Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1097: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (360)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Probably noticed that Feng Ling had been detouring for a while. The Mercedes that followed was no longer following, but chose to temporarily turn to another route to avoid her counterattack.

Feng Ling drove the car back to the vicinity of T. After making another round in the vicinity, he decided not to return to Ji Nuan's apartment for the time being, nor to Miss Wen's apartment, otherwise they would only cause trouble to them, and only Put the things you bought back into the security room in front of the T gate, and then send a text message to Ji Nuan to ask her to come out and pick it up, and let her go back to her bedroom.

After explaining this, he drove away.

Ji Nuan hadn't seen Feng Ling again in T Dali for two days, nor had she received a call from Feng Ling. Feng Ling was very cautious on weekdays and would never leave her more than five meters away.

But these two days, Feng Ling suddenly disappeared.



When Mo Jingshen went to T city again, he received a text message from Li Nanheng and glanced at him.

Nanheng: [In T city? ]

Mo Jingshen returned a word: [hm]

Nanheng: [In that apartment or where? ]

Ink depth of field back: [Apartment]

Within half an hour, Nanheng drove over and knocked in directly.

When Mo Jingshen saw his stance, he apparently drove across the province overnight, and the whole man showed a sense of coldness and decadence. When he entered the door, he went to find the water for himself.

"How come so urgently? Something?"

Li Nanheng put down the glass in his hand: "Feng Ling had intercepted several New Zealand, Mafia, and private cars. Fire vehicles when he completed the XI base mission in the United States for the past two years. Following her whereabouts, and two days have moved to the city of T, her whereabouts have now been followed. "

Mo Jingshen turned back: "There are not many people in T city. Have you transferred other people over?"


"Feng Ling's skill is good. If she notices any abnormalities, she should prepare for herself first. If you come here this time, she doesn't know?"

"I flew to Haicheng to transfer people all night, and drove over from Haicheng again. I didn't see her." Li Nanheng sat down and glanced at the time: "You handle the recent warmth of the season yourself, Feng Ling takes care of himself, and his wife Be careful, don't do anything wrong. "

"No, just be safe."

"It's all about the old hatred that was formed between the XI base and the military and fire deals in New York and Los Angeles. Their goal is to block the fire and spread to less than warm quarters." Nan Heng drove over the night. He didn't sleep all night and coughed coldly. "But it's better not to let Feng Ling continue to follow Ji Nuan these days."

Mo Jingshen quietly later said: "The revenge of the Mafia in New York has always been targeted only against a certain individual. With their skill, they can't cause trouble in the country, and they dare not involve more in the domestic chassis. People, as long as Feng Ling is protected in time, the problem will not be too big. "

Li Nanheng knows that the problem is not big, but it's time to throw her away in the country for a long time.

"Pay attention to safety," Mo Jingshen said.

Li Nanheng didn't say much.

Now is the right time to return to the group of people who had frequently set up obstacles in the United States. These years, they have done enough work to come hard now. When the time comes, they should always send them by hand. Cheng.


Feng Ling didn't go back for two days outside. After two days of chasing and observing in the dark, she could be completely sure of the origin of the group who followed her.

These are the people who were left behind. This is also China. The law and order is much more stringent than that in the United States. The incident of drag racing on the road is not convenient, and this T city is not their place. So they only temporarily Being able to follow her has been waiting for opportunity.

After temporarily leaving the group of people away, Feng Ling must return to the place where he stayed for two days to take away some of his belongings, and for the time being, he should be moved away from Miss Wen's place, and he can no longer leave his belongings For investigation by these people.

Feng Ling drove towards Miss Wen and the district where she lived a while ago, but the car was parked outside the district carefully, and then walked in through the side door alone.

However, Feng Ling did not expect that the group of people had already found her residence in the city of T, and there were already two strong men waiting at her intersection.

Just walked in, and suddenly saw the two, Feng Ling's footsteps stopped directly, and he took a step back calmly, and then his back was cold, and when he turned back, he saw another strong man in the direction behind, as if not far away Get off the car parked everywhere.

A glance at their tall, tall body and weapons in their hands, these people completely enclosed her in this alley, one of them held a long knife about the size of a watermelon on a fruit stand, The other two took the long black stun gun and approached her step by step.

In this kind of place, they absolutely dare not use guns. When the sound of gunshots causes the restlessness of nearby people and really alarms the public security in China, this group of people should not continue to follow them smoothly.

Looking at the things in their hands, Feng Ling quietly took a step back to the side of the gun, and at the same time the person behind him held an electric shock stick and rushed forward, and quickly raised his hand and hit the opponent's wrist, at the same time A quick and swift turn, pressed the person back to the ground, the other party did not expect that she was so powerful without a weapon in her hand. Isn't it like the marksmanship, as it was spread from outside? Her close-handed combat skills were so fast that she couldn't help it for a while, and the electric baton in her hand was snatched away instantly.

Although Feng Ling's skill is good, after all, the other party is three strong men. The one who just fell to the ground took the opportunity to get up, and just throwing a fist at her was enough to temporarily cope with her. Besides, the other two had an electric shock stick and The knife, several weeks. In the battle, he was hit by the opponent's electric baton, and his shoulder was also scratched by the blade.

Just when she was forced to lean back against the wall, looking coldly to escape, one of the strong men who had just been knocked down by her rushed forward and took her neck tightly, pushing her hard against the wall. His men almost broke the strength of his neck almost instantly, and swearing a few words of American English in his mouth, and heard Feng Ling's eyebrows wrinkle fiercely. These people were indeed the same group when they were on a mission in New York. At that time, their The same is true of accents.

Outside the community alley, the black jeep came galloping, and suddenly saw Feng Ling's car parked outside, and at the same time saw several cars parked near her car, and another one was located near the building group alley, like The people inside were blocked.

Li Nanheng glanced at the direction of that hutong mouth and drove directly around--


(Old rules, due to the large number of bursts, it takes one day to modify the typos in the saved manuscript and the pre-stored chapters. It will be stopped for a day tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow will be more popular! The burst for two consecutive days should not be less than 80,000 words. ~ Now start to launch a sweeter alert ~ Haha, I love you ~ Ask for a monthly pass!)

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