Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1098: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (361)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling kicked the strong man in front of his eyes, freeing himself from the opponent's neck, which was almost chopped off, and turned to avoid the opponent and then grabbed his hand.

However, in the end, all three were directly under siege. There were not so many places to avoid in the small space of this small alley. Both the electric baton and the long knife were too powerful and threatening.

The battle continued.

Both arms have been injured. Although not serious, there is already a drop of blood flowing down the arm.

When one of the strong men scolded her because she was hit by a fate, she stared sharply, kicking the opponent to the ground with a maneuvering kick, and before he yelled and stood up, he was about to go and take an electric shock. Another person with a stick, but the electric shock stick in his hand has been turned on at this time, and the sound of electric currents stabbing and pulling in the air, the intensity of this shock, if she is really charged, I am afraid it is half My body will numb for two days.

In the confrontation, the man who was just kicked down and slashed her head with a knife. Feng Lingli raised his head and seized his wrist. A sharp twist heard the dislocation of the wrist, which was higher than him. A lot of foreign men suddenly screamed and screamed, and Feng Ling's expressionless lift of his feet was a flying puppet.

As a result, at this moment, another person got up, and struck her waist directly with a stun gun. Feng Ling immediately felt that half of her body was hurting, even if she suddenly turned around and avoided it. Counterattack, how much action can still be delayed for half a minute because of the electricity.

The other side took the opportunity to directly hit her belly, she bent over and avoided it, but the man suddenly pulled her hair.

"Fuc.k ..." All kinds of fierce curses were heard, Feng Ling's scalp was aching, and no matter how hard the whole body strength was consumed, she was about to find a way to withdraw from this person. At the corner of his eyes, Yu Guang suddenly noticed a figure appearing at the mouth of Hutong.

Warm season?

She wasn't good at T, what was she doing here alone?

However, when she saw Ji Nuan clearly, she saw Ji Nuan holding a baseball bat in her hands.

She had known for a long time that Mrs. Mo, who had no power over chickens, had a solitary courage that Feng Ling could not understand, and Feng Ling no longer thought about it. There must be a break now.

Feng Ling suddenly smiled at the three strong men in front of her, her mouth stained with blood, and she smiled coldly and bitterly in the alley with unknown light.

In Feng Ling's success drawing all the attention and strength of the two men, all of a sudden, there were three “bangs” in the air, each of them had a stick behind their heads, and they had no time to turn their heads. At a glance, he was knocked to the ground by a baseball bat. While dizzy and unable to stand still, Feng Ling got up suddenly and took the opportunity to subdue them with his backhand, pressing them to the ground and completely restraining them.

"Thank you." After restraining the three men, Feng Ling ignored the blood on his body and turned his head to look at Ji Nuan, who was holding a baseball bat in his hand.

Seeing her injured, Ji Nuan stepped forward and checked her wounds and blood with concern. She saw Feng Ling's cheeks were scratched, her neck was stained with some bruises, and her cracked mouth was stained. With blood, Ji Nuan stretched out her hand and took her arm: "How? Is the injury serious?"

"It's okay, minor injuries." Feng Ling didn't shake Ji Nuan's hand, only used the other hand to knock hard behind the necks of the men.

After being severely beaten with a sap, he was hit in the most vulnerable part of the back of the neck, and the three strong men were hit unconscious and lay on the ground.

Feng Ling stood up by the strength of Ji Nuan.

Seeing Feng Ling seemed to have some skin trauma, blood dripping, Ji Nuan frowned: "What happened to them? Did you still have enemies when you were in the United States?"

"Fate family?" Feng Ling glanced at the three men on the ground: "Oh, yes, I had a lot of missions in the XI base, and the beams I had formed were not a few."

"You're not badly injured, leave here first." Ji Nuan pulled her hand again. Obviously, even if Feng Ling was protected, now that Feng Ling was injured, she didn't mean to stay away. Ling took away from this place of right and wrong.

There are really very few women who Feng Ling has met from childhood. If she is just a good friend, she is also the group of brothers in the XI base. If you have to find a same-sex friend, There was probably only one Wen Leqing, but she was more thankful for Wen Leqing.

Relatively speaking, Ji Nuan is definitely the weakest kind in front of Feng Ling. Ji Nuan does not fight or use guns, but at this moment, suddenly the feeling of being protected by a woman makes Feng Ling's heart warmed inexplicably.

Before she could say she was okay, she had been forced out of Hutong by Ji Nuan.

As a result, when the two just ran out of the alley, in the car parked in front, a companion of the same strong group suddenly opened the door and got out of the car, holding the same black electric shock in their hands. Stick, rushed towards them with a fierce look, and his mouth was rough and unpleasant scolding.

"Be careful!" At the moment the man's electric baton waved down, Ji Nuan and Feng Ling made sounds at the same time.

Before Feng Nu wanted to protect herself behind her, she subconsciously pulled Ji Nu behind her. She has not forgotten that she is Ji Nu's bodyguard. It is impossible for Ji Nu to be harmed by herself. However, the pain on my arm can't be ignored. I was shocked by the electric shock just now. I still want to beat the person back, but the movement is slower than usual for two or three seconds.

That is two or three seconds. When the other party successfully seizes the time, he sees that he will stretch out another hand to stop her.

Feng Ling used the remaining strength to temporarily pull people away, and at the same time was dragged by Ji Nuan to run backwards. She ran back and noticed that the man seemed to be going to drive to hit them. Feng Ling Meiyu ended and stopped abruptly. Footsteps: "Mrs. Mo, you go first!"

She can't hurt the warm season.

"Where do I go! I am not the brother who came out of your XI base, I do n’t know what is sacrificing or what is morality, but in my eyes you are already my very good friend, how can I leave you alone "Ji Nuan backhanded and pulled her back:" Run first! There is an alley in front of him, and his car can't get in! We will come in and try again! "

Seeing Ji Nuan insisted, Feng Ling felt that the body that had just been shocked would take at least a few days to recover after running a few steps. Now it is not as fast as usual.


(Today ’s update will probably show a new chapter every one or two minutes. There are thirty chapters (60,000 words) today, and ten chapters (20,000 words) tomorrow, all of which need to be slowly chapter by chapter.) Refresh, please wait for more babies ~)

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