Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1085: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (348)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Thinking of how many days he had been neglected in the base to sign a letter for him, thinking that she was too embarrassed during the ten hours on the plane in order not to spend time with him, she would rather drunk herself Now, thinking that I haven't seen him these days in the sea, I just appeared on the occasion of my birthday today, but I was so drunk that I wanted her to give it away.

Feng Ling lifted his foot angrily and stomped his calf.

The man frowned directly at her innocent face because of her embarrassment. He stood steadily forward and rushed directly to her again, pressing her firmly on the door of the car, and his tall body bowed. Rest her head on her shoulders.

Feng Ling: "..."

Although Li Nanheng is shameless, it should not be so shameless.

He should be really drunk in this state.

Pushing him a few more times, seeing him as if he was really drunk, Feng Ling held his face back with two faces, pressed the electronic key on his hand, and pushed the door behind him. Open it and stuff people directly.

The act of the woman pushing him into the car was not gentle, or even rude and terrible. Li Nanheng was pushed when he was pushed. Even though the car was so big, the man's height was here, and she was pushed inward by her head. He hit the door on the other side and Feng Ling ignored him completely. After pushing his long legs hard, he closed the door with a slam.

After closing the door, Feng Ling stood outside and looked at the black jeep in front of him. This is the style of Li Nanheng's favorite car.

He didn't stay in Haicheng for a long time, and he bought a car on purpose. Is he planning to come to Haicheng often?

It seems that I have heard before. Recently, he often flew over because of the underground army and fire business between him and Mr. Mo. I don't know if it was because of this reason.

But what was she avoiding when she ran to the unfamiliar place of Haicheng?

Feng Ling alone stood outside the car door for a while, blowing a cool breeze, feeling a little depressed before opening the car door and sitting in the driver's seat. After sitting in it, he looked back and saw that the man still remained She tucked in the position where she was lying, without moving.

It looks really drunk.

She looked back, fastened her seat belt, and drove him to the hotel.

I don't know where he lives, so I can only find a hotel nearby for him to stay.

After all, it is impossible to take him to the place where she lives now, and to lead a wolf into the room.

Even if this wolf seems to have turned into an indifferent wolf in recent months, it is still a wolf.

Feng Ling drove the car to a five-star hotel closest to the Zijingcheng Club. She didn't have much idea about the seven-star hotel and the five-star hotel. I saw that this hotel looked good and parked the car directly to the opposite parking lot. On the field, when you got out of the car, you opened the door behind you, looked at the man still lying there, and reached out to help people.

It was at this moment that Feng Ling found that it was much more difficult to lift a drunk man out of the car and lift it out than to resist a 300-pound sandbag with a heavy load.

It took her a lot of effort to lift the person up, but the man pressed the weight of her body to her shoulders until she finally pulled the person out of the car, and the man leaned against her like this , Let her help, the alcohol on her body is near her nose, making Feng Ling a little irritable for no reason, after locking the car, help people to walk towards the hotel's main entrance.

It's not far from the hotel's main entrance. The distance of about one hundred meters is more strenuous than one minute. It's mainly because it's really unclear whether he is intentional or it ’s the case when people get drunk. The state seemed to want to crush her.

After finally getting in, the staff in the hotel lobby saw that she was helping a tall man to come in, and he would help her immediately.

But Li Nanheng gave a cold glance towards Feng Ling's invisible angle, raised his hands around her waist, and even bowed his head tightly against her neck, a stranger except her. Keep indifferent.

Feng Ling didn't see his expression, just felt that the man now seemed to be binding her with his arm. He glanced at him strangely, and couldn't see his face or his expression, but only saw those originally The staff who came to help suddenly didn't know what to do, and hurried back one by one, it seemed that they didn't dare to come over.

Feng Ling felt strange.

Did he stay at this hotel before? Do these people recognize him? So dare not come and touch him?

Feng Ling didn't figure out why, so this man is really too heavy. He lifted the person to the elevator and said, "You help me open a room first, wait for me to help people lie down, then come down." Give you your ID. "

"Okay, miss, please wait a moment." Upon seeing the alcohol on the tall and handsome gentleman she was holding, the front desk staff smiled at her very understandingly, and then asked the security guard to help press the elevator, and reminded Road: "Please come down as soon as possible to re-issue the certificate. We are seeing that you are too struggling to support it, so we will make an exception once. Normally, it is not allowed to open a room without seeing the certificate."

"I see." Feng Ling didn't say much, and quickly lifted Li Nanheng in after the elevator door opened.

The security guard came in, holding a room card in his hand, followed them to the upper floor, then the elevator door opened, and the security guard went out.

Feng Ling saw that it was on the sixth floor, and while supporting people, she followed the security guard, until the security guard opened a room door and motioned back to indicate that she could help people in, she hurriedly pulled Li Nanheng's big burden into it.

The man affixed to her almost tightly throughout the process. The security guard looked outside and was embarrassed to come and help, and retreated outside the door to wait for her to go out to apply for a new certificate.

After finally pressing Li Nanheng to the bed, Feng Ling tripped over the man's leg, and slammed down on the man, then quickly got up on his stomach, watching the man lying on the bed motionless, grinding his teeth secretly, After fumbled with him for a while, he finally found the place where his wallet was placed. He just unbuttoned his jacket to get his wallet. The man's hand suddenly lifted up, and one was clasped on her wrist. on.

The temperature of the man was slightly higher because of the drunkenness, the temperature in the palm was a bit hot, and Feng Ling's movement paused. He suddenly looked at the man lying on the bed and was about to scold him whether he was pretending to be drunk. The man did not Opening his eyes, he muttered as he exhaled: "Don't touch it ... something will happen again ..."

Feng Ling "..."

She pulled her hand out of his hand, and didn't go to see if he was really drunk or what happened when he was lying there. He untied his clothes, put out the wallet, found his identity document, and then He took out his ID and turned to the security guard outside the door. Ask the security guard to go to the front desk to submit it.


(Ahaha, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a list, love you! The time from the explosion is getting closer and closer!)

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