and took away everything that Feng Ling had left here in the same way. Looking at the few poor things, he didn't know what he was thinking.

It's just a piece of space, the painful heart that is empty.

If he could find her earlier and take her away earlier, instead of letting her be a man carefully and alive every day, maybe she wouldn't turn her own character into such stubbornness and caution. Maybe it made her feel the warmth from person to person earlier, and her heart would not be so cold, so cold that it was so difficult for him to dissolve.

Li Nanheng took the blood sample left by Feng Ling and went out. When passing by the abandoned small building he had walked through before, his eyes suddenly glanced towards the door.

It was through this door.

She's inside.

He is out.

The head of the orphanage and the crowd stood behind him, and saw Mr. Li standing for a long time beside the abandoned and dilapidated small building. Finally, he walked away in an unknown way. The group of people who saw it was frightened, but didn't dare to ask a word.


Jinlin Building.

Ji Nun just went to the meeting and when I came out, I saw Feng Ling still standing outside: "Feng Ling, when I'm at work or in a meeting, even if you can't go in, find a place to sit and rest by yourself. Don't always Standing outside like this, aren't your legs tired? "

Feng Ling calmly said: "It's okay, I'm used to it."

Ji Nuan apparently has already adapted to Feng Ling's non-cold character. Seeing her look like this again, Ji Nuan smiled, just then Xiao Ba just went to make two cups of milk tea, one cup Handed it to Ji Nuan, handed a cup to Feng Ling, and said with a look of worship: "Feng Ling, drink milk tea!"

Feng Ling glanced at Xiao Bayi, and then looked at the cup of tea: "Thank you, I won't drink it."

Xiao Ba directly raised his face: "I deliberately made it for you."

Seeing Xiao Ba's persistent expression, Feng Ling hesitated before taking it, and simply thanked him, "Thank you."

Xiao Ba turned his head to content with Ji Nuan to explain his work. He explained to Feng Ling from time to time while explaining that Feng Ling did not drink milk tea. He turned around and said, "It ’s really delicious. Give it a face and taste! "

Feng Ling: "..."

She didn't drink this much at all. When she saw Xiaoba's expression, she had to take a sip, which was sweet and a little cocoa. She squeezed her lips again and said, "Yes, it's delicious."

Xiao Ba suddenly laughed.

Until Xiao Ba turned around to do other things, Ji Nuan saw that Feng Ling was holding the cup of milk tea with only a sip of milk, reached out with a smile, and put it on the windowsill next to it: "OK, you If you do n’t want to drink, you do n’t have to be reluctant. You do n’t know. Since the previous few people came to the studio to make troubles, after all your fists and feet have been solved, Xiaoba ’s worship of you is like a torrent of rivers. You are now Her idol, she will inevitably think of you now. "

Feng Ling looked at Ji Nuan, and didn't say anything more because of such a thing as Xiao Ba, only said: "Yes, Mrs. Mo, Mr. Mo explained that you should go back recently. Even if someone is protecting you at night, don't go around. You go back to the Imperial Garden earlier. "

"I see." Ji Nuan smiled and glanced at the time: "I heard that it will be Nan Heng's birthday in a few days. Since you were originally from the XI base, you should be familiar with Nan Heng, will you? ? "

Feng Ling calmly said: "Yes."

Ji Nuan didn't know about Feng Ling and Li Nanheng for the time being, and she didn't know much about Nan Heng's affairs. She only spent time with Feng Ling and was harmonious. She really liked Feng Ling.

Even Ji Nuan often heard Xiao Ba secretly muttering a few words. Feng Ling is really good. If Feng Ling can be more approachable, don't always keep his face up and make people dare not approach.

Does Feng Ling really get along well with others? Although Ji Nuan is really good and Xiao Ba is very cute, she has tried her best to be easy-going, but she still ca n’t find some of the smiles when they chat. Therefore, Xiao Ba often joked that she was a modern cold-faced female warrior and the like, what is the goddess of high cold force value max.

They are all famous nouns that Feng Ling has never heard of ...

But getting along with them is really easy.

The bodyguard work in Haicheng is not as dangerous as it was in the Ridede's home. At that time, the Ridede's home was to prevent the terrorist attacks and revenge of the opponent, while protecting an age. Little girl.

Ji Nuan is different. Ji Nuan is very decisive in her work. However, the background of the ink depth of field is too large, and many things will be slightly complicated. In order to prevent Ji Nuan from encountering any potential danger, she will ask someone to accompany her. I usually encounter some minor problems. I don't even need to take out a weapon, just a few punches will be enough for those small characters.

Two days later.

Xiao Ba suddenly blocked Feng Ling before leaving work, holding a small book in his hand.

Looking at Xiao Ba, who looks cute but is actually two years older than himself, Feng Ling frowned: "Is something wrong?"

Xiao Ba grinned, revealing two little tiger teeth: "Isn't it the time for the three bosses to gather together? Mr. Mo and Dr. Qin are our two legends in Haicheng, and Nanheng boss is the legendary United Nations affiliate. Fang is even the boss of the XI base. I guess that if I make this request, she will definitely kill me, Feng Ling. You see, when I help Ji to make coffee and tea, I will give it to you every day. Bring a copy and see that I am so good to you, can you help me get a signature with these BOSS? "

Feng Ling looked at Xiao Ba's idiot's face, and pushed her head blankly without expression: "Are you afraid that Mrs. Mo will slap you, are you not afraid that I will slap you?"

"You won't be so ruthless." Probably because Feng Ling always has a neutral feeling of dependence, Xiao Ba couldn't help but coquettish.

Feng Ling's face did not change: "No, I am even more ruthless."


(I have n’t asked for a monthly pass for a long time, please ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month ~ and friends remember to take the time to help Qingqing go to the Chinese Language Finals every day, hey ~)

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