Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1120: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (383)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

I heard she promised in disguise to continue living here today, and help him buy breakfast tomorrow morning. Li Nanheng smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "You hurt, can you go that far?"

"It's not that far. Going to buy breakfast in the morning, just taking a breath of fresh air is good for the body, it's okay." Feng Ling was still sulking his head and drinking soy milk. He didn't see the man laughing all the way to his ear.

"Let's do that, then Miss Feng will work hard."

Feng Ling gave a meal, suddenly raised his head to look at him, the man's expression at this time had restored his calmness, and when she raised her eyes, she looked at her calmly.

Feng Ling: "..."

How did it feel wrong?

But I couldn't figure out what was wrong ...


The next day Feng Ling did buy breakfast on time again. I saw a stall selling goods when I passed the area by the river, but today it is not as busy as it was yesterday, and there are not so many coming and going. Couple.

That night, Feng Ling had already passed two or three days because of the injuries on her body. Most of them could apply the medicine by themselves, and there was no need to bother Li Nanheng. She insisted on making it herself. Li Nanheng did not forcefully do anything, so she It was too late when he took the medicine box and sat on the bed to apply the medicine.

Wen Leqing called: "Feng Ling, how are you doing?"

Hearing Wen Leqing's voice seemed to be a little dumb, Feng Ling cared: "I'm fine, nothing, just a few days ago I suffered a skin trauma, I was afraid you were worried, I didn't tell you, now the injury is basically healed . "

"Wounded?" Wen Leqing's voice only increased a bit. "Where are you?"

When Feng Ling came downstairs today, he paid special attention to the surrounding environment and the name of the hotel: "A hotel that leans into the river on the side of T city seems to be called Jindu Hotel."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"No, what's wrong with your throat?"

"Nothing. I didn't sleep well for the past two days. In addition, I had a lecture at the medical school during the day and sat with my seniors and sisters for a whole day, and my throat was dumb."

Feng Ling instinctively felt that Wen Leqing's inability to raise the spirit now should be related to Dr. Wen, but she didn't ask much.

"Feng Ling, are you planning to return to the United States?"

"America? I haven't thought about it. I don't have any friends anywhere. Where can I find a job that suits me? Mrs. Mo is not a long-term work place here. I will definitely go as long as the crisis is resolved It ’s too much for a normal person to be followed by a bodyguard. "

She has no permanent residence, and it doesn't matter where she goes, nor has she thought about where she must go or where she must stay.

"I plan to go around the world after the lecture period on the side of T city and relax, if you have time, let's be a companion?"

"Everywhere in the world? I heard that the countries around the world are not as quiet as they seem. Many western countries are affected by the war. If you really want to go out, you should make a security plan first."

"... How can you, like my brother, be extra mindful of things that are not safe?"


"I'm going to see you tomorrow, are you in that hotel recently?"

"Well, call me before."

Before hanging up, Feng Ling comforted her a few words again, lest Wen Leqing's slightly depressed mood continued.

When she dropped the phone, she suddenly raised her eyes and looked at the man who was standing in front of her bedroom door somehow.

She was startled, shocked that she was so alert, she didn't even know when Li Nanheng would enter the door.

Sure enough, the only person in the world who can make her lose her alertness and disappear in front of her is Li Nanheng.

"You didn't knock on the door when you came in?"

"I'm about to knock. I heard you were talking on the phone, so I didn't bother."

Feng Ling gathered her pajamas. Because she was just changing her medicine, she had a few buttons on her pajamas' unbuttoned shirts, revealing most of her shoulders. She calmly closed her clothes: " It's so late. Is there something wrong with me? "

Li Nanheng didn't go in, still leaning on the door frame: "Wen Leqing wants to go out to relax and want to bring you?"


The corner of his lips ticked: "You haven't been out. You went to two or three places at most when you were on a mission. Most of them went with people from the XI base. How do you know that there are so many unknown dangers outside? In the face, now I know I have to persuade Wen Leqing not to go around, and to scare her with various war-torn countries if it is dangerous. You do n’t want her to go too far, let her stay with Dr. Wen and continue to create What about opportunities? "

Feng Ling: "I didn't think that much."

Li Nanheng's cold eyebrows moved slightly: "I've never heard you speak so softly, but patiently and comfortingly and quietly persuading, it seems that the relationship between you and Wen Leqing is really good."

While talking, the man stood upright, opened his legs and walked towards her.

Feng Ling saw him approaching and suddenly didn't know where to put his hands. He subconsciously touched the medicine box in his hand: "What are you doing ..." She paused and said, "Li Nanheng, it's late now "You do n’t go to your own business or go to the bedroom to rest. What are you doing here?"

The man stood in front of her, bent down, and leaned down a little.

Feng Ling's hand was clenched tightly on the medicine box, and he was not forced back by his aura, but his eyes were obviously a little defensive.

His breath approached, brushing her pores, her nose lingering all over the breath of a man. The conversation I heard in the mouth of the little couple yesterday morning, she still remembers it.

I like you and you, so I am willing to take care of everything for you. When can you really let yourself go and accept how good a person is to yourself ...

When the man came back again, the man was only one finger away from her, he stopped and she looked at him, his eyelids jumping.

"Miss Feng."


She really listened to Miss Feng's three words, how awkward and how awkward, always felt that every time the man called her these three words, it seemed that she had a bad intention with her name.

Li Nanheng chuckled in a low voice: "If you had just encountered those incidents in the base and you were fainted on the road, the person who drove past and rescued you in time was me, and you will not treat me like Wen Leqing ? "

"... how do I treat her?"

"Gentleness, patience, you are already close to a friend-like relationship that is willing to take her true self out of the whole. If you changed to me, would you give me all of you, and give them to me with complete confidence? "


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