Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1096: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (359)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing Feng Mingzhu's slightly guilty expression, Mr. Li looked at her calmly again, without further comment, but closed his eyes and leaned on the reclining chair: "Okay, it's rare to come back from England and go back to Feng's house Stay with my family. I'm tired, old man. I'll be quiet for a while. "

Feng Mingzhu squeezed on the bag suddenly: "Grandpa Li ..."

"Go back." Father Li did not open his eyes and looked at her again.

Seeing this, Feng Mingzhu was not good enough to entangle more to say more. He just sat beside him for a while and wanted to find a chance to talk, but when he saw the old man really wanted to sleep, he had to get up and leave.

When leaving Lizhai, Feng Mingzhu hesitantly looked back at the big villa behind him, and suddenly there was something upset in her heart.

She wanted to marry Li's family. The biggest trump card in her hand was always because several old men liked her, and she grew up in front of them. She always trusted and liked her.

At that time, she told Feng Ling about it. They also didn't ask why she cared about things in the XI base, nor did she ask why she aimed at Feng Ling.

But at that time, a few grandfathers did n’t even care about it, but who knows that the grandfathers of Li Family have their principles in doing things, especially for the reputation of the family and the reputation of the XI base. People can shake them.

That thing ...

She did not only tell them secretly at the time, but in order to prevent Feng Ling from having the opportunity to stay in the XI base as a woman, she also spread the matter. Some bold overseas media reported that year. This happened, but it wasn't long before the two Li Fengs were married, and no one paid much attention to those small media reports.

Unexpectedly, to this day, it has become her own puppet.

Grandpa Li knew that she had spread such things back then, and he would certainly not be happy.

The attitude just now is obvious.

Feng Mingzhu went out angrily, sat in the car, and slammed the door shut.

Li Nanheng is so concerned about her younger sister's robe, and she seems to have deliberately made a phone call when she was just next to the father. I don't know what she mentioned to the father. Suddenly the wind changed.

What is Li Nanheng's idea?



Feng Ling has been in the XI base for so many years, and has never been in direct contact with those outside education environments.

Although the place for the transfer student arranged by Mr. Mo does not require her to take the exam, after all, she has to be enrolled every time. However, although she does not want to admit it in this regard, she has to admit that she has these things about corporate management. , And the various forms and data displayed on the big screen every day really have a very significant hypnotic function.

Over a period of time, it seemed that Feng Ling, who had only mastered the basic knowledge well, had mastered some other skills, but she was really unable to master it. Even if she tried hard to listen carefully, she could absorb the most knowledge of those numbers. Only half.

Not to mention that Feng Ling will be sleepy, and Ji Nuan is also sleepy. He grit his teeth and stayed strong every afternoon when his eyes could not be opened. Occasionally, when I looked back, I could see that the spirit was like a Feng Ling. Eyelids were almost out of reach there, and I couldn't help laughing.

After getting to the end of the class, Ji Nuan went to the professor to talk about things, and Feng Ling waited outside the school.

In the evening, I went out with Ji Nuan to accompany Ji Nuanca to buy something. Feng Ling sat in the car, closed his eyes, and took a rest.

Ling Feifei and a few little sisters passed by outside the car and recognized it as Ji Nuan's car, but did not see Feng Ling inside, and slanted a few times towards this side while passing outside, and Ling Feifei didn't know what was right Some of the little sisters around said something, and the women suddenly walked towards the car, staring at the car's tires as if they wanted to do something.

Feng Ling felt a kind of oppressive anomaly even with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes suddenly and saw the ghostly women approaching outside the car. She didn't drop the window in the car, but she was expressionless. As soon as they approached, they suddenly pressed the car whistle, and the humming of the car body scared the women who had been somewhat guilty. They hurried back a few steps, and then ran back to Ling with anxiety. Fifi's side.

They hadn't expected that there would be other people in the car. Isn't Ji Nuan now teaching? Who's in the car? So arrogant that he didn't even show up.

Although uncomfortable, after all, it was inexplicable that the people in this car were not easy to mess with, and they simply left quickly.

Feng Ling was sitting in the driver's seat, his eyes didn't move. I just felt that this woman's villain mentality was really inconspicuous and troublesome. The spins were a waste of time. Fortunately, Mrs. Mo's Ji Nuan did not have that. They are willing to take care of them, a group of clowns.

It was getting dark, and it was already over six.

Ji Nu suddenly called and said she was going to see more financial information in the professor's office tonight. There are several other teachers and professors who are famous in T University. It is a good opportunity for learning and communication. Feng Ling went shopping alone.

Feng Ling hung up the phone and drove away, and went to a large supermarket near T-Da.

According to the list of items needed by Ji Nuan, I bought a lot of things. Feng Ling went out with the two shopping bags in her hand, put them in the trunk, and opened the door to get on.

When driving the car back in the direction of T, Feng Ling suddenly acutely noticed that something was wrong. She subconsciously raised her eyes to look into the rearview mirror, and glimpsed a black Mercedes behind her. She glanced at her and suddenly changed In one direction, drive into the alley at the fork and then drill out from the alley, and change back to another route.

Originally only ten minutes away, she deliberately detoured the road, and after walking for nearly twenty minutes, she saw that black Mercedes was still following her.

If these people come to T city for Ji Nuan, then what they have to do is go directly to the lurking area of ​​T, instead of deliberately following her car.

Will follow her like this, obviously, these people are directed at themselves.

Every member of the XI base will have a habitual psychological preparation, that is, because they have faced too many horror points, children, and dangerous situations, one day in the future, when they may walk on the street, they will encounter a person who is looking for themselves. Chou Ling, even if he has left the XI base for so long, Feng Ling is not surprised by the sudden follow-up incident.

But now if these people really come for herself, she must be far away from Ji Nuan in recent days, or if it is implicated in Ji Nuan, Mr. Mo cannot explain.

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