Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1095: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (358)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li family.

"Father, Miss Feng is here. She said she has just returned from England and came to see you."

Mr. Li leaned on the lounger and raised an eyebrow, um, he saw the figure coming in the door in a blink of an eye, and even smiled politely: "I really do not know how Mingzhu called me. There is something that you will never ignore, like the few in our family, who are busy in Li's weekdays, or simply traveling around the world, and haven't said they will come back and look at me more. "

Feng Mingzhu said with a smile: "They are really busy. I haven't been able to get back in the past six months. I heard Grandpa Li you have been tossing in the hospital for a long time. I heard people say that you are of this age The problem of stroke is a Kaner. This Kaner has passed, and he will definitely be able to live a long life for 100 years. Grandpa Li, you can at least accompany our children for another 20-30 years. . "

Mr. Li smiled suddenly: "This child is sweet, twenty or thirty years? I'm in my eighties now. It's enough to leave without pain or pain. I don't want to lie down all day, so I can't go. There is no need to live crookedly. "

Feng Mingzhu sat on the bed with a smile and talked to him for a while, and the topic was not long before she was deliberately brought to the matter about Li Nanheng and her younger sister Guan Guanzuo.

The old man heard her mentioning this, and the smile in her eyes did not change: "Rest assured, your sister's clothes are also at the door of our Li family. No matter who Nanheng will marry in the future, she is already our Li family. Then, no matter in name or in all aspects, she will no longer be allowed to be a lonely wandering soul. "

"Grandpa Li, it's almost time for this three-year period, what other plans does Nan Heng have for the next step?" Feng Mingzhu introduced the topic directly.

Father Li leaned back on the lounger and smiled, looking at her: "What? Haven't you let it go?"

Feng Mingzhu faintly drew his lips: "Everyone has an obsession, Nanheng is my obsession, no matter how long it has been, how far it has traveled, it cannot be let down."

Mr. Li smiled again: "So you come here this time, hoping that I can help you make arrangements. After the three years have passed, do you still want to have something with Nanheng?"

"If there is a chance between me and Nan Heng, I can really do anything for him. Grandpa Li, I really want to call you grandfather with him in the future. Usually Nanheng and Li's family The cousins ​​are busy, and you need to be accompanied by your juniors when you are old. As long as I marry in, Li family is my home. I can always be with your grandpa, make you happy, and talk with you. Feng Ming Zhu said with a sincere expression, and said, "What's more, everyone thought that Nan Heng was married to me, and I really have a hard time marrying other people ... Grandpa, the relationship between Feng and Li has always been It ’s so close, you still help me think of ways to create more opportunities for me and Nanheng. "

"Haha, look at what you said is pitiful. OK, old man, I like you, too, and I don't want to break up with Feng family in the future. If you have this heart, Grandpa Li will take it to heart and look back. Talk to Nan Heng. "

"Grandpa Li, you also know Nan Heng's attitude towards me, but I'm afraid it's useless to say something ... It's a matter of arrangement."

Father Li raised an eyebrow: "What do you want to do?"

"Look, can you give me a chance to be with him ..."

Father Li paused and thought for a while and said, "Hey, yes, let's not talk about this. Nanheng hasn't mentioned the time when the three-year appointment is about to come back. I did n’t mention your sister ’s affairs, but he came back this time, but said that after three years, he would not consider remarrying for the time being. After all, this is the same as undermarriage. There should be no short-term marriage. The girl was willing to marry Li's family. He said that he was also happy, so he kept the child's clothes and grave, and that was the original story of Nan Heng. I think he did n’t have much interest in girls. I ’m here. I'm afraid you won't get any good looks when you are arranged next to him at this time. "

"Nan Heng ... did he say that? Wasn't he reluctant to marry Yi Guan Tzu before? He has been waiting for the three-year agreement to end?"

"It used to be reluctant, but I haven't seen him reluctantly recently. The spring breeze is full, and even going to the ancestral hall to burn incense for his own little daughter-in-law is like New Year."

"Chinese New Year?"

"Even though it looks good, I haven't figured out how he deserves to be so happy about giving his little daughter-in-law to his own dress." Father Li said and sighed: "But this also Well, at least, Nan Heng doesn't mean to be cumbersome to your sister. You can feel more comfortable in your family. "

Feng Mingzhu froze.

Why isn't it cumbersome?

How much happiness did her premature younger sister hold back from childhood to age? Now hindering her marriage again, finally managed to get rid of her shadow completely after three years, but the attitude of this family obviously didn't think that her sister's coat of arms was a taboo, nor did she have to shake it off This cumbersome meaning, even Li Nanheng seems to intend to marry only such a daughter-in-law in this life.

What will she do?

Grandpa Li just promised her to help her arrange ...

But now the words turn around, just because Li Nanheng's recent attitude, is this not the time to help her?

Feng Mingzhu wanted to say something again. At this moment, the cell phone next to Mr. Li rang. He glanced, raised his eyebrows suddenly, and smiled, "Oh, this stinky boy, I can't remember calling for 800 years. Phone. It was just a short while before I called. "

The phone call should be from Li Nanheng. Feng Mingzhu didn't speak directly, and sat quietly listening.

After receiving the call, the old man raised his eyebrows. He hung up the phone and looked at Feng Mingzhu thoughtfully.

"Grandpa Li, what did Nan Heng say on the phone? Has he been in the United States or where recently? Or ... has he been at the XI base recently?" Feng Mingzhu asked with a gentle smile on his face.

Mr. Li did not speak immediately, but just put the phone aside, and then pulled up the blanket covering his leg, and suddenly said: "Pearl, the girl named Feng Ling from the XI base Those things, have you told anyone other than our Li family? "

The smile in Feng Mingzhu's eyes suddenly dissipated, and his expression was a little stiff. "What are people outside his home?"

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