Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1083: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (346)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Xiao Ba was crying in an instant: "It really doesn't work as long as he has a signature. You and Nanheng BOSS are so familiar. Can his signature be ..."

Thinking of asking him for an autograph, she tossed for several days, and Feng Ling's expression turned darker: "No."

Xiaoba pulled her sleeves gently with both hands: "Good Fengling ..."

Feng Ling watched her little fan girl's expression silently, raised her hand and avoided her hand: "Impossible."

Seeing Feng Ling was really determined, there was no sign of compromise at all, Xiao Ba sighed: "You see I am beside Mrs. Mo every day, but I haven't even seen our Mr. Mo's face yet! Even if you saw it once, it was a quick glance. It was as if you had come to worship the gods. As a result, you did n’t even know what the gods looked like. It ’s a shame! I just want a signature! ”

"I have been with Mrs. Mo for a long time. I should always see it with my own eyes. Mr. Mo only rarely comes to the studio here. Mrs. Mo is too busy now, and there are few opportunities to take you to the Mos Group. Want to see you and bring you when I go to Moh? "

Xiao Ba looked at her for a while, and suddenly held her arm in excitement: "Ah, you are not so indifferent. You can say that you want to take me to Mo's, it shows that Feng Ling is actually Do you already consider me a friend? "

Feng Ling looked silently at the guy who suddenly came over and hugged her arms, and for a long time did not let her go.

She also doesn't like being touched by others may really need to be changed.

"I don't have to see people, anyway, these people are great gods in my eyes, it is enough to have a signature, and that is the husband of Ji, hey, I can smell fairy every day in Ji. "Er ~" Xiao Ba said quietly, "But Dr. Qin and Nanheng BOSS are not the same. I can't touch them at all!"

Feng Ling pursed her lips and said indifferently, "I don't have much contact."

Xiao Ba didn't know much about the XI base, but just saw that Feng Ling had never really mentioned Nan Heng, and now he didn't mean anything to mention it, so he believed, and looked at her like this: When you were in the XI base, didn't you even meet the Nanheng boss? "

Feng Ling did not change his face: "He is the boss of the base. I am a trained base member. Where can I meet?"

"... Okay." Xiao Ya really believed.


On a plane from Los Angeles to Haicheng.

Li Nanheng has a stack of DNA investigation data that only he has seen from beginning to end.

The man's fingers were clasped slowly on the black wallet with the information in his hand, and the corners of his lips were somewhat unpredictable and meaningful.

If life had known that there was a destiny, he would have married his little daughter-in-law home.

She was unwilling to return to her family and face her own life.


But what she had to face was that she was destined to be his woman no matter what.

Li Nanheng's lips were smirked without even realizing it, and he looked back at the vast clear sky outside the window.

Little daughter-in-law, after so long running, it's time to close the net.



Feng Ling sneezed.

Ji Nuan, who was sitting in the car, turned to Feng Ling, who was driving: "have a cold?"

"No." Feng Ling continued to drive, and glanced at the time: "The Amethyst City Club is a few kilometers away from here, and it is almost here, but we were already late for a while today, Mr. Mo should have said that Now. "

"It's okay. I can't push things off at work. They can understand after they are busy. Besides, Nan Heng's birthday is just a scene. I'm not as close as their brothers. After I went there, I guess I will eat and drink all the time. "Ji Nuan said as he glanced at the time:" You will go in with me in a while. "

Feng Ling did not answer.

After driving to the Amethyst City Club, Ji Nuan walked in front, Feng Ling in the back, and watched the crowd around him while walking to check if there were any suspicious characters.

Until Ji Nuan was delivered to the door of the box, Feng Ling stood outside and did not enter.

Ji Nuan looked back at her: "Go in together?"

"No, I'm not used to this scene, Mrs. Mo, go in yourself." Feng Ling took a step back, looking calm.

Although Ji Nuan didn't understand what happened between her and Li Nanheng, she probably also saw where Feng Ling seemed uncomfortable, and only looked at her for a few moments before she nodded: "That way, I'll go first."

When Ji Nuan went in, I suddenly felt that Nan Heng was in a good mood today, and it was a little bit more rare.

In the few times I have seen before, it seems that this person is extremely difficult to reach, and can not say a few words.

Especially when Ji Nuan walked in, Nan Heng's eyes turned to the door and he saw Feng Ling dutifully standing with several other bodyguards outside the door.

"Why are you standing outside? Come in." Nan Heng pressed his voice, sounding like an approximate command.

Ji Nuan also looked back at Feng Ling at this time: "Yeah, come in, not an outsider."

Feng Ling still stood outside the door, didn't speak, and glanced over Li Nanheng's face, but only a very bland glance, without any intention to say hello to him, removed his eyes and returned to Ji Nuan: "This kind of The occasion is not for me. Mrs. Mo, I'm standing outside the door and calling me for something. "

After that, he closed the door directly outside.

Afterwards, Qin Shiting sat beside him and saw the Mo's madly spreading dog food there. Li Nanheng looked gloomily at the couple who was spraying the dog food, as if they had both hearts to stun them.

However, several of their brothers have always been difficult to separate. Just when Qin Shiting thought he was watching the liveliness all the way, Li Nanheng was already prepared. A woman suddenly appeared at this small birthday banquet. Qin Shiting smiled. Disappeared instantly, picked up the coat and left without looking back.

As a result, in the end, Li Nanheng stood back and watched the excitement.

Ji Nuan was drunk with a cake with a lot of cherry wine, and Mo Jingshen helped her go back.

Feng Ling appeared again next time: "Mr. Mo, I'll send you and Mrs. Mo back?"

"No, the Imperial Garden is very close to here." Mo Jingshen said indifferently: "Nan Heng also drank a lot of wine, you send him back."

Li Nanheng leaned against the door with a somewhat semi-drunk state, and glanced at her calmly.

Feng Ling's expression remained unchanged, and she remained silent for a few seconds before answering: "Okay, Mr. Mo."

Until Mo Jingshen hugged Ji Nuan and left, Feng Ling stood in place, looking at the man leaning in front of the door calmly: "Can you walk by yourself?"

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