Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1099: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (362)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Just as the two were about to run towards the other alley mouth that Ji Nuan said, suddenly, a black jeep in front of them rushed off the road at a rapid speed, and the moment they drove in front of them, "哧 ——" A quick brake.

Feng Ling and Ji Nuan raised their eyes and saw that the door behind the jeep in front of them was opened from the inside out. The man in the driver's position glanced at the blood on Feng Ling's body, and said coldly, "All get in the car!"

When he saw the person in the car was Li Nanheng, Feng Ling's expression was stagnation, but Ji Nuan had already moved quickly to help Feng Ling who was already injured get into the car.

When Feng Ling was sitting firmly in the car, she looked back at Ji Nuan before she got on the car and reached out to pull her: "Mrs. Mo, come!"

After that, the sound of the engine chased by the car outside was isolated, and the tense atmosphere in the air finally relaxed, and because the person who suddenly appeared here was Li Nanheng, and the driver was Li Nanheng. Feng Ling knew that no matter what, I can't die today.

Ji Nuan sat beside Feng Ling and opened her sleeves: "You have a lot of blood. Where do you go to the hospital to stop bleeding or to go?"

As the two sat in the back of the car and talked, Li Nanheng didn't look at them, staring at the car that dared to chase after him sternly, with a cold expression of cold killing on his grim complexion, suddenly the jeep There was a beautiful flick outside the Hutong. The car was supposed to bump into it, but in the rush, it slammed into the wall of the Hutong mouth and made a huge impact.

Li Nanheng backed the car back again, turned back, and hit the car stuck to the wall.

Feng Ling and Ji Nuan only felt the force of a collision in the car. When they turned around, they saw that the car had been directly hit by the jeep into the position of the hutong. The car was stuck there and could not enter or exit. I ca n’t get out. At the same time, the car has been leaked from the fuel tank and started dripping gasoline. If someone throws a cigarette **** here, the person in the car will never have a chance to survive ...

Because when the car got stuck in the alley, it was directly stuck in. The doors on both sides were tightly stuck on the wall, the doors could not be opened, and the front and rear windows were so strong. It was difficult to escape from the car.

Feng Ling raised her eyes and looked at the man in the driver's seat. She could be sure that if it was not an ordinary residential area, but a wilderness, he would throw a cigarette **** without mercy.

But this is a residential area. If the car here ignites and explodes, it will affect the residents in this area.

The man looked coldly at the car that had been completely trapped in the alley, and at the same time backed up the black jeep and drove the car out of the neighborhood.

"Feng Ling, you have too much blood, go to the hospital." Ji Nuan said with some concern.

"She can't go to the hospital." Li Nanheng said without waiting for Feng Ling to start: "Bring me first, gauze and hemostatic medicine are available, Ji Nuan, you help her bandage."

"Do you have a place to live in T city?" Ji Nuan looked at Li Nanheng. He looked like he had just been here for a long time, but people like them, Cunning Rabbit Cave, are estimated to be all over the world. So, She added: "Far away? My apartment is very close to here, and it's okay to just let her bandage me."

"You still forget it, now you can't go together to avoid causing trouble to you." Li Nanheng spit out these words indifferently, and looked at Ji Nuan through the rearview mirror: "How did you just be there? This will happen again in the future Remember to run first, you know? Otherwise, if something happens to you, your man is afraid that he will chase me to the Pacific Ocean, and there will be no peace in this life. "

Feng Ling hasn't been snoring all the time. She only covered her arm with her hand, and the bleeding was more serious.

Ji Nuan turned her head to look at her again: "Where is there any injuries? Don't keep talking. If it hurts, just say it directly. If it's too serious, just go home and bandage it. You have to go to the hospital to sew a few stitches."

Feng Ling shook his head, meaning that he didn't have any major issues, so he didn't need to worry so much.

Just then, they noticed that a few cars were going backwards in the opposite direction from them. Then, a few cars had already drove into the cellar behind them, holding the car in the alley. Surrounded by cars.

It is not difficult to find out that those who are the XI base, Feng Ling did not expect that the staff of the XI base has also been mobilized in China.

Li Nanheng This is the T city that has made all the preparations to come here?

Did he anticipate her accident before he came? Did you ... help her out?

Ji Nuan took out a wet wipe from his bag to wipe the blood on Feng Ling's face. Seeing Feng Ling's face was very white, he frowned and asked, "Someone dares to kill the sword in China. Is there anything serious about it? Can you call the police? "

"This kind of thing, the domestic police can't control it." Feng Ling said lightly, while raising his eyes to the man driving in front of him.

As if she felt her sight, Li Nanheng drove the black jeep to the road in the traffic, and met her through the rearview mirror for a moment. Feng Ling immediately turned her sight away. If there is no hook on the lip, continue to drive calmly.


Li Nanheng's so-called residence on the side of T city is a suite which was temporarily wrapped by him temporarily on the top floor of the hotel. No one is allowed to enter the entire floor here.

After arriving, Ji Nuan has been taking care of Feng Ling, helping her to undress and help her to treat wounds and bandaging.

Feng Ling has never experienced such a pure friendship between the same **** since she was a child. Before, she lived like a man in the base, but now she was cared for so much, and she was a little uncomfortable.

"Can't you raise your hand now? I'll take it off for you, don't move." Ji Nuan took off Feng Ling's clothes.

Feng Ling didn't refuse, the clothes were taken off. Fortunately, there was a relatively conservative sports-style black undershirt. Ji Nuan saw the injury on her body, and quickly turned and ran into the bathroom to wash a towel. , Help her wipe the blood around the wound.

Li Nanheng took the hotel's medicine chest and walked over to see this scene. He looked at Feng Ling and was only wearing sports underwear. His clothes were paused and he hadn't spoken yet. Ji Nuan had come quickly to **** the medicine chest in his hand Then, go back and disinfect Feng Ling to stop bleeding.

The room was very quiet. Ji Nuan was helping Feng Ling bandage, but suddenly it seemed that Li Nanheng was a big man.

Ji Nuan turned his eyes to him from time to time. The meaning was obviously a silent question. People sitting in Feng Ling wearing so little sitting here, how could a big man look at him beside him?

It was probably that Ji Nuan's eyes were too obvious, Li Nanheng coughed, but he went out.

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