Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1087: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (350)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling was kissed by the man for a while, and Feng Ling finally turned his head away and scolded, "You are the king ..."

Before the word of the egg was scolded, the man kissed him again, and his direct kiss was so stifling that he was almost choked by such repression and plunder. Then he heard the man's voice sticking to her lips and said dumbly, "Don't say bad words. "

Feng Ling's face was angered to a certain extent.

"You're drunk with this virtue, and you're embarrassed to say that I don't speak swear words? Swear words also call you the king ..."

The man kissed again, like a bit of punishment. Until Feng Ling was still weak, he simply fell his head back to the bed, breathing hard, and pushing his hand on his chest, but still struggling. Failed to push him away.

Li Nanheng always has a clean and good smell, but because of his birthday tonight, he sat down with Mr. Mo and talked a lot. He drank a lot of wine. No matter how expensive this wine is, all kinds of wine can be mixed together. This taste will not smell too good, especially Feng Ling was drunk when he drank red wine last time. Recently, he may be allergic to the taste of wine, and even want to avoid it.

He didn't give her any chance to avoid it.

She pushed against his chest: "You wake up first, you get up ..."

She was uncomfortable with the man's eyes staring like a prey in his own cage, pushing him for a long time, but he still pressed her tightly, still.

"Li Nanheng, you have a feeling. You need to see your partner clearly. You get up first, I'm not your wife ... oh!"

Feng Ling's words were stopped again by the man's unreasonable kiss. Feng Ling couldn't believe the shameless man, but he didn't give her any chance to dodge, so he sucked her so heavily. Lips, when she opened her mouth to bite him, he brushed between her tongue, sucking her whole body instantly.

If she wasn't in anger, if she felt it carefully, she might feel that there was a touch of accommodation in her somewhat vicious and overbearing kiss. No matter how she wanted to bite him, he would just be patient. Invade it little by little until the long drive straight in, sucking her lips and tongue every time.

Feng Ling pulled out a hand to beat his shoulder, and the man raised his hand again to pull her hand down and pressed it to the side of her body.

The unique breath of men and the strong smell of wine rushed between her nose and lips and teeth, making her brain swell, uncomfortable, and swollen heart followed by pain. She didn't know what kind of pain it was. Just the thought of Li Nanheng treating her like his own wife, the thought of this man in front of himself, and his intimacy in front of his own wife, the whole person seemed to explode.

Is this the legendary jealousy?

Feng Ling's angry attempt was not to open his face, and the man almost arched on the bed, trying to avoid the capture on his lips. As a result, the man clasped her more tightly, not giving her any room to escape.

It wasn't until he moved her lips to her ears that she got a gap to scold him: "Li Nanheng, do you dare to do that kind of thing again by drinking too much, I promise you never to see me again in your life ! "

Li Nanheng didn't speak, but the whole person suddenly quieted down like this, leaned on her body, her lips pressed against her ears, and didn't move.

Do that kind of thing again?

Li Nanheng slowly set his eyes on the rare face of the little woman who was full of anger instead of holding her face.

What has he done to her?

Which one?

The night was gloomy. Feng Ling didn't go to see the man's eyes. I don't know if he was awakened by her or how to push him hard. The man was finally pushed away by her this time, and he lay directly beside him. Feng Ling got up instantly and was about to get out of bed, but the man suddenly turned over, and her long arm stretched out to take her directly into her arms, forcing her to fall on the bed again, this time no longer pressing her Instead, just lie beside her and hold her in her arms.

"Are you drunk or not, don't be so shameless, I'm not your wife!"

Feng Ling had never crackled in her life, as if she had been fried, she felt everything, sour, hurt, everything, she never thought about this man's inexplicable shouting daughter-in-law Suddenly her inner control would be so poor.

Li Nanheng didn't answer, but told her with more and more resolute actions that he believed that she was his daughter-in-law, holding her tighter and tighter, and did not give people a chance to escape.

Feng Ling's heart was still crackling.

She closed her eyes, the light in the room was very bright, and she still felt dazzling when she closed her eyes. She turned her head to avoid the light source above, and also avoided the breath of the man, and suddenly felt particularly weak.

She did not return to the XI base, not because of her lost dignity that year, but because of him.

She insisted not to look back, not because she didn't like it, but because she couldn't do that.

But she was in Haicheng, he was in Haicheng, she avoided him, but he approached step by step, apparently left out, didn't he? Is it really exciting for him now to stimulate her to thoroughly feel the feeling of depression in her heart, to feel the resistance and jealousy in her heart?

Must he let someone like her fall into it completely, and he wants to die for a love, is he willing?

But she didn't know it until today.

Those sensations that they were forcibly supported by themselves.

It turned out that she didn't care much.

Can't even reach such a close wife.

Feng Ling closed her eyes and didn't want to move anymore. Even if she moved, she couldn't get rid of it. In the end, she didn't waste any energy. She just lay there quietly and let the man's arm hold her, until she couldn't make the road clear. She was almost asleep in her emotions, and she seemed to feel that a man was watching her, but she didn't want to open her eyes.

Li Nanheng looked at the little girl who finally learned to be jealous and angry, and was trapped in her arms because she was jealous and angry, and held her in his arms, no matter how dark the night was, he couldn't sink his wink.

He just watched her with arms in his arms, until she finally let her go to sleep. The man raised his hand and stroked her face, feeling the coldness on her cheek. , Slowly sat up.

Probably Feng Ling really annoyed himself, and his frown was a bit frowning when he fell asleep.

Li Nanheng held the person up, put it back on the bed, put her pillow on the pillow, and covered her with a quilt. It looked like she wasn't quite secure in her sleep, and it seemed to be a dream-bound Feng Ling. Gently stroked her soft hair.

Fool, eat your own vinegar and see when you can calm down.

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