Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1088: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (351)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Qin Shiting called and probably saw the two women at the same time in the Amethyst City Club tonight. He finally stimulated him, who was calm like Dr. Qin, and continued to drink.

When Li Nanheng answered the phone, he looked back at Feng Ling who was asleep in bed, and determined that she was gradually sleeping peacefully in a warm quilt. She adjusted the air conditioner to a comfortable temperature and went out.

Mo Jingshen called Li Nanheng before rushing to the Qin Shiting Villa: "Did not just drink at night, why go to Qin Shiting to drink?"

Li Nanheng has arrived, sat on the sofa, glanced at the bright lights in the villa area outside the window, and glanced at the gloomy and indifferent Qin Shiting standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window: "Lao Tzu was afraid he could not open it, come and look, but he A wood-like pestle has been in front of the window for half an hour, and I suspect he has already become a Buddha and cannot hear anything. "

Having said that, Li Nanheng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. If it was not for Qin Shiting, he would not have left Feng Ling in the hotel.

Li Nanheng did n’t plan to deal with these broken things when he called Shi Niange to the Amethyst City Club, but Shi Niange happened to choose a time to send a cake on his birthday, and also happened to Li Nanheng ’s recent stay in Haicheng It will be a little longer, he didn't bother to intervene in this hand, but after all, Qin Shiting has been too lonely and indifferent in recent years.

When Mo Jingshen arrived, Qin Shiting was still standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

"How long has he been standing?" Mo Jingshen walked in.

Li Nanheng turned around and watched the man with an upright figure walk in. His knuckled fingers choked his soot, and Mei Feng provoked: "It is estimated that he has been standing there since he came back, and he was like this when I came."

"Speak back." He glanced at Mo Jingshen: "You can come here so late, shouldn't Ji Nuan be so drunk that he can't recognize who you are, and kicked you straight out of bed?"

Mo Jingshen glanced at him: "Are you very experienced? Often struck by women?"

Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow and smiled and lit a cigarette.

Isn't he often stabbed?

Feng Ling is the only woman who has beaten him in this life.

As early as an hour ago in the hotel room, he had just been kicked by her several times, with the same intensity, and now his calf is still hurting.

The three men drank Tianliang in the villa, and ridiculed Qin Shiting by the way. At the same time, Li Nanheng glanced at his mobile phone, but there was no phone call from Feng Ling.

Even if she woke up, she wouldn't call.

Now she was afraid that she could not wait so far from his entire solar system.

Didn't really give her a hard time, and didn't know when the little girl would be numb.

Qin Shiting drank quite a lot tonight, because Shi Niange walked for so many years, but recently returned to China, and appeared directly in front of him. The lamp in the villa opposite it turned on again after a few years.

The celebrities in the medical field who control life and death in front of the operating table, who could have imagined that he had lost to a love word many years ago.

Mo Jingshen is in a bad mood tonight. It is said that Ji Nuan said that he would go to T city to study. Wen Xiang nephrite's daughter-in-law will temporarily go to other cities to study and study.

Mr. Mo, who is not bloody, will not blink a brow when he is in danger, but is annoyed by his wife.

Li Nanheng is different.

The little daughter-in-law finally learned to be jealous. The current mood of Li Boss is very good.


Feng Ling woke up awake, it was already more than six in the morning. When she opened her eyes, she sat up suddenly, but did not see Li Nanheng in the room, and the coat she wore before seeing the man was gone.

he's gone.

So last night, she was hugging, embarrassing, and dear to her, and she really regarded her as his wife?

Who is it? Feng Mingzhu?

After waking up, she found that the person in the room was her, so he didn't even say hello, and left?

Feng Ling got up and got out of bed and walked around the room. There really was no trace of Li Nanheng, and he glanced out the window again. He should have been away for a long time.

So shouldn't she now send him a text message and wish him and Feng Mingzhu a hundred years old to have a precious child?

Maybe it was the sudden irritability and the naive thoughts that made her laugh first, so she stood in the room for a while, grinning strangely, but there was nothing between her eyes and her eyes. After gradually calming down the mood again, he went directly to the bathroom to wash, and then went out of the room directly. He didn't care about Li Nanheng's ID card. After getting his own ID card, he went straight out and left without looking back.

Two hours later, Li Nanheng returned to the hotel.

The staff at the front desk saw him return, respectfully approached him and handed him his identity document, and whispered respectfully: "Mr. Li, Miss Feng said nothing when she left, but her face was not when she left. well."

Li Nanheng gave a faint response, glanced at the phone again, and sent a text message to Feng Ling as he walked outwards: [Drinking too much last night, sorry. ]

After sending it, Li Nanheng got in the car directly and waited slowly in the car. After five minutes, he rarely sends text messages, and according to his usual temper, he will never reply to this SMS message. He returned a message. Word: [Go! ]

Looking at the angry word and the exclamation mark.

Li Nanheng smiled while sitting in the car.

Always strive to calm down everything, be cautious and small Feng Ling.


It's completely fried.

Quite cute.

Li Nanheng looked at the word with a smile and did not reply. He threw the mobile phone to the co-pilot seat and started the engine to drive away from the hotel.


After blasting Mao, Feng Ling began to avoid any place where Li Nanheng existed.

Knowing that he was in Haicheng recently, Feng Ling simply did not even go to Mo's side, and only stayed with Ji Nuan every day as a door god, whether it was Ji Nuan's studio or conference room or other occasions, or It is the Royal Garden. Except for his current temporary residence, Feng Ling has almost become a pendant on Ji Nuan. If Mr. Mo appears, Feng Ling will not leave for a moment.

Ji Nuan also apparently found that Feng Ling's recent state was not right, and she couldn't help asking her: "You ... haven't even had any personal breaks recently, and you are guarding me like this every day? Is there something dangerous these days? Are there any people who want to appear? It makes me inexplicably a little scared. "

Feng Ling: "... No, I just feel that since Mr. Mo asked me to keep you safe, I can't be too negligent."

Ji Nuan couldn't help laughing: "You are guaranteed to be safe enough to hang on to me, how do I always feel like you are hiding recently?"

"No, you feel wrong."

Ji Nuan raised an eyebrow: "Really?"



(I visually inspected the archives for a few days, and it seemed quite sweet ~ I asked for a monthly ticket! I also asked for a vote in the romance contest! Thanks to the bullies who have been hitting Qingqing recently and moved to cry!)

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