Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1086: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (349)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"There are ID documents and money in it. You get it at the front desk and let the front desk staff take it by themselves." Feng Ling said in front of the door.

The security guard took the wallet that she handed over, checked the two IDs and nodded: "That line, I'll send it to you first. If there is anything, you can call the front desk directly."

"Okay, thank you."

Feng Ling closed the door and suddenly saw the man who had just fallen drunk on the bed and did not know when he sat up. He unbuttoned his jacket, took it off, and threw it aside. He pulled the neckline of his black shirt inside, and it seemed like he had torn a few times without patience. The three or four buttons on the neckline were so ragged apart, revealing the collarbone belonging to the man, showing a bit Unspeakable wildness and sexuality.

Feng Ling saw him, walked over and picked up the coat he had thrown on the ground, folded it, put it on the sofa aside, and turned to ask if he was awake now, but saw the man only tore his clothes apart After a little bit, I lay back directly.

Listening to the breathing sound of the man lying there, it was a little heavier than usual, and it was just a little heavier. It is estimated that I drank too much and felt hot.

Feng Ling walked over and touched his forehead with ease, it was indeed a bit hot, but fortunately it was not the kind of fever.

She turned back into the bathroom, went to wash a towel, and wiped it on the man's head. Suddenly, she found that although she and Li Nanheng had known each other for many years, she never had such an opportunity. This way he can sit next to him and stare at his face with an uneasy look.

This man is indeed very good-looking. She has seen a lot of good-looking men for so many years. There are so many men in the base. The good-looking and ugly ones are not in the minority, but there are no good-looking ones like Li Nanheng.

Compared with the profound beauty of Mo Jingshen's elegant people, Dr. Qin's gentleness is as smooth as jade. Li Nanheng is the type of little wolf dog who must be young and handsome when he is young, but now he is twenty-seven, It also looks like the one that is tougher than many good-looking men. The three men are different, but they are more gentle but actually darker than the two men, Mr. Mo and Dr. Qin. It is true that only people like Li Nanheng are more comfortable to get along with.

But she also heard other people say that Li Nanheng was also dark-skinned, and the only person he treated frankly was her.

His calmness was only to her.

Feng Ling didn't feel it before.

When she met Mr. Mo in Haicheng, she knew what it was like to turn her hands into a cloud and cover her hands with a smile, and what was the real belly black.

In other words, Li Nanheng must have dragged her behind before telling her where to find the clouds and rain before turning over the clouds and rain, and when she was preparing to cope with it, she had already helped her to smooth everything out.

These three men have completely different personalities, but they are wonderfully mixed into such a close brother, especially Li Nanheng's temper. She used to think that everyone was afraid of him at the base and in Los Angeles. When the three ruthless characters sat together, they were not afraid at all, they were just hurting each other and poking at each other.

However, it seems that Li Nanheng is really relaxed and unprepared without being alone with Dr Qin and Mr Mo.

After helping him wipe his face, Feng Ling sat on the bed and looked at it for a while, thinking of Li Nanheng's indifference and alienation from her recently. Keeping this distance is indeed the way she always wanted to get along.

She was about to get up and send the towel back to the bathroom. Her wrists suddenly tightened, and her body was pulled back to the bed by a sudden pull.

Suddenly the man rolled over and pressed her underneath, Feng Ling looked in amazement at the dark eyes of the man in the backlight due to the light on his back, and couldn't see whether his eyes were still drunk and he didn't speak. The man fell down with a kiss of alcohol.

Feng Ling turned her head to the side immediately, because it turned too far, and the man ’s kiss fell to her ears, a particularly sensitive place. She was immediately excited by the excitement, and was just as busy as if she was being stimulated. Pushing away, the man tied her hands behind her, holding her hand in one hand, and touching the back of her head with the other, turning her head over and pulling her head down again. She forced the whole person to shrink into the bed.

Even if the man was drunk, it seemed that he had no self-control ability. When he pressed it down, he would not take into account his own weight as before. He was pressing her hard and hard like this, and she could not breathe. , Wanting to struggle but was again restrained by the man's hands and feet.

Feng Ling whispered in his heart. When he bowed his head and came to kiss himself again, he whispered sharply: "It's not good to be cold all the time? I have to do this kind of bird and beast by pretending to be drunk Do you think you can deceive me, or can you deceive yourself? "

Li Nanheng's eyebrows froze slightly, and the burning breath passed her extremely sensitive ears: "Little sister-in-law, let me kiss, huh?"

Feng Ling: "..."

My daughter-in-law?

He thought she was his wife?

So he was drunk, so drunk that he didn't even know who was being pressed by him on the bed?

Feng Ling thought that she was calm enough, but the feeling of landslides in her heart made her whole head hot for a while, and suddenly began to struggle: "You let me go! Li Nanheng!"

Although Li Nanheng could hold her back, she was really angry at the moment, and the punching and kicking strength was not light at all. Li Nanheng was hurt by her, and she directly pressed her, and at the same time she simply pressed her. Press her hands apart to the sides of her body, hold her fingers firmly, and look down at her with an angry face close to her: "Don't make trouble, just kiss."

"Li Nanheng is a bastard, I thought you were at least a little human, and I didn't expect you to be so shameless ..." Feng Lingqi's face was all white, even if the man got married, now he still mistakes her as his wife, So he usually has such a good and intimate relationship with his wife at home? What were those words that I had vowed to tell her?

But after struggling for a long time, she could n’t help but bite his shoulder when she was angry, but when she was about to bite hard with her head on her side, she suddenly turned her head and greeted her directly, holding her with her teeth and dancing. The angry lips were accurately blocked and entangled deep into the kiss.

Feng Ling almost didn't bring up his breath because of this sudden and fierce kiss, and he was shaking with anger, and looked at the man fiercely.

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